Updated: 12/22/03

Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts   

Rules and Regulations


Write us

Operation Guidelines

Rental Information


This document is intended to inform and guide presenters in the producing of their event in the Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts. We look forward to presenting your product in the most informative and professional manner possible.

1. AUDIENCE SERVICES are those which involve direct contact with theatre patrons: house management, ushering, food and beverage concessions, ticketing and facilitation of retail merchandising.

2. HOUSE MANAGERS are paid staff employed by the City of Walnut Creek.

3. USHERS are community volunteers.

4. For regular performances, beverage service is provided by the Center's contracted concessionaire approximately 45 minutes prior to curtain time and during intermissions. Beverage service is not provided in the following instances:
A. when advance ticket sales indicate that attendance will be below 20% of capacity;
B. at weekday performances which take place prior to 4pm, except by special arrangement;
C. at school-sponsored events where the audience is anticipated to consist largely of families with young children.

5. Those wishing to augment their event with lobby displays and/or retail merchandising should make prior arrangement with the Audience Services Coordinator at least two weeks in advance of the event date. Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts retains a commission on all retail sales.

6. Per your contract, the CENTER TICKET OFFICE is the sole ticket agency for all events which take place at the Center. All events held at the Center will be required to use the Ticket Office The Center Ticket Office is located adjacent to the main entrance of the Walnut Creek Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts, at 1601 Civic Drive.

A. Business hours are Monday through Sunday, from noon to 6pm.
B. On performance evenings, the Center Ticket Office remains open after 6pm, until 30 minutes after curtain time.
C. During the 30 minute period prior to curtain time, future sales and ticket exchanges may be temporarily suspended, in order
     to devote the attention required for on-time performances.
D. The Center Ticket Office accepts the following forms of payment: cash, check (payable to "CITY OF WALNUT CREEK"), Visa, MasterCard and American
      Express. In addition, the Center Ticket Office sells gift certificates redeemable for tickets to any event at the Center.
E. Patrons ordering tickets by phone will be charged a fee of $2.00 per phone order, regardless of the number of tickets ordered.
F. The CENTER TICKET OFFICE will not mail tickets to patrons during the same business week in which the performance takes place.
G. Generally speaking, the Center Ticket Office advertises a "no refund - no exchange" policy, with the following exceptions:
1) single performance ticket buyers may exchange tickets for another performance of the same event up to 48 hours prior to the date printed on their tickets; the charge for such exchanges is $5.00 per ticket.
2) series ticket holders may exchange their series tickets for another performance of the same event up to 24 hours prior to the date printed on their tickets; there is no charge for series ticket exchanges.
3) under no circumstances may tickets by exchanged after the performance date printed on the ticket has passed.
4) under extreme circumstances (death, serious illness, etc.) refunds may be made with the written permission of the production contact prior to the event date.

7. PROMOTION: The Audience Services Coordinator would like to make contact with the presenter approximately 8 to 10 weeks prior to the event, in order to establish a time schedule for publicity, ticket sales and other aspects of promotion channeled through the Center Ticket Office.

A. All printed material which promotes events at the Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts must be submitted to the Center Administration Office for proofreading. Our intent is to ensure accuracy of dates, times, mail order form, etc.
B. In order to avoid confusion for the ticket buyer, we suggest that the performance venue be listed as "Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts", and that reference to the individual theatre name be avoided.
C. The Center can provide you with logos for the Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts and the Center Ticket Office charge-by-phone line for use on promotional literature  (some logos available here)

8. POSTERS AND HANDBILLS: The Center Ticket Office will post posters and handbills, as space permits, in the inside Ticket Office Lobby area only.  Ideally, tickets should be available for public sale about 60 days in advance of the event. As space in the Center Ticket Office lobby display case permits, posters and handbills will be displayed according to calendar priority.

A. The Center Ticket Office would like to receive 2-3 posters.
B. Posters should be no larger in size than 11" x 17", vertical.
C. Handbills should be approximately 5" x 8".
D. Regular monitoring on the part of the presenter will ensure that ticket office has an adequate supply of handbills.

9. MAILERS: At the presenter's discretion, a supply of mailers may be furnished to the Center Ticket Office, for inclusion in ticket orders mailed from the office on a daily basis. Mailers should be a single sheet, and no larger than 8-1/2" x 3-1/2". (See 12. PUBLICITY DEADLINES below.)

