The Brier PatchThe Brier Patch
Blazingly Exciting!

Pompeii palpitates with sultry tension...not really, but it is a good book...


Posted: 19:42
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Polls are Polls...

...I mean they are Voodoo...but I like this one.

Posted: 19:29
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Antimissiles Missing

KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — Several hundred decommissioned Soviet-built surface-to-air missiles are unaccounted for in Ukraine's military arsenal, the defense minister told a newspaper.

Why am I not surprised?

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Posted: 19:21
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Human Race Watch dot com is now on the blogroll.

Check 'em out!!

Posted: 18:53
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One Down - One To Go - For Now

Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi said that "God declared war" against Bush, the United States and Israel.

Look at this picture...the background is gone, and the foreground should be next.


Posted: 15:03
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Care Bears

Below, is a comment from The Dragon Bear Cave on my post which was inspired by this post.

She is right you know.

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Posted: 14:27
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The Sleeping Zoo

My adorable wife and I went to the Zoo yesterday, and just about every damn animal was asleep.

It was a good day anyway…got to test out my new ride…which I’m afraid to drive.

Posted: 14:10
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We Were Unprepared ?

I'm fed up with that POS Richard Clarke and his traitorous mumblings. I was going to comment in detail, but Democrats Give Conservatives Indigestion does it better HERE.

Richard is a Dick, that's for certain, and needs a good old-fashioned Bitch Slap.

Posted: 14:04
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Category: IslamoFascists
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Anti-Bush Idiots

My friend KEY sums up the the Anti-Bush Idiots fairly well in THIS POST.

After you read it - check out the comment from ACIDMAN. Short and sweet...he is right on!!!

My friends, if John Kerry is elected President of the United States of America, we're in deep shit!!!

Posted: 13:43
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Category: The Left
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Cold Beer

I told my wife we should get a couple of long necks.

This is not what I had in mind.

Posted: 13:18
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John "Goose Ass" Kerry

Hey Johnny - Kiss This!!!


Posted: 13:00
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French Terror Alert, mon ami

We learned today that in light of the Madrid bombing, France has raised its terror alert level from "run" to "hide".

The only two higher levels in France are "surrender" and "collaboration."

Posted: 10:38
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A Stronger Sense

Geoffrey's night out.

"Every time I go to a rally or anti-protest, I always come away with a much stronger sense that I'm on the right team." Here's how Geoffrey's evening went.

I agree!!!

Posted: 23:44
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John Kerry is a Loser II

I understand Dirtbag Kerry called his Secret Service Protection (a man who would take a bullet for him) a Son of a Bitch (as in "that Son of a Bitch just ran over me").

Well need your ass kicked...and you know what?...Bush is going to do it BIG time.

Honoi John is not competent to run a lemonade stand...much less The United States of America.

What are you Kerry supporters thinking about? This guy is bad news.

Afterall, Lemonade is NOT French!!!

Posted: 19:10
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Category: The Left
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John Kerry is a Loser.

Via Drudge:

"George Bush insulted me as a veteran and as a friend to many still serving in Iraq...."

Hey Traitor John, you can kiss my ass...Bush might of insulted you as a veteran because you are a FRAUD...but not as a don't have the class to be a are a coward. You would do well to remember that.

As I've said before, if this clown is elected, we're in deep shit.

What I find amazing is that some people actually believe him.

How can that be???

Read More »

Posted: 18:46
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Chair-Warmer Dick

Ann Coulter tells it like it is, again.

This is a must read.

Posted: 18:19
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Israel Should Do 'Em All

The Palestinian IslamoFascists who sent a mentally challenged adolescent boy into Israel to blow himself up in the name of their misguided cause is pure evil…for 20 bucks, and 72 virgins. This, my friends, is sicker than sick.

I support Israel; and if the Israelis want to kill ALL the Palestinian leadership, so be it. The sooner the better.

The “Roadmap for Peace” is not working, and doesn’t appear it will change in the near future. We’ve been, and they’ve been, through this time and time again, and nothing has changed.

It is time to change tactics. Open season – so to speak. Israel should ignore the world, and do what must be done, for their survival.

All these Palestinian IslamoFascists understand is death – so Israel should accommodate ‘em.

What other choice do they have?

Posted: 18:08
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Category: IslamoFascists
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Caesalpinia Echinata

Violins, Violas, Cellos and the Bow more important than the Instrument?


They were archetiers, craftsmen who make bows for violins, violas, cellos and basses, and wood from the pernambuco tree is the only known material, synthetic or natural, out of which a bow maker can construct a top-quality, performance level bow.

Go read Saving the Music Tree.

Posted: 15:58
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Category: Music
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30 Years Ago...

..on April 15th, 1974, Patti Hearst takes part in a San Francisco bank robbery on behalf of the Symbionese Liberation Army.

She was convicted in 1976, and pardoned by Bill Clinton in 2001.


Posted: 15:35
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Category: Crime
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