The Wayback Machine -
It'll be like Swiss Family Robinson, only with more cursing. We're gonna live like kings...

Velcrometer Velcrometer

I Got Your April Fool Right Here :: The ultimate journaler's April Fool gag, foiled by bad timing.
Terribly Happy Terribly Happy

Movies this week :: Hellboys, heckcows, IKEA: The Movie and THE ROCKENING. Plus: a wedding blog bonus entry.
Tomato Nation Tomato Nation

The Vine :: "It seems they really do have a problem with the age issue, and insist that I am setting myself up for disaster if I stay with him."
Uncle Bob Uncle Bob

Buy The Book! Skip The Movie! :: So yeah, I'm featured in a new book. It's not MY book like SOME journalists are known for. But it's a book. And it's me in the book. And dammit, that should count for something.
Rocksnobs Rocksnobs

All We Need Is...just a little patience. :: Brace yourself for the shock, but Axl Rose has cancelled a Guns N' Roses date. I know! I couldn't believe it either.
Bitch Panic Bitch Panic

Just a Boring Entry :: ...and a picture of my one and only true soul mate.
Dancing Brave Dancing Brave

Bad Karma :: I called Michael. "On the way home from the hospital my car broke down," I blurted out. There was a pause, followed by loud laughter. "Oh my GOD, you guys are CURSED," he chortled.
Cate's Garage Sale Finds Cate's Garage Sale Finds

Bunny Spa Day :: One of the humans may coo encouragingly at you. Thank you for not getting seriously annoyed and biting her.
Terribly Happy Terribly Happy

From zombies to Britney :: Just another week in the life of L'il Floaty Omie Head.
Tomato Nation Tomato Nation

The Vine :: "But it doesn't make sense to me, because in my world, 'You're awesome, I love hanging out with you, I'm so attracted to you' is a relationship, or at least the beginning of one."
Game Gossip Game Gossip

Star Wars KOTOR 2 - Full Name Revealed? :: Last week the first reports surfaced that Obsidian Entertainment would be developing a sequel to Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic ...
Tales From The Couch Tales From The Couch

Get Gone, George. :: W.'s got to go, and I ain't foolin'.
Uncle Bob Uncle Bob

I'm The Poor Man's Gene Shalit :: Susie and I went to a matinee of "The Passion Of The Christ" yesterday. Or ... as it's known here in the South ... "Let's Open Up A Can Of Whup Ass On Jesus!"
Velcrometer Velcrometer

Reader Mail Slot, Episode XXIII :: M. Giant gets a big ol' head. Ew, not like that.
Ultra Tart Ultra Tart

Stuff I Learned At My Most Recent Job, Now Drawing to a Close :: "You can think I’m a fluffy worthless idiot wearing heels that are too sexy for the office, but I’m a fluffy worthless idiot in sexy shoes who can properly punctuate a sentence, god damn it. "
Gwen World Gwen World

Vile thoughts :: "Stay out of the cafeteria while I’m buying my lunch, you unappetizing bastard."
Tomato Nation Tomato Nation

The Vine :: "How can I tell her that I can't be her roommate without losing her forever?"
Fametracker Fametracker

Jon Stewart's Fame Re-Audit :: Jon Stewart is much more famous than he was four years ago -- and yet, it's still not enough for us.
Uncle Bob Uncle Bob

Jesus Drives A Pick Up Truck :: Call me a skeptic, but I just don't find it convincing when Jesus is healing people and saying "I jes' fixed that there boy's eyes! That lil' sumbitch can see again! YEEEEEE-HAH!"
Rocksnobs Rocksnobs

White Flags...shot to ribbons. :: Okay, making people realize the majesty of Queen is good. But doing so in the form of a musical? I'm not sure about that.
Damn Hell Ass Kings

Bitch Panic


Cate's Garage Sale Finds


The Damn Millionaires

Dancing Brave


Fresh Hell

Frolic and Detour

Game Gossip



Grub Report

Gwen World

Hate Your Daddy



Imaginary Friend


Miscellaneous, Etc.

Monica! The Musical



Plaintive Wail

Pop Culture Junk Mail


Queen of the Harpies

The Rage Diaries

The Redhead Papers


Tales from the Couch

Television Without Pity


Terribly Happy

Threeway Action

Tomato Nation

Ultra Tart

Uncle Bob


DHAK is a collection of groovy
sites by people (owners, friends,
writers) connected to Uber.

If you're not one of these
people then don't email me
asking to join!

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