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December 2003
Fray Cafe Cardiff: A Night of International Stories
Posted by Derek on Friday 5 December 03 @ 1:01PM
Our first event in the UK, Fray Cafe Cardiff was a night of incredible stories. From pets to family to drugs to invaders of the worst kind, the stories were all over the map, and from all over the world. We had 18 stories told in over two hours to an audience of around 80 people. It was truly a night to remember.
Wanna see what the event looked like? Check out the photos! Here are a few favorites:
Now you can hear the event, too! Consult our Audio Archive for the skinny. Or, if you have Real Audio, you can just start the show!
Big Thanks
I want to thank a few people who made this event possible. Of course, everyone at the BBC, who, in association with the WDA, brought everyone together for the International Digital Storytelling Conference in the first place, including Melanie Lindsell (who did all the footwork to make this happen), Carwyn Evans (who whipped up the groovy ticket), Maggie Russell (who was a driving force in bringing Fray to the UK), and especially Mandy Rose (who I stupidly forgot to thank from the stage, but is the person who first made the ovation to bring Fray to the UK back in Sedona). Thanks also to our featured performers: Daniel Meadows, Tom Cosgrave, Joe Lambert, and Huw Davies. Thanks to everyone at the Old Library, especially Carol and Trevor. And, finally, thanks to everyone who attended, participated, and made the evening so successful.
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