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March 24, 2004

The truth about the Pledge case

On this Wictory Wednesday, we find the Pledge of Allegiance under assault

Michael Newdow, a physician and atheist, sued the Sacramento County, California, school district his daughter attended, claiming public recitation by students violates the 10-year-old child's religious liberty. While legal precedent makes reciting the pledge a voluntary act, Newdow says it becomes unconstitutional for students to be forced to hear it, arguing the teacher-led recitations carry the stamp of government approval.

The truth is that Newdow is using his daughter as a tool in his sick little game.

Believe it or not, Newdow's daughter is a Christian!

Michael Newdow is using her as a pawn in his war on religion.

I have a simple solution to this entire mess. Make the phrase "under god" optional as the courts have already stated. Unfortunately people like Newdow and the ACLU believe that prayer in schools being optional is unacceptable. It does not agree with their war on Christianity.

The ACLU ad Democrats has seen to it that the minority rules in this country. Through judicial activism, the laws of this country and the right to freedom of religion are under assault by a party that knows that it will be condemned to minority status soon. This is the only way they can maintain any control.

Fortunately it looks as if the Supreme Court is going to deny this crackpots case.

See what other Wictory Wednesday bloggers have to say:

Posted by Tim at 05:06 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

March 23, 2004

Barbara Boxer = HYPOCRITE!

Not three days after I showed you that Barbara Boxer was directly responsible for higher gas prices, this hypocritical lying witch has blamed the Bush administration for high gas prices! I simply am shocked at the depth of liberal hypocrisy. She authored legislation that killed an amendment to drill in ANWR which would have reduced gas prices and lessened our dependence on Arab oil.

Once again, I have caught a liberal red handed in a complete act of hypocrisy. Take notice voters from California your own Senator is directly responsible for high gas prices. They are higher in California than in any other state in the entire nation! VOTE THIS LIAR OUT OF OFFICE!

Democrats obviously do not have the honor to stand up and admit they were wrong. Will they now allow us to drill in ANWR to relive our dependence on OPEC? Or will the environmentalists who own most Democrats prevail? The dishonorable Senator from California needs to stand up and tell the truth instead of diverting attention from her own actions that are directly responsible for higher gas prices.

Send this hypocrite an e-mail and tell her to tell us the truth!

Posted by Tim at 10:51 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

March 22, 2004

My oh my, dem liberals can tell some big old lies!

First off Richard Clarke was given the task by President Bush to formulate a plan to destroy Al Qaeda. This news comes from Colin Powell. Just think about that for a second. He claims Bush did nothing to stop Al Qaeda, yet he was put in charge of doing the very thing he claims never happened. Mr. Clarke is trying to divert attention from his absolute failure. It is no secret he released his book to coincide with the 9/11 hearings. He did this because he is afraid of being blamed for 9/11. This assignment was given to him only weeks into the Bush administration.

Mr. Clarke's resignation letter is a complete rebuttal of what he claims. In it he praises President Bush for his leadership on 9/11 and for his policies leading up to 9/11.

Why all of a sudden the complete reversal? The answer is simple.... money.

Secondly the Washington Post did a story in which even he claimed Iraq had WMD's.

Clarke did provide new information in defense of Clinton's decision to fire Tomahawk cruise missiles at the El Shifa pharmaceutical plant in Khartoum, Sudan, in retaliation for bin Laden's role in the Aug. 7 embassy bombings. While U.S. intelligence officials disclosed shortly after the missile attack that they had obtained a soil sample from the El Shifa site that contained a precursor of VX nerve gas, Clarke said that the U.S. government is "sure" that Iraqi nerve gas experts actually produced a powdered VX-like substance at the plant that, when mixed with bleach and water, would have become fully active VX nerve gas.
Clarke said U.S. intelligence does not know how much of the substance was produced at El Shifa or what happened to it. But he said that intelligence exists linking bin Laden to El Shifa's current and past operators, the Iraqi nerve gas experts and the National Islamic Front in Sudan.

Source: Blogs for Bush

It seems CBS had a serious financial stake in Richard A. Clarke's book, "Against All Enemies" which was featured on 60 Minutes. The fact that the book was hyped during this "interview" proves that the author, and in fact CBS have a motive to lie. The motive? Dump trucks full of cash!

Learn more over at The Drudge Report.

What is even more laughable is that the Clintonites are trying to blame Bush for their own incompetence. On no less than four occasions, Bill Clinton had an opportunity to extradite Osama Bin Laden from the Sudan. Each time he refused. They are trying to pass the buck for their own bumbling stupidity.