10. VOICEMAIL: As space on the system permits, your event will be announced on the "upcoming events" voicemail information line, which is updated on a weekly basis. In addition, your event will be announced on the "today's events" information line, which is updated daily.

11. MARQUEE: MARQUEE: Two electronic reader boards above the main entrance to the Center facing Civic Drive/Locust Drive and California Blvd, are updated and on a weekly basis. Approximately 4-6 weeks in advance of your play date, and as space permits, your event information will be displayed on this marquee. The message will appear no longer than 6 sec before changing to a new screen. The standard preview announcement displays the event title and play date(s),(
4-6 weeks in advance). On performance days the curtain times are displayed and updated on an hourly basis. No advertisement, other than your event title, will appear on the sign. No more than two message screens, about your event, will appear together. No phone numbers, other than the Center’s Ticket Office number will appear on the sign, without General Manager approval. As a common practice, the sign is used to promote a show or event not the producer. Sponsor's names will not appear on the Marquee without General manager approval. Events, which are not in the Center, will not appear on the sign without General Manager approval.


No additional fee for postage
You provide single or double-sided copies, cut to 8-1/2" x 3-1/2" and the Ticket Office will insert them into random daily mailings to ticket buyers AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR TO PERFORMANCE (Copy shall be approved by Center Administration Office prior to printing)
8 1/2 X 14 folded    
Stage 3      1-6  event periods  $450.00
                  7-9 event periods  $575.00
Lesher       1-3 event periods   $300.00
Hofmann    1- event period      $300.00
Del Valle     (per performance)  $495.00
10 11/16 X 16 3/8 folded
Stage 3    1-6 event periods  $650.00
               7-9 event periods  $1,000.00
Lesher      1-3 event periods $365.00
Hofmann  1 event period      $365.00 
Del Valle (per performance)   $625.00
Charge for additional pages - see PROGRAM 35.D below


Mailed monthly to area media
Updated weekly to area media
No Charge - included in your rental
Available at Center Ticket Office and at local businesses

Charge for display ads - phone Marketing (925) 295-1400

Diablo Arts = Center Magazine handed out at all RCA events
No Charge - included in your rental


Please provide at least 3 Black and White photos to assist us in publicizing your events. From time to time various publications request photos from the Regional Center and we also use them in our display areas to promote upcoming events.

A. As space permits, season brochures will be displayed during peak promotion periods (usually June through September for series which begin in the fall).

B. All brochures and mail order forms should prominently and clearly display the following address:
        Center Ticket Office
        1601 Civic Drive
        Walnut Creek, Ca 94596

C. All mail order forms should request the following patron information:
        Last Name, First Name
        Home Phone Number *
        Day Phone Number

* The Home phone number is very important to our record keeping and ability to supply you with patron information. We do not use this number for solicitation. Rather, because it is unique to one patron household (as a work phone number is not), we can track lost tickets, buying history, etc. to guarantee the best possible individual service.

D. All mail order forms should request the following credit card information:
        Type of credit card being used
        Credit card account number
        Expiration date
        Cardholder's signature

E. All season ticket mail order forms must include an advisement that the patron will be charged an additional $3.00 - $5.00 for handling.

    This is a one-time charge for the entire order, regardless of the number of tickets purchased.

F. All single-event mail order forms should advise patrons to include a self-addressed stamped envelope for return of tickets by mail. If a "SASE" is not included, tickets will be held for pick-up at the ticket office will-call window.

G. All mail order forms become the property of the Center Ticket Office. However, they may be made available for reference by the respective presenter.

1) season ticket mail order forms will be retained until one week following the final performance of the series.

2) single event mail order forms will be retained until one week following the performance.

14. The Center Ticket Office accepts checks payable to "CITY OF WALNUT CREEK" or "REGIONAL CENTER" or "DLRCA".

A. Seats for each performance of your event will be held from public sale for the exclusive use of the production contact indicated on your contract (or his/her designee by written notification). Unless otherwise pre-arranged with Audience Services, the seats will be held according to the following:

1)  Hofmann Theatre - fourteen (14) seats in the center section on the main floor (approximately 2% of total seating capacity).
2)  Margaret Lesher Theatre - six (6) seats in the center section; this represents (approximately 2% of the total seating capacity.)
3)  Knight Stage 3 - two (2) seats in the center section. (approximately 2% of total seating capacity).

