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The Complete Far Side
Gary Larson calls The Complete Far Side, the massive two-volume collection of his Far Side cartoons, an "18-pound hernia giver." Sure to give any coffee table a solid workout, the handsome and heavy 1,250-page "legacy book" is a must for fervent fans; over 4,300 single-panel comics with more than half in color and 1,100 that have not appeared in any book form before (the popular--and far less weighty--paperback collections). Set in rough chronological order, the comics share pages with occ...
Written by
Gary Larson
Steve Martin
Published by Andrews McMeel Publishing
(21 October, 2003)
ISBN 0740721135
Price $135.0
Franklin and Winston: An Intimate Portrait of an Epic Friendship
For years I've been intrigued by Churchill and his wisdom. Now Jon Meacham has brought these two powerful guys together in a very intriguing way. Unbiased and well written, it really deserved five stars and belongs on every history buff's shelf.
Written by
Jon Meacham
Published by Random House
(14 October, 2003)
ISBN 0375505008
Price $29.95
Never Give In: The Best of Winston Churchill's Speeches
What strikes the reader most is this: WSC saw the moral dimension of political and economic events. I expected the eloquence and the courage; I didn't expect the insight and moral depth. So this becomes more than a collection of great speeches; more than a demonstration of the power of words used well; it shines as an example of the importance of the moral dimension of everyday events. Churchill saw that, and shared it with us all. This is a terrific book.
Written by
Winston S. Churchill
Published by Hyperion Press
(November, 2003)
ISBN 1401300561
Price $27.95
Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism
Lefties will attack this book because it seeks to deprive them of their hegemony over the media, historical revisionism, and the effectiveness of their only real device in debate: name calling. It seeks to deprive them of these things by exposing certain truths about them. Yes, occasionally, Coulter reaches for a bit of sensationalism in her expose', but given the facts she finally adduces (and they do appear to be facts), one finds it hard to blame her breathless incredulity, even her satiri...
Written by
Ann H. Coulter
Published by Crown Forum
(24 June, 2003)
ISBN 1400050308
Price $26.95
They Marched Into Sunlight: War and Peace Vietnam and America October 1967
Nearly everyone knows the official story of the Vietnam War: the war was the worst military mistake the United States has ever made, although the government would be hesitant to admit it. But most people do not realize that U.S. citizens were also waging battles among themselves during the Vietnam War. While soldiers fought in vain in a foreign land thousands of miles away, civilians at home fought a sort of civil war. David Maraniss, author of They Marched Into Sunlight, happened to see the ...
Written by
David Maraniss
Published by Simon & Schuster
(01 October, 2003)
ISBN 0743217802
Price $29.95
Reagan: A Life in Letters
Many books have been written about Ronald Reagan, but this collection of his letters must certainly be among the most varied and revealing about every aspect of the man. Organized by themes such as "Old Friends," "Running for Office," "Core Beliefs," "The Critics," and "Foreign Leaders," the book contains over 1,000 letters stretching from 1922 to 1994. Whether discussing economic policy with a political foe, dispensing marital advice, or sharing a joke with a pen pal, Reagan comes across as ...
Written by
Kiron K. Skinner
Annelise Anderson
Martin Anderson
George P. Shultz
Published by Free Press
(23 September, 2003)
ISBN 074321966X
Price $35.0
The Clinton Wars
The title of journalist turned-embattled-White House aide Sidney Blumenthal's memoir/history of his tumultuous years inside the Clinton presidency is both literal and figurative, if something of an understatement; "apocalypse" would seem more to the point. Erudite and fiercely unapologetic, Blumenthal belatedly provides the overwrought saga's protagonists what they so often publicly lacked in its historical context: passionate advocacy and precious perspective. No mere presidential history, t...
Written by
Sidney Blumenthal
Published by Farrar Straus & Giroux
(20 May, 2003)
ISBN 0374125023
Price $30.0
From Love Field: Our Final Hours with President John F. Kennedy
Nellie Connally is the ultimate authority on this earth=shaking tragic event. She was there! And she tells her story beautifully and with touching honesty.
Written by
Nellie Connally
Published by Rugged Land
(November, 2003)
ISBN 1590710142
Price $24.95
Charlie Wilson's War: The Extraordinary Story of the Largest Covert Operation in History
Prior to reading this book I had no idea who Charlie Wilson was. After reading it, I am both amazed and dismayed. On one hand I was happy to learn that members of our government could exercise the kind of flexibility, tenacity, and skill to run a massive operation against the Soviet Union below the radar of public opinion and Congressional oversight. On the other hand, I was also horrified to learn that a congressman from a Texas backwater with no national mandate could manipulate the system ...
Written by
George Crile
Published by Atlantic Monthly Press
(April, 2003)
ISBN 0871138549
Price $26.0
Flags of Our Fathers
The Battle of Iwo Jima, fought in the winter of 1945 on a rocky island south of Japan, brought a ferocious slice of hell to earth: in a month's time, more than 22,000 Japanese soldiers would die defending a patch of ground a third the size of Manhattan, while nearly 26,000 Americans fell taking it from them. The battle was a turning point in the war in the Pacific, and it produced one of World War II's enduring images: a photograph of six soldiers raising an American flag on the flank of Moun...
Written by
James Bradley
Ron Powers
Published by Bantam
(02 May, 2000)
ISBN 0553111337
Price $24.95