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Go to Seth Schoen's home page.

Advogato diary (end of March 2000 - end of March 2001)

On Advogato.

Archived here (in one big file).

Latest diary entry

Latest entry (bookmarkable link) -- currently is February 1, 2004

Table of contents

A table of contents.

Diary entries (newest first)

(See oldest first.)

(Total: 425 entries in 2508518 bytes.)

See also

For more news and updates from me, see also "Consensus at Lawyerpoint: Being a true account of the undertakings of the Broadcast Protection Discussion Group" and "Cruelty to Analog: Chronicling efforts to control digitization technology".

Other people

Here are some people who have linked to my diary from their own diaries or home pages:

I try to find these through referer logs, but I may miss some; let me know if you should be listed here.

These people haven't actually linked to me, but I'm going to link to their diaries/journals/blogs anyway because they're interesting:

To adopt a suggestion Robin Hanson and others have made, here are the pages that link to this page and are known by Google, and the pages that link to this page and are known by AltaVista.

You can write to me at, but not The latter address gets messages sent to it reported as spam.

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