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March 3, 2004
The Yuppie Silence on Haiti
Emilio Sardi
Colombia/US Free Trade Deal: It's About More Than Trade
Alan Farago
Swimming in Sewage
Mike Whitney
Will Have Blood": 143 Murdered in Liberated Iraq
Heather Williams
Marines Re-take Haiti: the US-Backed Coup Continues
March 2, 2004
William Blum
If Kerry's
the Answer, What's the Question?
Conn Hallinan
the Dangerous Muddle
JoAnn Wypijewski
The Bravo
H-Bomb Test: One WMD They Couldn't Hide
Mike Whitney
Regime Change in Haiti: the Bush Dominos Keep Falling
Ra Ravishankar
Afghanistan, the Liberation That Isn't: an Interview with Mariam
from RAWA
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Merle Haggard & the Politics of Salmon: "Clearcutting
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Little Tucker Carlson
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Rebel Edit
March 1, 2004
Alexander Cockburn
Thanks War Criminal in Front of Billions
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Obit: Thanking Bob McNamara
Elaine Cassel
Writing and Reading as "Terrorism"
Mickey Z
Thomas Friedman's Education
Mike Whitney
George Will and Anti-Semitism: a Cul-de-Sac of Prejudice
Heather Williams
as Target Practice: How the US Press Missed the Story
Cathy Crosson
Chanson d'amour haïtienne
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God Hates Shrimp
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Stephen Green
Two Flags: Neo-Cons, Israel and the Bush Team
Gary Leupp
Another Senseless Bush Battle: Defining and Protecting Marriage
William A. Cook
America's Albatross
Ron Jacobs
Kucinich: Good Fight; Wrong Battlefield
Ben Tripp
A Nosegay of Posies: Queer Weddings at Last!
Leilla Matsui
Dances with Crucifixes
Mike Whitney
the Military Goliath
Yoel Marcus
Down and Out in the Hague
Uri Avnery
The Dancing Bear
Linda S. Heard
Britons and Americans Condemned to a Hobson's Choice
Al Krebs
Unmasking a Secret American Empire: Land, Water & Cotton
Stan Cox
Life (Pat. Pend.): Genetic Commandeering
The Haiti Boomerang: "After The Looting & Pillaging,
Your Hunger Will Remain"
Rick Giombetti
Censorship at the Seattle P-I on Forced Psychiatry
Keith Hoeller
The Bankruptcy of Mental Health Insurance Parity
Dave Zirin
Colorado Football: Buffalo Swill
Alan Maass
Nader and the Politics of Lesser
Michael Donnelly
Rotation: Anybody But Bush...Again?
Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Exeunt Serenaders; Enter Nader
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So Nader's Running? Get Over It
Bruce Jackson
An Open Letter to Naderites
CounterPunch Wire
Stalinists for Kerry! and Other Roars from the Crowd
Poets' Basement
Davies, Scarr, Kearney & Albert
February 27, 2004
Thomas C. Mountain
White Jesus During Black History Month?
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Abroad: Bush is Persona Non Grata
John B. Anderson
Nader's Campaign Brings Back Memories: Creating an Open Electoral
Jason Leopold
on Kofi Annan
John Chuckman
Risk and Hope
Standard Schaefer
Interview with Michael Hudson on Putin's Russia
Ray McGovern
for Honest Intelligence
Saul Landau
Haiti Redux
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Bush: Why I'm Running for Re-election
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Is Nader
on to Something?
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to Colombia: "Can't Give You Anything But Guns, Baby"
Norman Solomon
Bugging Kofi Annan: UN Spying
and the Evasions of US Journalism
Greg Weiher
A Purloined Letter: the Zarqawi Gambit
Walt Brasch
Janet Jackson, Bush & No. 542: There are No Halftime Shows
in War
Shadi Hamid
The Music World Explodes in Anger
Norman Madarasz
As Canadian as Corruption
Chris Floyd
Bullets and Ballots
Virginia Tilly
Deeper Meaning of the Wall
Amy Goodman / Jeremy
Lawyer Says US is Arming Haiti's Anti-Aristide Paramilitaries
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Clear Channel Sucks
February 25, 2004
Dr. Susan Block
Sex Therapist and the Rape of Free Speech
Bruce Anderson
Treacherous Bastards: The Greens and the Dems and Nader
Ron Jacobs
Our Power is on the Streets and
in Our Hearts
Mike Whitney
and Gay America: the Politics of Duplicity
Sam Husseini
Jesus in 100 Words
John L. Hess
Kick Off or Flub?
Sam Hamod
Bush's Newest Red Herring
Cockburn / St. Clair
with Nader
Website of the Day
February 24, 2004
Ralph Nader
I'm Running for President
Greg Moses
the Mob! Bush, Gay Marriage and the Constitution
Douglas O'Hara
Merchants of Fear: Smearing Nader
Phillip Cryan
Frozen in Time: The WSJ's Paranoid
Lens on Latin America
David Lindorff
John Kerry's China Connection
Jason Leopold
Cheney's Shame: Halliburton Faces New Charges
Gary Younge
Haiti: Throttled by History
Kromm, Masri & Purohit
Why No Democracy in Iraq?
