Filmography as: Producer, Director, Writer, Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Special Effects, Visual Effects, Editor, Make-Up Department, Cinematographer, Costume Designer, Himself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances
Producer - filmography
(In Production) (2000s) (1990s) (1980s)
King Kong (2005) (pre-production) (producer)
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The (2003) (producer)
... aka Return of the King, The (2003) (USA: short title)
Long and Short of It, The (2003) (executive producer)
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The (2002) (producer)
... aka Two Towers, The (2002) (USA: short title)
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001) (producer)
... aka Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001) (USA: short title) ... aka Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: The Motion Picture, The (2001) (USA: promotional title)
Frighteners, The (1996/I) (producer)
... aka Frighteners (1997) (UK) ... aka Robert Zemeckis Presents: The Frighteners (1996) (USA: complete title)
Forgotten Silver (1995) (executive producer)
Jack Brown Genius (1994) (producer)
Heavenly Creatures (1994) (co-producer)
... aka Heavenly Creatures: The Uncut Version (1994) (USA: longer version)
"Ship to Shore" (1993) TV Series (co-executive producer)
Valley of the Stereos (1992) (co-producer)
Meet the Feebles (1989) (producer)
... aka Just the Feebles (1995) (USA)
Bad Taste (1987) (producer)
Filmography as: Producer, Director, Writer, Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Special Effects, Visual Effects, Editor, Make-Up Department, Cinematographer, Costume Designer, Himself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances
Director - filmography
(In Production) (2000s) (1990s) (1980s) (1970s)
King Kong (2005) (pre-production)
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The (2003)
... aka Return of the King, The (2003) (USA: short title)
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The (2002)
... aka Two Towers, The (2002) (USA: short title)
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001)
... aka Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001) (USA: short title) ... aka Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: The Motion Picture, The (2001) (USA: promotional title)
Frighteners, The (1996/I)
... aka Frighteners (1997) (UK) ... aka Robert Zemeckis Presents: The Frighteners (1996) (USA: complete title)
Forgotten Silver (1995)
Heavenly Creatures (1994)
... aka Heavenly Creatures: The Uncut Version (1994) (USA: longer version)
Braindead (1992)
... aka Dead Alive (1992)
Meet the Feebles (1989)
... aka Just the Feebles (1995) (USA)
Bad Taste (1987)
Valley, The (1976)
Filmography as: Producer, Director, Writer, Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Special Effects, Visual Effects, Editor, Make-Up Department, Cinematographer, Costume Designer, Himself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances
Writer - filmography
(In Production) (2000s) (1990s) (1980s)
King Kong (2005) (pre-production) (screenplay)
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The (2003) (screenplay)
... aka Return of the King, The (2003) (USA: short title)
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The (2002) (screenplay)
... aka Two Towers, The (2002) (USA: short title)
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001) (screenplay)
... aka Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001) (USA: short title) ... aka Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: The Motion Picture, The (2001) (USA: promotional title)
Frighteners, The (1996/I) (written by)
... aka Frighteners (1997) (UK) ... aka Robert Zemeckis Presents: The Frighteners (1996) (USA: complete title)
Forgotten Silver (1995)
Jack Brown Genius (1994)
Heavenly Creatures (1994) (screenplay)
... aka Heavenly Creatures: The Uncut Version (1994) (USA: longer version)
Braindead (1992) (screenplay)
... aka Dead Alive (1992)
Meet the Feebles (1989)
... aka Just the Feebles (1995) (USA)
Bad Taste (1987)
Filmography as: Producer, Director, Writer, Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Special Effects, Visual Effects, Editor, Make-Up Department, Cinematographer, Costume Designer, Himself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances
Actor - filmography
(2000s) (1990s) (1980s) (1970s)
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The (2003) (uncredited) .... Mercenary On Boat
... aka Return of the King, The (2003) (USA: short title)
Long and Short of It, The (2003) .... Bus Driver
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The (2002) (uncredited) .... Rohirrim Warrior
... aka Two Towers, The (2002) (USA: short title)
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001) (uncredited) .... Albert Dreary
... aka Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001) (USA: short title) ... aka Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: The Motion Picture, The (2001) (USA: promotional title)
Frighteners, The (1996/I) (uncredited) .... Man with Piercings
... aka Frighteners (1997) (UK) ... aka Robert Zemeckis Presents: The Frighteners (1996) (USA: complete title)
Heavenly Creatures (1994) (uncredited) .... Bum outside theater
... aka Heavenly Creatures: The Uncut Version (1994) (USA: longer version)
Braindead (1992) .... Undertaker's Assistant
... aka Dead Alive (1992)
Bad Taste (1987) .... Derek/Robert
Valley, The (1976)
Filmography as: Producer, Director, Writer, Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Special Effects, Visual Effects, Editor, Make-Up Department, Cinematographer, Costume Designer, Himself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances
Miscellaneous Crew - filmography
(2000s) (1990s) (1980s)
Saw Is Family: Making 'Leatherface', The (2003) (V) (special thanks)
Ugly, The (1997) (special thanks)
Hercules and the Lost Kingdom (1994) (TV) (project manager: Weta Ltd.)