B. The production contact may wish to hold additional seats to accommodate the press, videography, v.i.p. patrons, etc. Request for such additional seats should be made in writing to Audience Services prior to tickets becoming available for public sale.

C. The "producer" seats referred to above will be released only at the request of the production contact. Such request may be made in writing or by telephoning the Center Ticket Office private producer's line, during business hours: Monday through Saturday, noon to 6:00pm NOTE: This phone line is for the exclusive use of presenters and will not be used to conduct non-related ticket business.

D. Any producer seats not requested or released in advance will automatically be released for public sale according to the following schedule:

1) for performances which take place Tuesday through Saturday, seats will be released at 3:00pm on the day prior to the performance.

2) for performances which take place on Sunday or Monday, seats will be released at 3:00pm on the Friday prior to the performance.

E. The City of Walnut Creek/Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts holds for its use four (4) seats per performance. Seats not used by the City/RCA will be released for public sale prior to curtain time.

A. Patrons may make ticket reservations in person or by telephone within the following circumstances:

1) advance sales for the event/performance have not exceeded 85%

2) event/performance is not scheduled to take place within 72 hours

B. Provided the above conditions are met, reservations will be held a maximum of three (3) days without payment. If payment is not received within three days, the reservation will be automatically released and cannot be renewed within the following three-day period.

A. The Center Ticket Office accepts group bookings and requires, for your protection, that the following conditions are met:

1) unless otherwise arranged by the production contact, a minimum of twenty (20) persons is required to qualify for a group discount.

2) a deposit of no less than twenty-five per cent (25%) of the total cost of the tickets is received within one week of the placement of the reservation.

3) group representative signs an agreement outlining payment schedule, return policy, etc. NOTE: In the event a group wishes to purchase all seats for a performance, the "return" clause is struck from the agreement.

B. The group representative may obtain tickets at the time of deposit and signing of the agreement, provided a credit card imprint is left as security with the Center Ticket Office.

18. COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS: Complimentary Tickets are provided through the Center Ticket Office at the discretion of the production contact only.

A. The production contact should provide a list of company/crew members eligible to receive complimentary tickets, as well as any restrictions which may pertain (e.g. number of tickets, restricted performances).

B. For events with large casts and/or multiple performances, it is very helpful if the production contact provides the ticket office with a 3x5 card for each eligible company member.

C. With the exception of those issued to members of the press, complimentary tickets cannot be exchanged or returned without the written consent of the production contact. The producing company will be charged no less than $1.00 for each exchanged ticket.

D. Complimentary ticket vouchers and/or discount ticket coupons issued to company members or others must be redeemed in person at the Center Ticket Office. If tickets are sold, a limit of 5% may be used as complimentary tickets.

E. As complimentary ticket vouchers and discount ticket coupons are considered a "form of payment", all restrictions apply as outlined under UNPAID RESERVATIONS above.

F. Audience Services would like to retain on file a copy of any ticket vouchers or coupons issued by the presenter.

A. Patrons purchasing tickets will be given general information regarding the availability of tickets and/or best available seating for an event or series of performances.

B. Patrons will be informed if only single seats remain for a performance and, if appropriate, the relative location of those seats in proximity to other single seats.

C. Patrons ordering tickets by telephone will be sold the best available seats at the time of purchase and will not be given information regarding specific seat locations, nor the relative proximity of remaining single seats.

D. Ticket sales progress reports may be obtained only by the production contact or his/her designee by written notice; no other company member may receive such information.

E. Ticket office records are turned over to the General Manager immediately following the event or final performance of a series of events. All post-performance reporting, including financial reconciliation should be obtained from the General Manager (phone: 925-295-1400, M-F 8am-5pm).

A. Only approved catering services may be utilized. A list of approved caterers is available upon request.

B. Caterer will supply tables and linens as required.

C. Caterer will set up no earlier than the contract event period, with the following exception:
1) For post-performance receptions, Caterer will set up no earlier than following the last intermission. In the event of no intermission, set up will begin no earlier than 15 minutes after the scheduled curtain time.

