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22, 2004
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21, 2004
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You Love God, Right?
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January 8, 2004
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January 6, 2004
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Poets' Basement
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December 25, 2003
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Magnificient 9
23, 2003
Each Day the Government Becomes More
Israeli Pilot Speaks Out
I am Yonathan, one of the initiators and
signatories raeli pilot’s letter. Until some weeks ago I was a
pilot and active leader in a squadron of “Blackhawk” helicopters
in the air force. On the eve of last Yom Kippur I was called for an
interview with the commander of the air force, wherein he told me that
I was dismissed and that I was not a pilot anymore in the Israeli air
force and all this because I announced that I will not agree to take
part in obeying illegal and immoral orders.
now during the last few months the commander of the air force has been
making the rounds of the bases and the flight crews and announcing that
a large and powerful organization supports our group, and the military
will find it and expose it to all. On this present festive occasion,
I want to disclose to you who this large and powerful body is. It is
an organization on whose knees we grew up and were educated on.
want to read to you two of the basic values of--the Israel Defense Forces.
Dignity: The IDF and its soldiers are obliged to honor human dignity.
Each human being should be respected, regardless of his race, creed,
nationality, gender, status or his social role.
of arms: The soldier will use his weapons and his might only to achieve
his objective, to the degree that this is required for the purpose,
and will retain his humanity even during battle. The soldier will not
use his weapons and his might to hurt persons who are not fighters,
or prisoners, and will do everything in his power to prevent an assault
on their life, their body or their property.
go back now to the night between 22 to 23 of July 2002. It is late at
night, the F16 squadron is at the air force base. The crew which is
on-call consists of a pilot and a navigator. Scramble to Gaza. Waiting
for the order to attack. The order is received. The bombs are dropped.
Landing. De-briefing, and return to routine.
this specific mission a one-ton bomb was dropped (equal to a hundred
suicide bombs) on a house in the Al-Deredg quarter in Gaza, one of the
most crowded neighborhoods in Gaza, indeed in the whole world. During
this action 14 human beings were killed and more than 150 others were
wounded. Four families, 9 children, 2 women and 2 men, were wiped out
by the crew of the airplane that executed this mission and hit the target
in the full belief that they were defending Israelis. They honestly
believed this.
is what Dan Halutz (commander of the air force) had to say about the
mission: “I declare that everything taking place before the mission
is justified according to my moral compass…”
to the pilots he said: “Sleep well tonight … you executed
this mission perfectly.”
did not sleep well that night, and we continued not to sleep when:
August 31, 2002--when Darama was annihilated and with him 4 children.
April 8, 2003--when Arbid and Al-Halabi were annihilated and with them
2 children and 5 adults.
June 10, 2003--During an attempt to annihilate Rantisi, a girl, a woman
and 5 men were killed.
June 11, 2003--when Abu-Nahal was annihilated and with him 2 women and
5 men.
June 12, 2003--when Salah Taha and with him a one-year old infant, a
woman and 5 men were annihilated. And more, and more...
also three months ago in a blitz of five attacks 2 wanted persons were
wiped out and with them another 12 innocent people. Minister Effi Eitam
and high officers in the IDF do not like the expression ‘innocent
Palestinians’, they prefer to call them “bystanders”.
Altogether 211 persons were killed in the action, among these about
half (86) onlookers.
what kind of security did we get in return? Attacks and more attacks,
we in our Apache and they in their suicide bombs, together in a dance
of madness towards suicide.
we did not sleep at night and we wrote this letter:
air force pilots in reserve duty, who were raised on the values of Zionism,
sacrifice and contributing to the State of Israel, we have always served
on the front lines, willing to perform any assignment, difficult or
simple, in order to protect the State of Israel and to strengthen her.
veteran pilots and active pilots together, who served and still serve
the State of Israel during long weeks each year, object to perform illegal
and immoral orders of attacks that the State of Israel performs in the
who were raised to love the State of Israel and to contribute to the
Zionist enterprise, refuse to take part in the attacks of the air force
in concentrations of civilian population.