The proof:

Even Encyclopedia's say so.
In 1996 Sudan made repeated overtures to the United States to extradite bin Laden, arrest him, monitor him, and/or provide intelligence on the activities of him and his associates, but the Clinton administration never accepted their offers.

So when you hear Madeline Albright and other Clinton cronies tell you that they tried to warn Bush about terrorists, in between pardoning criminals and ransacking the White House, remember that they had the opportunity to stop 9.11.01 before it happened and they refused!

More lies of the left in action!

Posted by Tim at 03:16 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin

The leader and founder of Hamas met a few Israeli rockets.

Posted by Tim at 02:19 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

March 21, 2004

A.N.S.W.E.R. "Peace" marchers threaten to kill counter protestors

Allah Is In The House shows us that these so called "peace marchers" are actually violent leftists who use or threaten violence towards those they disagree with. One of them went as far as to say they wanted to put a bullet in the head of Babs, a counter protestor. One counter protestor was even choked in the middle of the street, but luckily the NYPD put a stop to it.

This shows that the people of International A.N.S.W.E.R. are violent hypocrites. They protest for peace and back it up with violence.

I think this is all the evidence that we need A.N.S.W.E.R. is a left wing extremist group, bent on using the same violent tactics as Stalin did to promote their insane communist agenda.

Videos will soon appear on showing us all that International A.N.S.W.E.R. is part of the communist culture that has killed 100 million people worldwide.

Just take a look at some of the pictures from the protest:

Here we see proof that A.N.S.W.E.R. supporters support Saddam Hussein and all the crimes he has committed against the people of Iraq.

Who says that liberals are not for class warfare?
This also shows us the un-American activites by A.N.S.W.E.R., notice how they mock the American flag.

A.N.S.W.E.R. shows us the same anti-Semitism that Hitler used.

Here we see "unbiased" journalism in action.

And then we have this bastard who needs to leave America RIGHT NOW!

This idiot supports Al Qaeda.

Communism only killed 100 Million people, lets give it another chance!

Required reading for any traitor.

I think this guy needs to seek professional counseling.

I don't think we have much to fear from these scrawny anarchists.

Another twisted Communist.

Photo's courtesy of Allah Is In The House and LGF reader zombie

Here is the article from Allah Is In The House:

Allah reader "Babs" e-mails with a report from yesterday's "peace" march in New York City.

Well, it was a tough day of counter protesting but we made it through with hardly a scratch! Some of the peace marchers tended toward violence and they did not like it one little bit that we crashed their whacked out party. Unfortunately, some in our group were attacked, actually a couple of times. I didn't know that peace marchers would think to "put a bullet in your head", but I guess that's how uninformed I am about peace. If I didn't think I might get stomped to death I would have suggested that the peace marcher join the Army! They need guys that want to put bullets in people's heads.
At one point things got really pretty dicey as one of my fellow protest warriors was being choked right there in the middle of the street and the NYPD came in and rescued us! They corralled us into a bull pen sort of place and protected us from the peace marchers... Then, they assigned a scooter brigade to guard us while we expressed our right of free speech. My poor sainted husband, who I talked into coming with me was being shoved and screamed at by the ANSWER security squad (brown shirts) and he remarked that we have free speech in the U.S. to which the goon screamed in return "there is no fuckin free speech". I think this would come as a surprise to the thousands of police officers that were assigned to this march in order for people to exercise their right to assembly and free speech. But then, maybe we are just confused.
While in the police bullpen one of the big wig officers came up to me and said under his breath "I can't say this in public but we love you guys, we wish you would turn out more often". I told him the problem was that we have jobs and therefore our time is somewhat limited.
Keep an eye on the Protest Warrior website for forthcoming photos and video.

UPDATE: Babs e-mails with more details from the march, including this exchange with an exceptionally stupid peacenik.

I was carrying the sign that said "Liberating Iraqi Children from Tyranny, It's Co$ting Too Much". The sign has a picture of three Iraqi girls on it. One of the peace marchers came up to me and asked me what my sign meant.
Me: Well, think about it a bit
Him: I have thought about it and I don't understand it
Me: I am a feminist and I have a wish for the Iraqi girls in this photo. You support feminism, don't you?
Him: Yes, absolutely
Me: Well yes, of course, my wish is that these girls have the freedom to be educated. You wish that all women on earth have the freedom to be educated, don't you?
Him: Oh yes
Me: I also wish for these girls that they be given the power to control their lives. You support the notion of women being able to control their own lives, don't you?
Him: Yes!
Me: I wish for these girls to become doctors or teachers or whatever it is that they want to do. You support that don't you?
Him: Yes
Me: Well, that is what my sign is about
He seemed to go away happy!
The sign she was carrying is from the Posters gallery at Protest Warrior.

