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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

2 weeks

you know... its really strange how fast time goes by... its been over 2 weeks since my last post and i really dont know where the time went... my life is probably a lot like everyone else's... i go to work, come home and spend time with my family, rinse, repeat... now im not saying this is bad... quite the opposite actually, but time seems to really fly by. 2 weeks ago we went to my parents.. pretty boring, but nice to see them. 2 weeks ago, my daughter started swimming lessons.... she is a fish... loves the water and isnt afraid to be in the pool...

1 week ago we went out with our neighbors... i dont know about you... but having neighbors that you like and hang out with is nice... you dont have to worry about being spiteful and petty... anyway we went to dinner and then bowling... oh yea... and driking a boat load of beer at ye old bowling alley... truly a good time, other than the fact that my wife wouldnt get my tacos after, but hey i lived. sunday morning brought a beauty of headache... i assume this to be a side affect of the aforementioned bowling alley beer...but it appears that it wasnt completely the cause... apparently i had a sweet sinus infection that i finally broke down and went to the doctor the tuesday after... exactly 1 week ago...

last weekend my lovely wife decided that we (I) should paint the kitchen, living room, and hallways... i hate painting so i was not that thrilled by this, but happy wife, happy life. my father-in-law came down to help me out, which is great, because he loves to do all of the trim work... the painting is all done, and i will admit it looks nice... i just have have a sore body now... especially my knee... i think its broke.

anyway its that time of year again when all of the good sports are done... im really not a baseball fan unless im at the game, so i just need to keep my head above water until football kicks back up.

thats all i got for now... i will try and come up with something better.

oh yeah... fuck florida... i hate the gators.

Learn it, know it, live it!


Friday, March 17, 2006

Holy Shit

somethings amiss in Iowa.... i get to work today and find out that the ISU head basketball coach,Wayne Morgan got canned last night... now for most of you this doesnt mean much, but its a pretty big shock to me and im sure many of the people in this state. ISU's b-ball program seems to be in a little bit of disarray and it seems that the AD just dropped a nuke on it... I guess we will have to see how this all pans out, but for now im a little unsure.

Happy St. Pattys day! may you drink too much and puke on your shoes!

Learn it, know it, live it!


Holy Shit

somethings amiss in Iowa.... i get to work today and find out that the ISU head basketball coach,Wayne Morgan got canned last night... now for most of you this doesnt mean much, but its a pretty big shock to me and im sure many of the people in this state. ISU's b-ball program seems to be in a little bit of disarray and it seems that the AD just dropped a nuke on it... I guess we will have to see how this all pans out, but for now im a little unsure.

Happy St. Pattys day! may you drink too much and puke on your shoes!

Learn it, know it, live it!


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Its madness i tell you

I have dont exactly shit this morning... i have been at a conference for the last 2 days and now i have to sort through all the stuff i have missed. on top of that the ncaa tournament started... and i have a tv in my office... so im pretty well done for the day!

other than that my life is pretty boring... nothing really new going on. had company last weekend and am going to my parents this weekend. considering there is nothing to do at my parents, i will watch a ton of basketball and maybe pawn my baby off on the grandparents and hit a movie with the wife. if anything exciting happens i will keep you informed.

drink lots tomorrow and watch basketball... how can you really go wrong with a holiday that promotes drinking and one of the greatest sporting events in the world falling together!

Learn it, know it, live it!


Monday, March 06, 2006


I know i havent been around for awhile, but let me tell you... these last couple of weeks truly without a doubt sucked some huge balls... most likely the worst 2 weeks i have had in the 3 years that i have been with the company. I had a project due on friday that was actually 4 projects rolled into 1 big pile of shit. i worked a lot last week, and to tell you the truth i didnt like it one bit. its over for now... the submittal is done and to the city for review, now i can try and get the rest of the shit caught up and wait to hear back from the city as to all of the changes that need to be made.

anyway on friday it was our 3 year anniversary here at work, so after the shitstorm the bosses took us the bar to celebrate... it was fun, i hadnt been to the bar in awhile so we ended up heading to Hooters for dinner. you have to love hotters chicken wings, i know i do.

other than that i spent the weekend with my family since i hadnt seen them in a few days, and now im back at work to catch up on the shit. i hope everyone has a decent week, cause im not sure i will.

Learn it, know it, live it!


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

LIsts and stuff

It seems this is going around the small but very prominent blogsphere in which i reside...Tow, my big headed roomate from college and good friend tagged me, so here it goes!

Four jobs I’ve had:
1. Landscape architect
2. cook at Country Kitchen
3. factory worker-Amana refrigeration
4. grocery store employee

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. Clerks
2. Office Space
3. Wedding Crashers (newer, but i think i wll watch many many times)
4. Caddyshack

Four places I’ve lived:
1. Ankeny, IA
2. West Des Moines, IA
3. Ames, IA
4. Marengo, IA (nothing really there... and i dont miss it, just some of the people)

Four TV shows I love:
1. Lost
2. The Shield
3. Deadwood
4. My name is Earl

Four highly regarded and recommended TV shows I haven’t seen (much of):
1. The Office
2. Rescue Me
3. Two and a Half Men
4. American Idol (i just dont get it)

Four places I’ve vacationed:
1. Ear Falls Canada
2. Las Vegas
3. many places in Colorado
4. Hawaii.... my honeymoon... best trip ever!

Four of my favorite dishes:
1. big ass cheeseburger, medium rare
2. mac and cheese and hotdogs
3. Hooters chicken wings
4. pizza... specifically a fine Chicago style

Four sites I visit daily:
1. (an online game... im a dork)
3. yahoo sports
4. various news and entertainment sites

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Home with my family
2. golfing
3. tailgating at a football game
4. did i mention golf

This is me... if you dont like it, eat me!

Learn it, know it, live it!


Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Happy Valentines day... the day were as a man you are expected to get your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend something nice and special. My wife got a hat. dont worry... she wanted the hat so im not a prick, really! my daughter got a ton of stuff, but hey, that is what you do when you have kids, you get less and they get more, but the smile is worth it!

its supposed to be another glorius day in iowa... like 50 degrees and sunny. in february. winter. riiiiight. at least im chained to my desk having a pile of work to do, so i have that going for me.

this past weekend we were in chicago doing the b-day party thing. its always a good time, we eat, drink, and be merry, so you really cant go wrong with that. my niece got some cool stuff and its good to see them. the drive sucks but its worth it.

for something different (if you havent checked out my links) try this site, ifs fucking hilarious. thats all ive got for now... so enjoy the day of love, just watch out for that little bastard in the diaper shooting arrows!

Learn it, know it, live it!


Thursday, February 09, 2006

Another travel weekend

well its Thursday... actually friday for me. I have tomorrow off so we can hit the road for the drive over to the burbs of Chicago for my nieces birthday this weekend. its not a bad drive, only like 4 1/2 hours, which isnt bad going out... coming home is another story.

my brother-in-law's family like to party, so birthdays will always involve a little booze, and typically when we go there i hit it pretty hard. that means that the same 4 1/2 drive out will seem like 17.5 years with a hangover. i know, you say i dont have to get drunk.... which is exactly what my wife says, but that usually just doesnt work out. they have a keg fridge and as most of you know, when drinking beer if it comes from a glass rather than a can it seems to disappear a lot faster, therefore i drink more and invariably end up bombed. its the beers fault, not mine.

so that is my plan for the weekend... see some family, have a party for a 2 year old, and drink, not necessarily in that order.

Learn it, know it, live it!
