The Hysterical Male
New Feminist Theory
A thematically focused exploration of feminism in the 1990s. Under
the sign of male hystericization, critical feminists from Canada, the
USA and Britain track the next stage of gender politics. What results
is an intense provocative and creative theorization of feminism under
the failing sign of the unitary male subject.
The Hysterical Male: new feminist theory, Arthur and Marilouise Kroker
1. Three Sisters: Pure Virtue, Pure Sin and Pure Nonsense, Elke Town
2. Big Jugs, Jennifer Bloomer
3. A Ghost Story, Avery Gordon
4. Behind Master Mind, Charles Noble
5. The Confession Mirror, Carole Spite
6. Blondes, Theresa Podlesney
7. Confessions of a Harlequin Reader, Angela Miles
8. Yvonne Rainer's The Man Who Envied Women, Peggy Phelan
9. Parading the Masculine, Chris Tysh
10. Feminist Ejaculations, Shannon Bell
11. The Fetish in Sex, Lies and Videotape: Whither the Phallus, Berkeley Kaite
12. My First Confession, Stephen Pfohl
13. Simulations, Andrew Haase
14. The Phallic Mother: Platonic Metaphysics of Lacan's Imaginary, Lorraine Gauthier
15. Lacanian Psychoanalysis and Feminist Metatheory, Charles Levin
16. This is not a President: Baudrillard, Bush and Enchanted Simulation, Diane Rubenstein.
The Hysterical Male: New Feminist Theory
Edited by Arthur and Marilouise Kroker
©1991, New World Perspectives, CultureTexts Series
Montreal: New World Perspectives, ISBN 0-920393-69-1
Published simultaneously in the USA by St. Martin's Press, ISBN 0-31205-297-9