UPDATE: Via the LGF comments section, journalistic ethics on display in San Francisco.

Posted by Tim at 04:56 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (1)

In Memoriam

This week a member of the blogging community lost his parents. They were killed in Iraq by the insurgents. Larry and Jean Elliott were doing the Lord's work in Iraq, helping the community recover from the nightmare of the Saddam Hussein regime. Those who killed them were doing the work of Satan.

This tragedy has brought the focus of the war in Iraq into a clearer perspective. Despite what some people say we are making a difference in people's lives over there. According to a recent Gallup poll, 63% say they are now better off than they were under Saddam. While we continue to fight to help the Iraqi people, and Democrats continue to ignore their suffering and use it as a source for votes, let us remember two brave and noble people who made it their personal responsibility to help improve the lives of the Iraqi people and make the world a better place.

As their son Scott so eloquently put it, Jesus Christ was glorified in their lives. He will be glorified in their deaths.

May god rest their souls and bring them to eternal peace.

Larry Thomas Elliott (1943-2004) Jean Dover Elliott (1945-2004)

Their son Scott runs Election Projection which keeps a close eye on the Presidential race. It uses a formula to combine all the major polls and other data to give a comprehensive look at who is leading in the race for the White House.

Scott requests that donations in his parents honor be given to the organization that they were working for at the time of their deaths:

In response to many, many people who have asked how they can help, we have asked the International Mission Board, who sponsored my parents, to initiate a memorial fund in my parents' names to further the work to which they devoted their lives. If you are one who would like to contribute, you can send a check made out to "The International Mission Board" with the designation, "Larry and Jean Elliott Memorial Fund" or simply "Elliott Fund" somewhere on the check to:

The Larry and Jean Elliott Memorial Fund
c/o The International Mission Board
P.O. Box 6767
Richmond, VA 23230

"Greater Love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."

-John 15:13

Posted by Tim at 09:25 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (1)

March 20, 2004

Who is to blame for gas prices?

Three words, Senator Barbara Boxer. It was her amendment that killed the bill authorizing drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. Lets be frank, this is another case of environmentalists costing us hundreds of dollars each year because of their opposition to drilling a few holes that are no more than 1 foot in diameter.

So when you hear intellectually challenged Democrats claim "Bush is an oil man, he is responsible for gas prices" I want you to ask yourself why did a Democrats author and vote for an amendment to kill our attempt to become less dependant on Arab oil.

Another reason the price of gas is so high is taxes. In Maryland, my home state, I signed a petition at the gas station against a big hike in gas taxes proposed by liberals. Luckily our Governor, a Republican will not sign off on it. If you look at California their taxes are so astronomical that some people are paying $2.40 per gallon! If Democrats truly care about gas prices, they will lower taxes on gas. 50% of the cost of a gallon of gas in most states is made up of taxes. We could slash the cost per gallon with a major tax cut, but Democrats would never allow it as they would rather keep this an election year issue than fix it and save people money.

It is time we stop being dependant on the unethical crooks businessmen of OPEC. This week they made it clear that they will not increase production in order to keep the price of oil high. When you hear Democrats blame Bush, ask them why they won't let us drill in the oil rich ANWR, reduce gas taxes or why they don't blame OPEC.

I believe we need to fight back with extremely high tariffs on Arab importations until they lower the price of oil back to $1.10 a gallon.

Fight fire with fire!

Posted by Tim at 06:28 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

The anti-Semites of A.N.S.W.E.R. march today

I still do not have an answer as to why the majority of Jewish Americans vote for Democrats.

This is how they thank you:

This is just one of the blatantly anti-Semitic statements made by the communist/anarchist group known as International A.N.S.W.E.R.

Today they are marching in support of Saddam Hussein and in opposition of Jews, Israel and the Iraqi people. They call it an anti-war march but the truth is so obvious that it would take a pea wit to not understand that this is a march against freedom.

I think the picture says it all. These are extremist leftists who want Israel gone and Saddam Hussein back in power so he can murder, rape and pillage his own people.