Braindead (1992) (stop motion animator)
... aka Dead Alive (1992)
Meet the Feebles (1989) (camera operator) (puppet maker)
... aka Just the Feebles (1995) (USA)
Filmography as: Producer, Director, Writer, Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Special Effects, Visual Effects, Editor, Make-Up Department, Cinematographer, Costume Designer, Himself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances
Special Effects - filmography
(1980s) (1970s)
Bad Taste (1987) (special effects)
"Worzel Gummidge Down Under" (1986) TV Series (special effects)
Valley, The (1976) (special effects)
Filmography as: Producer, Director, Writer, Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Special Effects, Visual Effects, Editor, Make-Up Department, Cinematographer, Costume Designer, Himself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances
Visual Effects - filmography
Contact (1997) (additional visual effects)
Braindead (1992) (miniatures)
... aka Dead Alive (1992)
Filmography as: Producer, Director, Writer, Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Special Effects, Visual Effects, Editor, Make-Up Department, Cinematographer, Costume Designer, Himself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances
Editor - filmography
(1980s) (1970s)
Bad Taste (1987)
Valley, The (1976)
Filmography as: Producer, Director, Writer, Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Special Effects, Visual Effects, Editor, Make-Up Department, Cinematographer, Costume Designer, Himself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances
Make-Up Department - filmography
(1980s) (1970s)
Bad Taste (1987) (makeup effects)
Valley, The (1976) (makeup designer)
Filmography as: Producer, Director, Writer, Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Special Effects, Visual Effects, Editor, Make-Up Department, Cinematographer, Costume Designer, Himself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances
Cinematographer - filmography
Bad Taste (1987)
Filmography as: Producer, Director, Writer, Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Special Effects, Visual Effects, Editor, Make-Up Department, Cinematographer, Costume Designer, Himself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances
Costume Designer - filmography
Valley, The (1976)
Filmography as: Producer, Director, Writer, Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Special Effects, Visual Effects, Editor, Make-Up Department, Cinematographer, Costume Designer, Himself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances
Himself - filmography
(2000s) (1990s) (1980s)
76th Annual Academy Awards, The (2004) (TV) .... Himself - Winner, 3 Awards
DNZ: The Real Middle Earth (2004) (TV) .... Himself
61st Annual Golden Globe Awards, The (2004) (TV) .... Himself (Winner of Best Director and Best Motion Picture Drama)
2003 MTV Movie Awards (2003) (TV) .... Himself
Making of 'The Lord of the Rings', The (2002) (V) .... Himself
Making the Movie (2002) (TV) .... Himself
... aka Making the Movie: The Lord of the Rings (2002) (TV) (USA)
Passage to Middle-earth: Making of 'Lord of the Rings', A (2001) (TV) .... Himself
Quest for the Ring (2001) (TV) .... Himself
Forgotten Silver (1995) .... Himself
Good Taste Made Bad Taste (1988) (V) .... Himself
Filmography as: Producer, Director, Writer, Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Special Effects, Visual Effects, Editor, Make-Up Department, Cinematographer, Costume Designer, Himself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances
Archive Footage
74th Annual Academy Awards, The (2002) (TV)
.... Himself
Filmography as: Producer, Director, Writer, Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Special Effects, Visual Effects, Editor, Make-Up Department, Cinematographer, Costume Designer, Himself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances
Notable TV Guest Appearances
- "4Pop" (2003)
playing "Himself" in episode: "Kuninkaan paluu - tarun päätös" (episode # 2.17) 21 December 2003
- "Frids film" (2002)
playing "Himself" 18 December 2003
- "Buzz, The" (1998)
playing "Himself" (episode # 1.12) 20 December 2002
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