for whom the IDF and the air force are inseparable parts of us, refuse
to continue and harm innocent civilians.
actions are illegal and immoral and are a direct result of the ongoing
occupation, which corrupts Israeli society as a whole.
continuation of the occupation delivers a mortal blow to the security
of the State of Israel and to her moral strength.
who serve as active pilots--fighters, leaders, and instructors of the
next generation of pilots--declare hereby that we shall continue to
serve in the IDF and the air force in every assignment in the defense
of the State of Israel."
spoke to more than a hundred pilots, among them veteran commanders in
the air force, many were afraid to sign but supported our idea--and
as proof: nobody leaked even a word. And maybe it is important to tell
you on this occasion in short who signed the letter. This is an opportunity
to get to know some of those “traitors who aided terrorism.”
will start with the active pilots: Major Yotam--active Apache-pilot
Captain Tomer--active F-16-pilot Captain Ran--active fighter-navigator
Captain Zur--active F-16-navigator Captain Alon--active Blackhawk-pilot
Captain Amnon--active Blackhawk-pilot Captain Yonathan--active Blackhawk-pilot
Captain Asaf--active F-15-pilot and instructor in the field of fighting
at the school of flying Lieutenant-colonel Eli--fighter pilot and active
instructor at the school of flying Brigadier-general Yiphtah Spector--fighter
pilot and active instructor at the school of flying.
additional 20 veteran pilots joined this initiative, fighters who flew
in the wars of Israel, some of which were more justified and some less
justified. Amongst these pilots: Colonel and doctor Yigal Shohat--fighter
pilot who was in Syrian captivity and later served as chief medical
doctor of the air force. Lieutenant-colonel Yonathan Shahar--fighter
pilot and flight commander in the six days war. Lieutenant-colonel Abner
Raanan--fighter pilot who was awarded the Israel Prize for Security
for developing intelligent weapons systems. Professor Motti Peri--helicopter
pilot and today head of the economy faculty at the Hebrew University.
Professor Nahum Karlinski--fighter pilot and historian at Ben-Gurion
University. Lieutenant Yoel Pieterberg--senior test-pilot in the air
force, amongst the founders of the first Apache squadron, leader of
the Cobra squadron in the Lebanon war, and awarded a medal by the chief
of staff, one of the planners and executors of the ‘Karin A’
mission. Captain Moshe Bukayi--transport pilot who was awarded a citation
for Courage during the Sinai War. Major Hagai Tamir--fighter pilot and
architect was also the outstanding trainee during Dan Halutz’s
pilots training course.
weeks after publication of the pilots’ letter a report appeared
in the “Seven Days” supplement of “Yedioth Aharonoth”
newspaper, wherein five brigade commanders, colonels in the professional
army, photographed in uniform and carrying weapons, declare their support
for Sharon, the settlers and the policy of annihilations. Knesseth Member
Yuval Steinitz and his friends raised no hue and cry on this occasion.
Even the Minister of Defense did not call them supporters of terrorism,
and did not decry the fact that they expressed their opinion while in
they represent the consensus. They support the government. A government
which from day to day becomes less and less democratic, and more dictatorial.
we were to ask a citizen who lives in a state which turned into a dictatorship,
at what moment exactly did this happen? He would not be able to give
an answer. It is a incremental process, often much of which is hidden
from view.
there are elements that are not hidden and I would like to give an example:
A few months ago the Chief of Staff (a person in uniform) declared that
every member of Hamas is a target for annihilation.
your permission I would like to read you the response of the army spokesman
and the army prosecutor, regarding complaints addressed to the IDF a
decade ago, in the year 1993. At the time the prosecutor and spokesperson
claimed that role of the ‘Mista’Aravim’ unit is not
to annihilate:
IDF dismisses this claim absolutely. There was not, and there will
not be any policy or reality in the IDF of intentional annihilation
of wanted persons. The instructions for opening fire are twofold:
... the principle of the sanctity of life is a basic value in the
IDF. There is no change whatsoever, and there will be no change in
this matter.”
what does this statement suggest? Have we not crossed the red line?