It is truly sad that human beings think this way, but it is a fact. The other obvious fact is that they are only doing this because a Republican is in the White House. Where were they when Clinton freed Bosnia from horrible ethnic cleansing? Saddam did the same exact thing to the Kurd and Sunni Muslims, but the idiots at A.N.S.W.E.R. ignored what Clinton did and he did not even have the WMD excuse.

It is called hypocrisy folks and leftists are masters of it. If a Democrat were in the White House no such marches would be taking place, you can count on it!

I signed up to march against A.N.S.W.E.R. but they decided not to march in D.C. where I live.

Think I am wrong to call them communists?

Think again:

That looks an awful lot like the hammer and sickel logo from the Soviet flag. As would say:

Posted by Tim at 12:19 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

March 19, 2004

Kerry present at meeting where assassinations were discussed

John Kerry was present at a meeting where the topic of assassinating United States Senators was discussed. Kerry had the wits to resign from the group but not until three days of discussions went on in which he took part. Kerry denied that he had attended this meeting since the beginning of the Presidential campaign, the reversal came as new evidence, including reports from FBI informants, emerged that contradicted Mr. Kerry’s previous statements about the gathering, which was held in Kansas City, Mo. in November 1971.

Kerry outright lied about being at the meeting. He has denied it from the get go. As recently as Wednesday a top aide to Mr. Kerry said that the Massachusetts senator and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee was “absolutely certain” he was not present when the assassination plan, known as the “Phoenix Project,” was discussed.

This guy lies MORE THAN BILL CLINTON!!! What astounds me is that he has the nerve to say that Republicans are liars when he thinks microphones are off. Republicans are liars John? You need to look in the mirror. Did any Republicans attend a meeting where the assassination of United States Senators was discussed? Did they then openly lie to the American people and say they were never there. Why did it take you three days to resign? One can only assume that you took part in the conspiracy for at least a while before you resigned.

Where in the hell is the mainstream media on this? As usual they buried the story.

The New York Sun still has an ounce of journalistic integrity left.

Read more about how John Kerry and Vietnam Veterans Against the War plotted to assassinate our leaders!

Kerry and his arrogance

Apparently John Kerry is not to happy about being protected by the Secret Service. While snowboarding, Mr. Kerry fell down Kerry and then said sharply, "I don't fall down," the "son of a b*itch knocked me over."

Real nice. I guess this shows us how Kerry feels about the common man. It's never your fault is it Johnny?

If Mr. Richie Rich liberal elite doesn't like it then perhaps he should dismiss the Secret Service and leave himself at the mercy of his enemies.

People should take a hard look at this incident. It shows a major character flaw. He is blaming other people for his mistakes, not unlike the last Democrat to hold the White House.

On Friday, Kerry, his snowboard strapped to his back, hiked past 9,000 feet on Durrance Peak, then snowboarded down the mountain, taking repeated tumbles. Reporters counted six falls, although Kerry was out of sight for part of the descent.

The language does not bother me, the arrogance does.

Posted by Tim at 05:09 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Category: COMEDY

Democrats reveal their lack of patriotism

87 Democrats refused to vote for H.R. 557:4 which commends our troops for and the Iraqi people for bravery in the liberation of Iraq. Unfortunately, many Democrats cannot deal with the truth. They were opposed to the wording which basically said the world is safer without Saddam Hussein.

Apparently liberals like Nancy Pelosi who refused to vote for the measure, did not realize that Saddam funded suicide bombings in Israel. She and other Democrats must have failed to realize that Saddam invaded Kuwait and raped, murdered and pillaged the people there. Obviously Democrats are so horrible at foreign policy that they didn't realize that Saddam had stated that he wanted to take over and run the Arab world. Democrats easily forget that he gassed and butchered the Kurds and invaded Iran and used mustard gas on their troops.

I don't think there was a more dangerous regime on earth except for Al Qaeda, which really isn't a regime. Even ABC, a member of the liberal press, labeled him "the most dangerous man alive" shortly before Desert Storm.

This shows that many Democrats not only had no idea how dangerous Saddam really was, they are showing their gross lack of knowledge when it comes to foreign policy and should be voted out of office for rank incompetence.

I called my congressman and left a very detailed message about how to remove his head from his hind quarter. He voted no on this resolution.

March 17, 2004

Free Stephanie Mohr, a victim of the left!

This story is as shocking as it is offensive. It shows how civil libertarians have taken a good cop, wife and mother and thrown her in jail for doing her job. This a case where a decorated police officer used her dog to capture one of two illegal aliens who were selling cocaine, breaking into homes and burglarizing them.

