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Read Whiteout: the CIA, Drugs and the Press and discover how the CIA gave a helping hand to the opium lords who took over Afghanistan, ushering the Taliban into power and helping to finance Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network.

Five Days That
Shook The World:
Seattle and Beyond

By Alexander Cockburn
and Jeffrey St. Clair
with Photos
by Allan Sekula

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CIA, Drugs & the Press
by Alexander Cockburn
and Jeffrey St. Clair

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CounterPunch Stories on 9/11 Attacks

December 1 - 31, 2001

December 31, 2001

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An Alternative to War in Iraq
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Iraq Goes Radioactive

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Suren Pillay
Civilian Bodies

December 27, 2001

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December 24, 2001

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Prohibit Prohibition

December 12, 2001

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December 11, 2001

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University of Wisconsin
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Dec. 9, 2001

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Journalist: The CIA Wanted
Me Killed

John Chuckman
High-Tech Puritanism

December 8, 2001

Laurence Tribe
Military Tribunals
Undermine the Constitution

Patrick Cockburn
The End of a Strange War

Dec. 7, 2001

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Occupation as Terrorism

Hugo von Sponek
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Iraq the Hostage Nation
David Vest
The Coen Brothers'
Minstrel Show

Dec. 6, 2001

CounterPunch Wire
Hampshire College Condemns War
Alexander Cockburn
Sharon or Arafat:
Who Is The Real Sponsor of Terrrorism?

Robert Jensen
University Teaching After
September 11

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Does Tom Friedman Read
the New York Times?

Dec. 5, 2001

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December 4, 2001

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Dec. 4, 2001
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