April 10, 2004
April 09, 2004
April 07, 2004
April 06, 2004
April 05, 2004
An experiment with online social networking
A couple people have told me that the hot new VC quarry in the Silicon
Valley is social networking--a whole herd of new services such as
and a number of major companies soon to join them. So I decided to
try a formal project that would acquaint me with the medium's
strengths and weaknesses, and give a first answer to the question of
whether a social network could help me where my usual channels of
getting information could not.
- Andy Oram [08:42:19 AM
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April 04, 2004
Come Here and Hear Fred Brooks Speak
SDForum's Distinguished Speaker Series presents people who have made major contributions to how software is created and understood, speaking on topics of current interest (disclaimer: I'm on the program committee). This coming Thursday (April 8), the speaker is a legendary figure in software development, Fred Brooks.
- William Grosso [06:16:45 PM
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April 02, 2004
People critical for managing content
Jeff Veen has captured a painful bit of experience that too many enthusiastic managers, captivated by technology, often fail to see: "Turns out, after all the budget and time we spent, we really didn't need a content management system at all. We just needed some editors."
- Simon St. Laurent [07:29:42 AM
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