How was I made to feel guilty about my values?
It began in the final months of the 1970's. President Jimmy Carter declared that America was suffering from "malaise". The country was in the midst of double-digit inflation and interest rates near 20%. The United States was humiliated by the embassy takeover and hostages held in Iran, as well as a failed rescue attempt.
Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980, as a repudiation of the policies that led to our economic decline and national embarrassment. A new era began when President Reagan was inaugurated. As a final single-digit salute to the outgoing President, the hostages were released by Iran as he took the Oath of Office.
President Reagan had a vision for America. As he set about to make that a reality, he relied upon his conservative core values to determine the course of the transformation. He cut taxes and slashed government spending on social programs. He encouraged people to take responsibility for their future, and they did. Productivity increased and joblessness fell. The economy of the United States began an expansion that lasted nearly two decades.
We strengthened our military and improved our defense capabilities, and the Soviet Union collapsed as a result of trying to keep pace. Tens of millions gained freedom as when the "evil empire" was vanquished. Seventy years of Communist oppression were ended without firing a single shot.
America responded with a renewed sense of pride and vitality. A rebirth of patriotism swept the land. People of faith emerged to openly participate in the political process.
Staunch liberals in America were angry that their agenda has failed so miserably. A reckless, warmongering president had defeated the history's most oppressive regime in the 20th century without spilling a drop of blood. America's international stature rose as it's might increased, and it's enemies retreated in fear. The economy was revived through less government spending and intervention, not more. And morality was being spoken for the first time since the early 1960s.
By the time George H. W. Bush ran for President in 1988, the "Liberal" label had come to mean those who were against all that had been achieved in the previous eight years Bush was able to successfully paint his opponent, Michael Dukakis, Democrat of Massachusetts as a "card-carrying member of the ACLU". Dukakis was soundly defeated and the conservative juggernaut continued. It was then that the Democrats and their eager comrades of the liberal dominated media launched into full battle mode. In news reports, television shows and Hollywood productions, conservatives were portrayed as homophobic, racist, religious fanatics who wanted to starve children and police your bedroom. Conservatism was so demonized that until recently, few people, even those with conservative values, would allow themselves to be associated with the "C-word".
But the truth is conservatives are Americans who share a basic set of core values. I believe you share many of these same values.
I'm asking you to take an inventory of your political opinions.