D. All tables will be covered and skirted on all sides. Color must be approved by Audience Services.

E. All storage containers, boxes, bags, dry supplies, bottles, and glassware, must be stored out of public view.

F. Food will be delivered to the Regional Center in storage and/or serving containers. No food preparation on the premises is permitted.

G. A Catering Representative must be present at all times while product is being consumed by the public.

A. All food and supplies (including empty storage containers and boxes) will be removed following the event and no later than the contract event period.

B. General clean-up of the food service area is necessary both during and after food service by caterer. Regional Center has trash receptacles located on all levels. Caterer may be required to supply additional trash receptacles as deemed necessary by Audience Services.

C. In order to maintain this facility for the multitude of users and events, it is expected that caterers, to the best of their ability, leave the area in the same general condition in which it was found. If you have any questions, please call Audiences Services at 295-1408.

D. An approved list of caterers will be made available upon request.

A. All lighting and sound equipment will be operated by Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts staff.

B. All lighting designs and sound requirements must be approved by Production Services Coordinator at least four (4) weeks prior to load-in. In a case where your color needs to be pulled for the other events in the Center, the turn over time will be charged to your organization. In most cases this can happen during your event period by your personnel.

C. In order for your production to run smoothly, a pre-production meeting with the Production Services Coordinator must be scheduled at least four (4) weeks prior to load-in. Please call to schedule the meeting.

D. One (1) set of grid and circuit plans, a House lighting plot and surplus inventory will be given to Lessee if required with additional sets costing $25.00/each. The House lighting plot is permanent and may not be altered. It may, however, be supplemented based on availability of circuits and equipment. 

E. All lighting equipment will be hung and focused by Center approved electricians. Light design and equipment list must be approved four (4) weeks prior to load-in if applicable to your organization. (a late fee may apply if not received by deadline)

F. The Hofmann Theatre has 269 dimmers rated at 2.4KW per dimmer. The Lesher Theatre has 100 dimmers rated at 2.4KW per dimmer. Stage 3 Theatre has 60 dimmers rated at 2.4KW per dimmer.

G. Do not remove or trade connectors or clamps from lighting instruments or cables without the express permission of the Production Services Coordinator.

H. Do not overload cable, connectors, circuits or dimmer capacity.

I. Approved electricians are personally liable for damage from improperly installed lighting equipment. Please tighten all clamps and adjustment screws.

J. The grand drape must close without interference from any cable or set units.

K. At no time are guests allowed in the booth. Only one (1) member from the Producing organization may be in the control booth. Please make arrangements prior to your event for proper procedures while in control booth.

A. One set of ground plans will be given to Lessee, if required. If more sets are needed, they will be provided for a $25.00 fee.

B. Stage dimensions in the Hofmann Theatre are 38'6" from the downstage edge to the rear cyc. If the orchestra lift is in full upright position, add 13'. The proscenium opening in the Hofmann is 42'0" long and the height is 24'0". (See ground plan for exact sizes) Also: additional technical info

C. Stage dimensions in the Margaret Lesher Theatre are 36' from the downstage edge to the back wall. The stage opening is 34'9" wide. The Lesher stage does have a planked orchestra pit. (Please refer to ground plans for details.) Also: additional technical info .   Stage 3 Theatre Also: additional technical infoDel Valle Theatre Also: additional technical info

D. Regional Center stages may not be painted. Lessee may bring in their own floor (i.e. masonite or painted floor cloths) to cover existing stage, if so desired.

E. Nailing and/or drilling into the stage floor is not permitted. In order to attach scenery, platforms etc. to the deck, Lessee may only use tech screws.

F. Lessee is responsible for providing all of their own tools and hardware for their scenery.

G. All stage draperies will be hung by Center technical staff. At no time may they be altered, pinned or taped. If drapes are moved from original line sets and need to be returned for other events, Lessee will be charged for turnover time.

H. Lessee may not alter, remove or attach to the proscenium at any time.

I. All ground rows and scenic units must be downstage of the black curtain in front of the scrim cyc. There is no cross over behind the cyc. Crossover is via downstairs hallways.

