freedom and technology

Legislative engineering

08:09 PM +1000, Mar 25 2004

Three examples today of attempts to legislate technology. First, the EU antitrust decision against Microsoft, which levies a record fine for including a media player in Windows:

Reuters, EU Slaps Record Fine on Microsoft.

Wired, EU Lowers Boom on Microsoft.

Guardian, Record £331m fine for Microsoft.

CNet, Ruling could be key to Microsoft's future, FAQ: What's ahead for Microsoft, Cropped Windows already exists, House letter: Windows issue 'not a concern' for EU, and The remedy vanishes?.

Next, propsals by US senators to regulate RFID tags.

CNet, Tracking tags may get congressional scrutiny.

And finally, a US bill proposes a ban on spyware.. just as soon as they figure out what it is.

CNet, Senators seek to define, then ban, spyware.