Steve Perry
Tangled Up in Red and Blue: Beware the Electoral College
February 23, 2004
Neve Gordon
Israel's Apartheid Wall on Trial
at The Hague
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US Soldier Seeks Refugee Status in Canada
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The Liberal "Intelligentsia" v. Nader
Josh Frank
Nader's Nadir? Not a Chance
Bruce Jackson
Nader, Another View: "He's as Evil as Bush"
Gary Leupp
A Misguided
Attack, The Passion, Rabbi Lerner and the Gospels
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This Week in Redfern, a Boy Dies, Chased by Cops
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Anatomy of a Night Raid on Balad, Iraq
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An Air That Kills: Greed, Apathy, Dead People
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Entry from a White House Diary
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Why They Couldn't Wait to Invade Iraq
Frederick B. Hudson
Slave Power and the Constitution: Jefferson, Slaves, Haiti and
Roger Burbach
Argentina Fights Back
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Lessons on Justice from Guatemala
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Operation Enduring Misery: the Afghanistan Debacle
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Corporatism vs. Single Party Politics
Poet's Basement
Hilda White, Larry Kearney & Stew Albert
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The Rumsfeld Fighting Technique
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Cecilie Surasky
at the World Social Forum? That's Not What I Saw
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Hawks and Deceptive Intelligence: Did They Really Think They'd
Get Away With It?
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How Far
Will Bush Go in Iraq?
Ralph Nader
the Nation?
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Would Kerry Purge the Neo-Cons?
Norman Solomon
The Collapse of Dean's Cyber-Bubble
Christopher Brauchli
Cheney, Halliburton and the NYT
Mike Whitney
Bush's Iraq Strategy: "I Hope They Kill Each Other"
Lewis Carroll
Bush the Mighty Helmsman from Yale
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Sex Toy Horoscope
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AWOL and Dereliction of Duty
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Bush's China Syndrome
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a Victory for Free Speech
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A Bush
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1, Drudge 0
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3, 2004
Marines Retake Haiti
US-Backed Coup Continues
With President Jean-Bertrand Aristide driven out
of Haiti U.S. officials now magnanimously declare that Haiti
can start a new chapter in its history. Declaring with the same
straight face he wore when insisting there were WMDs in Iraq,
that the U.S. and its partners in an international force will
sponsor a "responsive, functioning, non-corrupt government"
in Haiti, Secretary of State Colin Powell has dismissed charges
from Representative Maxine Waters, TransAfrica founder Randall
Robinson, and members of the Congressional Black Caucus that
what took place on Sunday morning in Port Au Prince was a palace
coup rather than a resignation. Whatever the precise circumstances
of President Aristide's exit from power, there is little question
three days later that occupying powers have every intention of
cobbling together a new ruling order from an odious collection
of armed groups with grim agendas.
In Port Au Prince, U.S. Marines appear
set to remind their partners, French gendarmes and Canadian Special
Forces, how to turn an officially humanitarian mission into a
convenient foreign-sponsored caravan of death in less than five
days. An unspecified number of U.S. soldiers--probably not exceeding
300 at the moment--are reportedly working side by side with anti-Aristide
Haitian rebels, including shady former coup-maker Guy Philippe,
to secure what news organizations are now calling a "tenuous
calm" in Port Au Prince but what Haitians in the capital
city and sharper-eyed reporters stigmatize as open chaos. Philippe,
after earlier saying for a time that the rebels would lay down
arms as soon as Aristide left, has now conveniently forgotten
that edict and declared himself new chief of the military. U.S.
military leaders dispatched to the island are quickly scrambling
to narrow their mandate from any pretenses to be establishing
"democracy". Col. David Berger, the Marine Corps commander
in charge, said this morning to the New York Times that his troops
will not act as police officers. "I have no instructions
to disarm the rebels," says the colonel.
Rebels talking to AP reporters in the
capital city say that they welcome police and international peacekeepers
but intend to enforce their own kind of justice. What this means
in effect, according to eyewitness accounts from Port Au Prince
to CounterPunch, is that killings are continuing apace. While
there are over 2000 Marines in ships off the Haitian Coast, the
multinational force approved by the U.N. is taking its time to
materialize as anything like the serious peacekeeping force that
high-minded bureaucrats professed it to be. All the while, rebels
enjoy a several-day license to kill under the pretext of neutralizing
the pro-Aristide factions and halting widespread looting. Whether
the bodies that are ending up in the streets hour by hour are
random looters or members of Aristide's Lavalas party remains
to be seen. The rebels know well that if elections are held in
the near future, presumably many from Lavalas or other popular
groups will win. Thus, it is abundantly clear that the lawlessness
serves the dual purpose of reinforcing the rebels' hand (the
goal of the remobilized Haitian army and paramilitaries) and
purging the remainder of Aristide's allies (the goal of right
wing officials in the Bush administration).