J. All items must be constructed to enter through the freight elevator dimensions. Door openings are 6'10" wide X 7'10" high. Ceiling height is 8', and the platform is 17'8" long X 7'9" wide. Center staff must operate freight elevator.

K. All scenic elements must be designed to break at the curtain line so that they can be removed after each performance. The grand drape and movie screen must have ability to be used after each performance.

L. All settings must be designed and constructed in such a way that all units can be removed and stored backstage to provide access to other users of the facility.

M. Do not store discarded sets or materials outside on loading dock or in hallways.

N. All scenery, hardware, materials, tape, and tools must be provided by Lessee.


A. All rigging of scenery, flats, signs, banners, pulleys, etc. must be pre-approved by the Production Services Coordinator four (4) weeks prior to load-in. It will be determined at that time whether Lessee or Center staff will rig.

B. Lessee and their riggers are personally responsible and liable for damage incurred by improper rigging.

A. Subject to prior arrangement and certification by the Production Services Coordinator, Lessee may provide its own backstage operating crews, with the exception of the Center's lead light, sound and rail technicians. During load-in and load-out it may be necessary to require a Center rail loader.

B. For the protection of the equipment and the safety of the persons occupying the stage area, the Center, through its Production Services Coordinator, reserves the right to request the removal of any member of the Lessee's crew whose conduct or procedures may be considered damaging to the equipment or hazardous to the safety of any person occupying the space. In the case of dispute, appeal may be made to the General Manager.

A. Under no circumstances may equipment or facilities be altered. Structural or electrical changes may be made only with the written permission of the General Manager.

B. Costs incurred in repairing or replacing damaged, lost or stolen equipment, and costs incurred in repairing facilities (not due to normal wear and tear), will be paid by the organization or its representatives using the facility during which time said equipment or facilities were damaged, lost or stolen.

A. Run-of-show storage space will be provided only by special arrangement with the Production Services. The City of Walnut Creek assumes no responsibility for property or material. An additional fee may be charged for materials not removed from Theatre premises after scheduled performance and/or rehearsal times, or not stored by previous arrangement.

B. In the event that Lessee leaves equipment (sets, costumes, lighting equipment, etc..) on the premises, and the Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts has booked an event in a certain time period, Lessee will:

1) arrange for equipment to be stored or removed from premises, or

2) be charged rehearsal or performance rate, whichever applies.

A. It is the normal practice not to allow any recording of the artistic product at the Center. Written permission from the General Manager is required prior to your event in the event your organization would like to videotape, photograph or audiotape your performance.

B. Seats in the theatre must be reserved for this purpose. You must be completely self-contained.

C. No wires or cables can be run in the theatre. The Center cannot supply an audio feed to your equipment.

A. No smoking or eating is permitted in the theatre or backstage at any time.

B. An area has been provided on the First Floor (near Dressing Rooms) for snacks and drinks. Check with your Stage Manager for rules regarding eating in costumes. Please no food on stage level or in Green Room.

30. SAFETY: It is the responsibility of the Lessee to familiarize themselves, their agents and employees with the safety procedures and regulations governing all parts of the facility used by the Lessee. If necessary, General Manager, or his/her agent, will meet to provide proper safety instruction. Center staff is trained in emergency exit procedures.

31. CONDITION OF PREMISES: Each lessee shall take the premises in the condition lessee finds them. In the event any lessee finds it necessary to remove or change the location of any stage equipment, such changes shall be made at the Lessee's expense, and with written permission from the Center Manager, and Lessee shall agree to return all such equipment back to the condition in which it was found. Any stage equipment modifications shall be under the supervision of the Production Services Coordinator.

32. SEATING CAPACITY: The seating capacity of the Hofmann Theatre is 785; capacity of the Dean Lesher Theatre is 297: capacity of Knight Stage 3 is 133: Del Valle is 384. Under no circumstances will a larger audience be permitted, by order of the Fire Department.

A. All production companies must provide an approved list of production personnel to be admitted to backstage. Depending on total backstage occupancy, a very limited number of production guests may be admitted. The General Manager will limit the number of guests permitted backstage at any time and if necessary provide additional personnel at Production Companies expense.

