This will mostly be of interest to philosophers and fellow travellers. The APA Pacific Divivision conference program is now online. This is worth noting for a couple of reasons. First, the conference is absolutely packed with good papers. Every session has, IMNSHO, multiple papers that are worth travelling to see. If you are undecided about whether to go to the conference, seeing the program should tip the balance. Second, there is a mini-conference on global justice running during and after the APA, organised by (among others) our own Harry Brighouse. This will be of interest to many CT readers I think. Since this does not entirely overlap the APA, those interested in it should make sure their travel plans allow them to attend. I imagine many attendees will have already booked their travel to the conference, but for those that have not, it is worth checking to see whether you want to stay around for the mini-conference after the main show.
Mini-conference? It looks enormous. Someone should “solum” that conference—if I may coin a new phrase.
The Virtual Tophet
Michael Hendry
David Meadows
AKM Adam
Ryan Overbey
Telford Work (theology)
Library Science
Norma Bruce
Pradeep Atluri
Anthony Cox
Susan Ferrari
Amy Greenwood
La Di Da
John M. Lynch
Charles Murtaugh
Paul Z. Myers
Respectful of Otters
Amity Wilczek (biology)
Theodore Wong
Physics/Applied Physics
Trish Amuntrud
Sean Carroll
Jacques Distler
Irascible Professor
Michael Nielsen
Chad Orzel
Dead Parrots
Christopher Genovese
Moment, Linger on
Jason Rosenhouse
Peter Woit
Complex Systems
Cosma Shalizi
Bill Tozier
"Keneth Miles"
Zack Amjal
Chris Hall
University Administration
Frank Admissions
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City Comforts (urban planning)
Earth Sciences
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