According to other eyewitnesses able
to identify individuals among the rebels and the armaments in
use, the function of the international units on the ground is
to serve as a kind of relief effort, by which rebel soldiers
with newer, more powerful weaponry exit the capital city in order
to impose control over slums and the countryside. Left behind
with the international forces, lower-level, remobilized soldiers
patrol and loot, some carrying older captured arms, which tend
to be Israeli weapons, World War II issue guns, and random sidearms.
With reporters grouped in limited areas of the capital city,
carnage is rapid and out of sight.
Thus, a grim and familiar story in Haiti
repeats itself. Whether or not Aristide's claims of kidnapping
are finally substantiated, the tone of these mid-week events
was in fact set in the debriefing given by diplomats airing the
news of his exit on Sunday. These debriefings made it clear that
the Haiti occupation had nothing to do with democracy and everything
to do with making Haitians aware of which government is ultimately
boss. Diplomatic decorum usually requires U.S. officials to make
an effort to preserve a cosmetic sobriety in their pronouncements,
but several brazenly gloated over their coup. After mouthing
a few sarcastic words about Aristide having made a "patriotic
decision" to leave power voluntarily, U.S. Ambassador to
Haiti James Foley sneered at outgoing Aristide, painting him
in their "poignant" final conversation as directionless
and pathetic. "It was as if", Foley said "he was
the last guy in the world to figure out that the country would
be better off were he to relinquish power." Meanwhile in
Washington, Assistant Secretary of State Roger Noriega, who had
pursued Aristide's exit fanatically for years, dismissed the
claims of forced removal from power as evidence that Aristide
was mentally unstable. (This, for history buffs, is a reprise
of reports Noriega helped circulate in the early 1990s when he
was Capitol Hill advisor to Senator Jesse Helms. Back then Noriega
claimed that then-exiled Aristide was crazy and unfit to be reinstalled
as the democratically elected president of Haiti.)
The exiting president was put on a plane
Sunday morning with the help of a phalanx of heavily-armed U.S.
soldiers. Though Foley claimed that he told Aristide in a final
telephone, "it's your choice" when the president inquired
what his options were for asylum, Aristide clearly was allowed
none. It was claimed that Aristide favored asylum in South Africa
but was denied sanctuary by President Thabo Mbeki's government,
and therefore chose to go to Bangui, Central African Republic.
This claim, put forward by the US State Department, that Aristide
chose to go to the Central African Republican is absurd, and
the spectacle of exile is clearly meant to humiliate the outgoing
president. It brings to mind the deliberate race-baiting in Southern
U.S. states today where legions of black prisoners are forced
to perform work on highways and in fields wearing leg-irons and
Why Aristide should have had to leave
the Western Hemisphere is an open question. Indeed, if Aristide
cannot find refuge in the Americas because of his conduct as
incompetent leader, then perhaps people ought to ask why true
monsters from Haiti's recent past walk free in the United States
today. Case in point, the architect of the murderous Front for
the Advancement and Progress of Haiti (FRAPH) paramilitary squads
of the early 1990s, Emmanuel Constant, lives a free man in Queens,
New York today despite multiple homicide convictions in Haiti
and outstanding requests for his extradition from the Haitian
Heather Williams
is assistant professor of politics at Pomona College. She can
be reached at
Karl Laraque can
be reached at:
Edition Features for February 28 / 29, 2004
Stephen Green
Two Flags: Neo-Cons, Israel and the Bush Team
Gary Leupp
Another Senseless Bush Battle: Defining and Protecting Marriage
William A. Cook
America's Albatross
Ron Jacobs
Kucinich: Good Fight; Wrong Battlefield
Ben Tripp
A Nosegay of Posies: Queer Weddings at Last!
Leilla Matsui
Dances with Crucifixes
Mike Whitney
the Military Goliath
Yoel Marcus
Down and Out in the Hague
Uri Avnery
The Dancing Bear
Linda S. Heard
Britons and Americans Condemned to a Hobson's Choice
Al Krebs
Unmasking a Secret American Empire: Land, Water & Cotton
Stan Cox
Life (Pat. Pend.): Genetic Commandeering
The Haiti Boomerang: "After The Looting & Pillaging,
Your Hunger Will Remain"
Rick Giombetti
Censorship at the Seattle P-I on Forced Psychiatry
Keith Hoeller
The Bankruptcy of Mental Health Insurance Parity
Dave Zirin
Colorado Football: Buffalo Swill
Alan Maass
Nader and the Politics of Lesser
Michael Donnelly
Rotation: Anybody But Bush...Again?
Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Exeunt Serenaders; Enter Nader
Doug Giebel
So Nader's Running? Get Over It
Bruce Jackson
An Open Letter to Naderites
CounterPunch Wire
Stalinists for Kerry! and Other Roars from the Crowd
Poets' Basement
Davies, Scarr, Kearney & Albert
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