B. Guests are permitted on the first floor of the backstage area only.

C. A fee of $15.00 each will be charged to your organization for any lost backstage passes.

D. Security lists are required no later than 5 days prior to your event and the necessary staff will be assigned based on the clients backstage list. If information is provided less than 5 days prior to event an additional "special handling" charge may be

34. MAINTENANCE: Facilities (Theatre, Dressing Rooms, Make-up Room, Green Room) must be left in an orderly fashion. The user will be charged for any excessive cleaning at a prescribed rate.


A. For events with over 1,200 available seats the Center will provide four pages, bound in the Center Magazine, for each contracted event period which takes place in the Center for which the following conditions (below) are met. In order to provide this service to you, ALL DEADLINES are firm.  At the clients request, for those clients who do not meet the conditions above, a per performance fee will be charged for 4 pages of program. (rates available)

1) The deadline for your, TYPED copy (including cover page and order of pages) to be submitted to the General Manager's Office is by NOON - 30 BUSINESS DAYS prior to the first performance of your event as noted on Page 2 of your License Agreement with the Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts.

2) In order to insure that your copy gets typeset properly, please provide the General Manager's Office with a detailed written list of any specific instructions you may have.

3) Please leave a contact name and phone number, should there be any questions during design and layout.

4) Please allow 3-1/2" at the bottom of the last page for the Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts advertisement which measures 3-1/2" x 7" horizontally (artwork available upon request).

5) If providing camera-ready copy:

a) Your cover page copy MUST fit inside the standard Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts border which measures 3/4" top margin with 1/2" bottom and side margins, plus include item (4) above.

b) Your deadline remains NOON - 30 BUSINESS DAYS prior to the first performance of your event.

c) If providing camera-ready copy, your program will be forwarded directly to the printer, without proofing by our staff.

d) Guidelines for submitting electronic files are available upon request.

PROGRAM INSERT fees for clients who do not meet the min. required event periods for a provided program
8 1/2 X 14 folded    
Stage 3      1-6  event periods  $450.00
                  7-9 event periods  $575.00
Lesher       1-3 event periods   $300.00
Hofmann    1- event period      $300.00
Del Valle     (per performance)  $495.00
10 11/16 X 16 3/8 folded
Stage 3    1-6 event periods  $650.00
               7-9 event periods  $1,000.00
Lesher      1-3 event periods $365.00
Hofmann  1 event period      $365.00 
Del Valle (per performance)   $625.00

B. PHOTOS: Black and white photos or graphics must be properly identified with subject and page location, and must be submitted to the General Manager's Office by NOON - 30 BUSINESS DAYS prior to the first performance of your event. No more than 33% of each page can be photos.

C. PROOFING: You will be given the opportunity to proof your pages of the program copy for typing corrections only. NO ADDITIONS to the copy will be accepted at this time. At the time you deliver your copy, check with the General Manager's Office for your proofing date. NOTE: If necessary, you will be able to take the program copy overnight for proofing, and it will be due in the General Manager's Office by Noon the following day. It is recommended that you arrange to proof the copy in the Regional Center Offices since you will be responsible for any lost pages.

D. ADDITIONAL PAGES: If you require additional pages, they must be added in four-page increments, at an additional cost to the event producer of $250.00 per performance. (Additional costs may be applied based on complexity)

E. ADDITIONAL COPIES: If you require more copies of the Center Program than the 785 (Hofmann) or 297 (Lesher) or 133 (Stage 3) per event, then the additional cost to the event producer will be $250.00 per hundred.


A. FACILITY: In accordance with Item 1 (General Criteria) and Item 6 B (Rental Policies) of the Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts OPERATING AND RENTAL POLICIES, special service rates for Event Periods, Non-event Periods and Staff may be established by the Director of Arts, Rec and Community Services with the approval of the City Manager.

B. SOUVENIR AND GIFT CONCESSIONS: In accordance with Item 11 C of the Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts OPERATING AND RENTAL POLICIES, the General Manager, with approval of the Director of Arts, Rec and Community Services, may establish the percentage of gross sales charged to Lessee.

C. REQUESTED INFORMATION: In accordance with Item 3 C of the Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts OPERATING AND RENTAL POLICIES, the General Manager, with approval from the Director of Arts, Rec and Community Services, may access additional charges for failure by Lessee to provide necessary production information in a timely manner for determination of event arrangements.

Write us

Operation Guidelines

Rental Information

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