Or can we perhaps continue a bit further? Many people say that we have
not yet reached the red line and that for the time being one must not
refuse...we must continue to obey. And this position reminds me of the
red water line of the Sea of Galilee. Every time the level of water
in the lake crosses the red line we lower it a little.
my country finds itself in the situation similar to a plane in a wild
nose-dive towards the ground, I have three options: I can jump out,
and leave Israel. I can continue indifferently to let the plane dive
and crash bringing about everybody’s death or I can pull the stick
with all my legal strength, and try to save myself from crashing. We
are about to crash. So we pulled the stick and people asked us how we
could do this considering that terrorism is rampant in the streets.
And I reply--you are right, and regretfully I know this from close up.
the past years I have volunteered for ‘Sela’--an organization
helping new immigrants who are victims of terrorism, I assisted the
wounded during their period of recovery, and I guided groups of orphans
and of bereaved family members.
person is a world unto him or herself and each bereavement has many
circles of grief and hurt, like a small stone thrown into the water
gives rise to nearly interminable rings. Grief, pain, want, anger, despair
and more ... so we must fight this criminal terrorism.
I must kill a suicide bomber on his way to a terrorist attack, and even
pay with my life for this, in the knowledge that I save other human
lives--I will do this with all my heart. But none of the so-called selective
annihilations was directed against a terrorist on his way to an attack
(and the IDF corroborates this).
we must fight terrorism, but at the same time we must fight not to become
more and more like the terrorists. The fact that buses explode here,
does not justify Sharon, Mofaz and Air Force Chief Dan Halutz decision
to ‘unintentionally’ kill nine children in their sleep,
and to sow terror in a population of millions who live under a reign
of closures, curfews and checkpoints.
population enclosed by walls and camps, under the guns of an enormous
and frightening army, equipped to the teeth with jet-planes which shake
the skies, and attack-helicopters who time and again send rockets into
cars and into the windows of houses, in crowded and destitute cities.
I said that I would with all my heart sacrifice my life to stop, even
with my own body, a suicide terrorist, and maybe the time has come to
speak about my faith. After all, what are we talking about? That we
lost our faith in a system that sends us to enforce a scandalous and
doubted policy.
do not believe the head of State, the Minister of Defense and the highest
of our commanders, when they send us to send rockets to places where,
afterwards, we learn that we killed women and children. When Air Force
Chief Dan Halutz lies to the press--then nonsense is written in the
newspapers. But when Dan Halutz lies to the pilots--innocent citizens
are killed, or, as we call them today: “non-involved” persons.
(quoted from the ‘Terminator’).
army consisting of fighters who are not convinced of the rightness of
their way, is a weakened army! A pilot who leaves on an assignment,
must be able to trust the system, to be 100 percent sure that it weighed
the strategic, tactical, and morally right considerations.
pilot has practically no way of knowing what is hidden behind the target
he aims at. And it is naive to require of him to decide in real time
to determine whether he considers the order fit or not to execute--because
in real time it is extremely difficult to make such considerations.
addition, pilots have to know these days another crucial fact. They
should know the nauseating statistics of the assignments they are being
sent to carry out. Fifty percent of those killed as a result of “selective
extermination” missions in populated areas are innocent civilians.