This is not some Rodney King story where the cops crossed the line, this is a story about a cop who followed police procedure to the letter and no one was seriously injured.

What did Stephanie Mohr get for arresting one of these scumbags in strict accordance with police procedures? 10 years in prison. What these bigots at some civil rights groups have done and what a few liberal prosecuters who wanted to make a name for themselves have done is to subvert the American criminal justice system and put a decent, law abiding cop in jail to advance their own sick and twisted political agenda or to advance their career.

Listen to Stephanie's story in her own words:

Stephanie Mohr
Federal Prison Camp
Alderson, West Virginia

Dear Caring Friend,

It’s cold in here...
And I'm not sure if my hands are shaking from cold...
Or because I'm about to cry -- again.

Today is my birthday and I wanted you to see the picture my 4--year old son Adam drew for me. Adam says it's my birthday cake ...

But this year, I wasn't home with my son and his Daddy ... or home when Adam blew out the four candles on his own birthday cake in July...

If the courts have their way, I'll miss my son's next nine birthdays
-- until he has almost completely grown up without me.

My name is Stephanie Mohr. I was a decorated police officer in Prince George's County, Maryland until I was sentenced to spend 10- years in jail -- for doing my job—
All this -- OVER A DOG BITE and….an unfair trial.

And, if you love justice enough to help me with this -- my last chance to prove my innocence -- I may get to go home to Adam and his Daddy.
That's why I so desperately hope and pray you care.

I look around these walls -- decorated with the pictures my son draws to cheer me up and I shake my head in wonder ... How aid I get here?

I was a decorated officer, well trained in working with my police dog, Valk. Back in 1995, at a time when there were a lot of burglaries in my county, my partner and I were called to assist when two men, Jorge Cruz and Ricardo Mendez, burglary suspects, were spotted on a rooftop.

When Mendez made a run for it, I released Valk, to stop this dangerous suspect just as I had been taught -- with a procedure called “bite and hold".

Valk aid his job. Mendez was treated and released at the hospital.

Both men were charged with breaking and entering. Police found they were both illegal aliens who had been arrested before for selling cocaine. They were deported.

Apparently, they later sneaked back into the country and were arrested again -- for possession with intent to distribute cocaine! But my part in all this was over. I went back to work.

It wasn't until years later that a Justice Department prosecutor saw a way to make a name for herself.

You won't believe it but she claimed -- I violated Mendez’s civil rights when I stopped him from escaping!
I was arrested for doing my job abd catching a criminal!!!

The local media started digging up anything they could about our police department -- true or false. It got the public all riled up. But in the end, the jury vote was 11 to I in my favor so Adam's Daddy and I went back to our normal lives -- back to our baby.

Little did we know some “civil rights” groups would start demanding a new trial.
And the Justice Department caved to the pressure.

They decided they bad to make an example of someone - anyone! They didn't care if it meant throwing me in jail for doing my job!

So they dragged me back into court for a second trial and that's where it all got unfair. Since their last attack didn't work, this time, Federal prosecutors played the race card.

During the trial, someone even bused a bunch of illegal laborers down to the courthouse. They stood outside yelling threats and obscenities at me as I walked into the court. I WAS TERRIFIED!!!

They made me sound like someone who would unjustly release my police dog on minorities.

And the judge allowed the jury to hear these allegations and others. Then he wouldn't let our defense experts testify that my actions were completely within approved Procedures. It was totally unfair...

But the media loved it! They stirred up so much hatred that people started thinking if I wasn't convicted, the community could suffer riots like the ones in Los Angeles a few years back.

All I know was I couldn't breathe as I heard them convict and sentence me without a fair trial. 10 YEARS IN JAIL FOR A DOG BITE!

10 years for doing my job -- protecting our community from dangerous criminals and drug dealers. 10 years away from my son!

Since the trial, my attorney's have discovered there is a Federal law preventing police officers and firemen from serving on juries. So there wasn't even a question of getting a jury of my peers! Tne very people who would have understood correct and accepted police procedures, fellow police officers, were prevented from serving.

I know this is my last chance. Dear friend -- that's why I desperately need your help. Because if I can't take advantage of this one last chance... I may spend the next ten years in a jail cell instead of raising my son...

All because someone wanted to protect the civil rights of an illegal alien fleeing the scene of a crime!

