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Interview with Aristide
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The Presidential Library Terrorist
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Expel the US from the Security Council
Jason Leopold
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Why is Apartheid Touted as a Solution?
Kevin Alexander Gray
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Kerry Fiddles While He Could be Burning Bush
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Act Game
March 6 / 7, 2004
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Understanding the World with
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Remembering Paul Sweezy
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Tom Reeves
Bush's Mass Deportations: 63,000 and Counting
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Kerry, Torricelli and a Mysterious Frontgroup
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My Breakfast with Sen. Judd Gregg
Kurt Nimmo
Is Venezuela Next?
Alan Cisco
A Report from Caracas
Jack Random
Haitian Democracy be Damned
Colin Piquette
Oh, Canada: the Coup Coalition
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Labor's State of Emergency
William D. Hartung
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What We Can Learn from Ashcroft's Gallbladder
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Reigns: Haiti and Iraq
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Canada and the Coup in Haiti
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Those Bush Ads: Some Dead Bodies Are Worth More Than Others
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March 4, 2004
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Norman Solomon
Assuming the Right to Intervene: The US Press and Haiti
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to the Chapel: The Gay and the Dead
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What If Boeing Ads Told the Truth?
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Will Have Blood": 143 Murdered in Liberated Iraq
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March 2, 2004
William Blum
If Kerry's
the Answer, What's the Question?
Conn Hallinan
the Dangerous Muddle
JoAnn Wypijewski
The Bravo
H-Bomb Test: One WMD They Couldn't Hide
Mike Whitney
Regime Change in Haiti: the Bush Dominos Keep Falling
Ra Ravishankar
Afghanistan, the Liberation That Isn't: an Interview with Mariam
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Dan Bacher
Merle Haggard & the Politics of Salmon: "Clearcutting
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All This
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Rebel Edit
March 1, 2004
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Thanks War Criminal in Front of Billions
Richard Oxman
Obit: Thanking Bob McNamara
Elaine Cassel
Writing and Reading as "Terrorism"
Mickey Z
Thomas Friedman's Education
Mike Whitney
George Will and Anti-Semitism: a Cul-de-Sac of Prejudice
Heather Williams
as Target Practice: How the US Press Missed the Story
Cathy Crosson
Chanson d'amour haïtienne
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God Hates Shrimp
February 28 / 29, 2004
Stephen Green
Two Flags: Neo-Cons, Israel and the Bush Team
Gary Leupp
Another Senseless Bush Battle: Defining and Protecting Marriage
William A. Cook
America's Albatross
Ron Jacobs
Kucinich: Good Fight; Wrong Battlefield
Ben Tripp
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the Military Goliath
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to Colombia: "Can't Give You Anything But Guns, Baby"
Norman Solomon
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Lawyer Says US is Arming Haiti's Anti-Aristide Paramilitaries
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Our Power is on the Streets and
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8, 2004
Laughing All the Way
Bush Strategy
Released at last from the starting gate, George
W. Bush has tipped his campaigning hand. The approach, initially
at least, will be to mock John F. Kerry as a flip-flopping lightweight
from Massachusetts. In this high-stakes political poker game,
Kerry is cast as the down-on-his-luck loser who doesn't know
when to fold 'em. Across the table sits George W. Bush, the foreign-policy
master who may or may not have his best plays tucked up his presidential
sleeve. Kerry is a sucker who lacks the substance of George W.,
and everybody gathered around the table (wink wink) knows it.
As the game's commander-in-chief, George
W. Bush not only has been tested, experienced under fire as The
War President; he also has a nearly-unlimited bankroll to tide
him over in the unlikely event the shuffle leaves him with a
bad hand or two. George W. Bush will humor Kerry, whose money
will dwindle until George W. Bush finally decides to end the
game and take the final pot for all the chips in the casino.
Although many of the Bush Squad will
needle Kerry as that most pathetic of creatures, the "Massachusetts
Liberal," word from New York Times reporter Elisabeth Bumiller
is that George W. Bush prefers to call Kerry "the senator
from Massachusetts who has a record of weakening national defense
and raising taxes." Either way, the tipoff word is "Massachusetts."
A major wing of the Bush Squad is comprised
of radio and television politics talkers: Rush Limbaugh, Sean
Hannity, Michael Reagan and the many other conservative-slanted
entertainers with a pro-Bush political agenda. The Kerry-as-joke
theme has already been grabbed up by Limbaugh, whose recent references
to Kerry have been interspersed with artificial chortling and
other gigglings into the microphone. Limbaugh is so amused by
Kerry's flip-flopping ineptitude he can't contain himself. Kerry
breaks him up. Seriously folks, you just can't take John Kerry
One wonders why these talk-show hosts
who spend most of their time cheering for a single political
party aren't classified as Political Action Committees-of-One?
The on-air hours they spend pimping for their candidate of choice
is blatant "advocacy." Corporate sponsors pay for these
foaming mouthpieces whose major (if not sole) purpose is to mock,
debase and destroy the other side while promoting their man as
a knight in shining armor. Millions of potential voters listen
to and are influenced by the exaggerated arguments and hype dispensed
day and night from this legion of hot-air jockeys. It wouldn't
dampen their First Amendment rights if they were officially recognized
for what they are: political hacks in service of the party.
To this writer's knowledge, George W.
Bush has not objected to near-24/7 free publicity: hours of advocacy
amounting to coronation. Many talk-show hosts were recently invited
to the White House lawn for interviews with top members of the
Bush Administration. Most, if not all, returned to their stations,
there to extoll George W. Bush and his crew. As this article
is being written, Sean Hannity is broadcasting ominous threats
to excoriate Teresa Heinz because if she speaks on her husband's
behalf she becomes "fair game" for political attack.
