Left in the West |
Wednesday, April 09, 2003
Hello for now? For anyone who stumbles on to this site, I'm now the sideshow over at Ezra Klein's Blog. If you're dying for some original Matt Singer commentary, get it there. Thursday, April 03, 2003
Goodbye for now I've decided in the last twenty-four hours that my life is getting too busy for me to maintain this blog at this point in my life. Blogger is too frustrating at times and I need to be doing other things (like going to class). With that said, anyone who wants to can still e-mail me at leftinthewest -at- hotmail -dot- com. I might do this again at some point, but it'll probably be on my own server and with moveable type. So if you'll really miss this blog, you have that to potentially look forward to. Ezra - Sorry our deal didn't last as long as it should have. You'll get the traffic you deserve. Don't worry. Of course, it might be under my real name now. |