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Bhavatu sabba mangalam.
"May all beings be happy."
Vipassana meditation.
• Who: FOAF
• What: Weblog (Archive | Atom)
• Where: Woodside, CA, USA
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Thanks, BlogRolling

April 1, 2004

Surf's Up!

Google Goes Pacific!

"Google, the famous search engine, is set to buy the Island of GoGooroa early next month... The search engine company, which is currently headquartered in Mountain View (California), is looking forward to this new site in the Pacific Ocean, on this island which will be officially renamed Googland in a few weeks."

Nice! I sure hope there's broadband...

In other Google/April 1st news... Gmail's been announced!

Posted at 09:12 | TrackBacks (1)

March 28, 2004


Just for kicks, here's a map of my travels (thus far):

World66: My Travels
(create your own)
Sooooo many places left to experience...

Posted at 20:58 | TrackBacks (0)

March 25, 2004


The current issue of Newsweek features Google on its cover. If you've got access to the deadtree, turn to page 50 and check out the small photo inside our new Café. Look a little closer at the table at the bottom, starting clockwise with the dude in the red EFF shirt: yours truly, Prashant, Kimmy, Christine, Simon and Graham. Far out.

Us in Newsweek

Posted at 23:31 | TrackBacks (0)


I finally caved:

Posted at 21:57 | TrackBacks (0)

Politics Summarized

Defective Yeti succinctly visualizes what I've long suspected: partisan politics do nothing but waste people's time.

Posted at 19:59 | TrackBacks (0)

March 24, 2004

Life, the Universe and Everything

No, not by Douglas Adams. By brilliant Media Lab philosopher and philanthropist Benjamin Vigoda:

"But what would happen to them if there was a sexy horseshoe crab under a street lamp? They would want to run away from the light. But they would want to run toward sex. They would freeze like a deer in head-lights. They would stammer like a teenager with a massive crush. They would be neurologically over-whelmed and not know what at all to do with themselves."

"But luckily some of them had some even extra and additional wiring..."

Do read on, it's a fantastic piece.

Posted at 22:45 | TrackBacks (0)

March 19, 2004

¡Viva De La O!

Bienvenido al mundo, Isabella.

Posted at 12:01 | TrackBacks (0)

March 18, 2004

Happy Biodiesel Day!

Yes, today is National Biodiesel Day, in celebration of Rudolf Diesel's birthday. Here's a quote of his from 1912:

"The use of plant oil as fuel may seem insignificant today. But such products can in time become just as important as kerosene and these coal-tar-products of today."

This seems like a good time to announce my latest project - The Biodiesel Blog - where I'll be tracking biodiesel news & information. (And hopefully providing some original content once I get a TDI of my own.) Here's the feed for you aggregator-lovers.

Help spread the word- link to it, blogroll it, blog about it!

Posted at 18:20 | TrackBacks (0) | Comments (0)

March 17, 2004


After reading Eastern Standard Tribe I got to thinking- I want an iPod with built-in WiFi and Rendezvous. Why?

So I can listen to music from nearby iPods. It works brilliantly with iTunes, why not iPods?

Posted at 15:06 | TrackBacks (0)

March 15, 2004

Naked Chicks

Simon's latest creation:


Posted at 15:40 | TrackBacks (0)

Nothing To Spill

W - Blogger Help can clarify: "Blogger has two interfaces. The Classic Interface is designed to work with Internet Explorer 6.0 or greater and Mozilla 1.0 or greater... All other browsers should use the Default Interface which offers the same functionality but with less demanding browser requirements."


Posted at 08:48 | TrackBacks (0) | Comments (1)

March 13, 2004


Lane caught me stuffed full of burrito, along with Ev and Goldman. It was a Thai Tofu Burrito from Mariachi's, in fact; we were celebrating Biz's 30th b-day.

Posted at 21:31 | TrackBacks (0)

March 12, 2004

You Are Here

According to the Spirit Rover, that is.

[via /.]

Posted at 08:46 | TrackBacks (0)

March 7, 2004

Free Culture

Larry Lessig, in Wired: "If piracy means using the creative property of others without their permission, then the history of the content industry is a history of piracy. Every important sector of big media today - film, music, radio, and cable TV - was born of a kind of piracy... The Hollywood film industry was built by fleeing pirates. Creators and directors migrated from the East Coast to California in the early 20th century in part to escape controls that film patents granted the inventor Thomas Edison."

Posted at 18:58 | TrackBacks (0)

March 5, 2004



Posted at 08:34 | TrackBacks (0)

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