I can't tell you how it tortures me as I sit rotting in jail ... think about how I put my life on the line every day as a police officer ...
And I had to resign in disgrace because of a dog bite.

Our family lost everything. And my son lost his Mommy. And that is where you come in. That is where your commitment to justice is critical...
If I'm to have my absolute last chance to prove my innocence ... get out of jail and go home to my family...
We desperately need your help.

Our family has no money left for the lawyers and legal documents critical to making an appeal and winning my freedom. So I have turned to the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund (LELDF).

LELDF helps good officers unfairly charged for their actions in the line of duty . Every penny of their funding comes from private donations like yours. And LELDF has been a Godsend to me.

Maybe you remember -- Chuck Schwarz in New York, and Larry Nevers in Michigan. LELDF helped them among others.

And now they're urgently raising money on my behalf because IELDF is convinced -- The law preventing police officers from serving on juries is unfair and unconstitutional! And that my trial was unfair!

And when we are successful -- when I'm free and home with Adam and his Daddy – your support will have provided lasting help to every other police officer in the country!

But LELDF can't support justice for our brave police officers -- without your help.

When I think about how much of Adam's life I've already missed -- how much I will still miss -- The baseball games, the birthday parties, the goodnight hugs and the "I love you, Mommy”... My heart breaks all over again.

Every dollar you send -- even $25.00 -- could mean the difference between my rotting in jail for 10 years for a dog bite... and going home to help raise my son.
Your support will give me, many other desperate officers under attack... the chance to prove our innocence once and for all.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for any help you can send.


Stephanie Mohr

P.S. I missed Halloween with Adam, and Christmas ... You can't imagine how it feels to know I won't be home with Adam again until he's a teenager… Unless we can prove the unfairness of my trials. But to prove my innocence and bring me home to my family I urgently need -your caring gift of $25, or $50 -- or even more - to LELDF today. Please don't leave me here to celebrate any more birthdays without my son -- because of a dog bite!

Personal Reply to:
Stephanie Mohr
C/O Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund
45005 Aviation Drive P.O. Box 18129
Washington, D.C. 20041-6129

Dear Stephanie,

You are not alone! I'm committed to helping make sure you get your one last chance to prove your trial was unconstitutional and your sentence unfair. I want you to come home to help raise your adorable son, Adam.

I'm appalled that you could be jailed for doing your job -- protecting the public.

That's why I'm enclosing my most generous tax-deductible gift ever -- made out to "LELDF" in the amount of:

_______$1,000 _________$5000 _________$250

_______$100 _________$50 _________$25

_______$Other. I know legal expenses are huge. And I know this is your last chance to regain your freedom and go home to your son.


Please sign here so I know who to keep in my prayers.

The Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible. A copy of our latest financial report is available from our national office (1815 H Street NW, Suite 1001, Washington, D.C, 20006) or by contacting:

Maryland: For cost of copies and postage, office of the Secretary of State, State House Annapolis MD 21401.
Mississippi: The official registration and financial information of The Law Enforcement legal Defense Fund may be obtained from the Mississippi Secretary of State's office by calling 1-9=888-236-6167. Registration by the -Secretary of state does not imply endorsement.
The State of New York, Office of the Attorney General, Charities Bureau,
120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271.
North Carolina: Financial information about this organization and a copy if its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at IL888-830-4989. The license is not an endorsement by the state. The official registration and financial information for the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Virginia: State Division of Consumer Affairs, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Services, PO Box 1163,
Richmond, VA 23218.
Washington: Charities Division, Office of the Secretary of State, State of Washington, Olympia, WA 98504-0422, 1-800-332-4483.
West Virginia: Residents may obtain a summary from the secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, WV 25305. Registration with any of these states does not imply endorsement.



I urge you all to send Stephanie a donation to help her fight her way out of an unjust prison sentence. This is a perfect example of how liberal zealots and anti-white minority hate groups, posing as civil rights people, have destroyed a womans life because they don't like the fact that she used a dog to chase down a minority.

I personally checked this story out and you can verify everything at the Law Enforcement Legal Defence Fund official web site. You can also read more about Stephanie's unjust imprisonment here.

Then we have complete liars like this guy who try to tell us that Mendez, a convicted drug dealer, was homeless and "sleeping on a roof" when Mohr sicked her dog on him for no reason.

I would laugh at that excuse if an innocent cop wasn't rotting in jail right now.

My fellow bloggers,

Please spread this story around and help use free Stephanie Mohr, a political prisoner of the left!

Posted by Tim at 09:25 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (1)