Any nation able to survive the months of rancorous political
"debate" such as will explode between now and November
can surely weather attacks from unknown "terrorists."
As noted, the prime maneuver will be
to brand Kerry with the Flip-Flop Factor, an effort that is especially
amusing because George W. Bush would never say something and
then do the opposite, nor would George W. Bush make a donkey
of himself by denying statements he'd made in the past: would
he? Of course he would. He has. Political hypocrisy has become
as thick as yesterday's cooked oatmeal, not just for Republicans,
but among the Democrats, too. As we struggle to not leave them
behind, we teach our children that language should mean what
it says. And then we let them watch as politicians and their
advocates wrestle meaning to the mat.
For example, an e-mail unveiling the
Bush campaign's Charmin-soft commercials states, "Unlike
the Kerry campaign's first ads last September, which included
an attack on the President, our first ads are all positive, focusing
on President Bush's steady leadership in times of change."
(Note the contrast between "steady leadership" portrayed
in the commercials and the flip-flopping lack of leadership attributed
to Kerry in recent Bush speeches.) The Bush camp claims the "first
ads are all positive." Yet when one clicks on the Bush-Cheney
website, the earliest ad listed is an explicit attack piece smearing
Kerry as "Unprincipled." (The ad's official title is
"Unprincipled 1," suggesting there's more attack where
that one came from.)
Until his back is to the wall, George
W. Bush will float lightly above vitriolic argument, as the steadiest
of leaders should. The volleys to blast Kerry's boat from the
water will come from campaign hatchet-wielders and right-wing
talk-show purveyors of anger, hate, innuendo and misinformation.
George W. Bush was chosen to save a nation where everything changed
after 9/11. A man of principle and substance, he will not waste
energy on pettiness. That's a job for somebody else.
For his part, Kerry the Bumbler would
do well to remember what happened when others misunderestimated
George W. Bush. Kerry, whose years in the Senate have made his
speaking-style "senatized," should return to the man
who, in 1971, addressed a Senate committee about the Vietnam
War with sincerity and honest eloquence. Memo to Kerry: Stop
droning and shouting. Begin conversing. Let the right-wing screamers
pound their tables and podia. Speak to us, John, from the heart.
That's what George W. Bush will do.
As noted, much will be made of Kerry
as a liberal Son of Massachusetts, always good for a smile and
a smirk. With only eight months before the November election
date, George W. Bush won't take time to discuss the state's pitiful
accomplishments. Why dwell on historic Massachusetts figures
such as Samuel Adams, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Ralph Waldo
Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Emily Dickinson, John Hancock,
Nathaniel Hawthorne, Barbara Walters, Mike Wallace, Norman Rockwell,
Paul Revere, Arthur Fiedler, Leonard Bernstein, Robert Kennedy,
or those World War Two heroes John F. Kennedy and George Herbert
Walker Bush (b. Milton, Mass. 1924)? "History," somebody
said, "is bunk."
Speaking of Massachusetts history, the
official presidential website states, "President Bush received
a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School
in 1975." The last time student George W. Bush walked across
Harvard Yard the university was still located in Massachusetts.
The debt George W. Bush owes to Harvard for his "elitist"
Ivy League education might not best be repaid by ridiculing The
Bay State, its contributions to our democratic republic and its
many varied citizens.
Straight-faced as he plays out his hand,
George W. Bush, man of the people, will look down upon the raised-in-privilege
Kerry, a vicious low-life pit-bull politician who chose to marry
a wealthy widow rather than work by the sweat of his brow clearing
sagebrush from that Beacon Hill ranch. Later, during a break
in the game, George W. Bush may swagger into the local Bar-B-Que
and slap a few old timers on the back with a hearty "Hey,
Ranger!" greeting. As they belly up to the salad bar, George
W. Bush and his wranglers will nudge and grin from ear to ear,
confident because they know something his fellow Skull-and-Bones
fraternity brother John F. Kerry doesn't know: how to pull off
the cheerleader's ultimate October Surprise.
Doug Giebel
is a writer and analyst who lives in Big Sandy, Montana. His
article "When Professors Cheat" will be published soon
by the Mellen Press. He can be reached at
Edition Features for March 6 / 7, 2004
Alexander Cockburn
Understanding the World with
Paul Sweezy
Robert Pollin
Remembering Paul Sweezy
Jeffrey St. Clair
The Politics of Timber Theft
Tom Reeves
Bush's Mass Deportations: 63,000 and Counting
Charles Lewis
Who Mugged Howard Dean in Iowa:
Kerry, Torricelli and a Mysterious Frontgroup
Tom Jackson
My Breakfast with Sen. Judd Gregg
Kurt Nimmo
Is Venezuela Next?
Alan Cisco
A Report from Caracas
Jack Random
Haitian Democracy be Damned
Colin Piquette
Oh, Canada: the Coup Coalition
Lee Sustar
Labor's State of Emergency
William D. Hartung
Iraq and the Costs of War
David Sally
Mark Scaramella
When God Mooned Moses: Test Your Bible Knowledge
Mickey Z.
What We Can Learn from Ashcroft's Gallbladder
Ron Jacobs
Politics and Baseball
Dave Zirin
The Longest Jump: the Blackballing of Phil Shinnick
Poets' Basement
John Holt and Larry Kearney
Website of the Weekend
National Day of Action for Rachel Corrie
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