When one suppresses in the planning and execution the practically certain
result of fifty percent civilian casualties, then the “pure intentions”
of the planners is no longer pure; it is tainted.
would like to quote from a recent article, was initiated by the air
force spokesperson, in which Apache-pilots (not refusers) were interviewed
about the dilemma’s facing them: An experienced helicopter pilot
told the interviewer: “It is likely that in another couple of
years I’ll say to myself: you are an idiot, you crossed red lines”.
pilot spoke about a set of values which underwent change in the last
two years:
would not have believed that I would send rockets into Jenin, Gaza
and Tulkarem, and I am doing it. Maybe they’ll send me to shoot
rockets at Umm-El-Fahm (an Israeli city)? Today this looks crazy,
but it might happen in another year. Perhaps we’ll shoot rockets
at Arafat’s office, maybe a rocket at Arab houses in Jaffa--this
is the kind of thing that I believe I will not do. But today I shoot
rockets 100 meter away from people, just to get them to disperse,
and two years ago I would not have entertained the thought that I
would carry out such actions; we have become indifferent.”
another pilot says: “Sometimes I come from a debriefing after
a successful extermination and I know up front that the countdown for
another attack has started”.
I have seen much blood lately during my service in the squadron. In
between dropping commando troops at the outskirts of cities in the West
bank, I had to evacuate dozens of wounded, including IDF soldiers and
civilians, some of them children who were suffered horrible wounds.
At times we would evacuate the wounded to a hospital, scrub the blood
from the floor of the helicopter, and return to bring more.
I ask myself--why? Are we really so obtuse and naive to think that we
can repress 3.5 million people who have lost all fear of death? Aren’t
we going crazy too? Apparently we are.
seems to me that we are a society in an advanced psychotic state, a
kind of split personality and the only way many of us survive is to
close up and to disappear into our own bubble. And if anything is really
worthwhile blowing up--it is this bubble.
can we blow up the bubble? Very simple--get to know the facts.
let’s briefly examine what has happened to us in the past three
years? In the territories: 2289 Palestinians have been killed in the
territories by Israeli security forces, amongst them 439 minors under
the age of 18. At least 128 Palestinians have been put to death without
trial by Israel.In
the course of their execution 88 additional Palestinians were killed.
32 Palestinians were killed by Israeli civilians. 9 foreign nationals
were shot and killed by bullets from Israeli security forces. 196 Israeli
civilians were killed by Palestinians. 180 members from the Israeli
security forces were killed by Palestinians. 86 Palestinians were killed
by Palestinians on suspicion of collaboration with Israel. 29 Palestinians
were killed by Palestinian security forces.
Israel: 377 Israeli civilians, 80 members of the security forces and
32 foreign civilians were killed by Palestinian inhabitants of the territories.
48 Palestinians were killed by the security forces. The IDF confirms
that among the 2289 Palestinians that were killed by our forces only
550 were bearing arms or were fighters. What happened to the remaining
I finish, I would like to share with you some hair-raising moments from
the last two difficult months: During the interview of my dismissal
I sat opposite the commander of the air force and I heard him say repeatedly
with burning eyes that all the missions we performed, including the
most difficult ones, are highly moral, and even Professor Asa Kasher
agrees. Further on in the conversation and by his own initiative Dan
Halutz, Commander of the air force and candidate for the office of Vice
Chief of Staff –spelled out before me the value of blood as he
sees it--in descending order, from Jewish blood down to the blood of
a Palestinian.
I have heard many infantry soldiers say, and to my deep regret I have
also read in a letter that was sent by one of the pilots who objects
to our acts, that “our heroism today in the air force of 2003
is not to endanger our lives either under anti-aircraft fire or when
fighting enemy aircraft; our heroism today is expressed in that we succeed
to overcome the catastrophic feelings that arise in us as a result of
our being ‘professional assassins’ in the service of the
State of Israel. Our heroism is to overcome all this with courage, and
to get up every morning with a renewed choice to be good soldiers who
are willing and ready to take upon ourselves any mission.”
same shift of responsibility from the shoulders of the soldier and its
exchange for a sense of fulfillment of “valor” in coping
with his difficult task, is what enables pilots to perform the worst
crimes against humanity.
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