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Here are some of CounterPunch's favorite websites. We've picked sites that we've found useful, amusing and, occasionally, outrageous. Not all of them mirror our politics, of course. But most display a certain energy and zest that make them worth a serious look. Let us know what you think and if there are any sites we should add to the list.

ATF Files: Documents on the ATF released through the Freedom of Information Act. CNN's politics site.


APB Online: Breaking news on the police state. Scary.

Arms Sale Monitor: Excellent publication put out by the Federation of American Scientists that tracks the global weapons trade.

Black Radical Congress: Crime, racism, economics, radical politics.

Center for International Policy: Excellent coverage of Central America, Cuba, Haiti and the CIA.

Center for Responsive Politics: Where to find what lobbyists work for which corporations at what price.

CIA Electronic Documents Release Center: A catalogue of CIA materials released through the Freedom of Information Act.

Cocaine Importing Agency: Stop here for the latest on news about the CIA's ties to drug dealers.

CopWatch: Policing the police.

Cryptome: Declassified documents on electronic privacy, surveillance, crytography, and espionage issues.

Death Penalty Information Center: A counterforce to government sanctioned barbarism.

Digital National Security Archive

Dossier Documents: Documents on psy-ops, domestic spying, MK-ULTRA and conspiracy issues from the Cold War era.

FBI Files: FBI documents released under the Freedom of Information Act.

FEC Watch: Just the numbers: Who gets how much from whom?

Government Accountability Project: Representing government whistleblowers, exposing wrongdoing.

Human Radiation Experments Database

Lobster: The British journal of parapolitics, intelligence and State Research.

Open Secrets: The dirt on lobbyists, fundraisers and PACs.

The Political Graveyard: Funny, and useful, obits of politicians, famous and infamous.

Project on Government Oversight: Exposing corruption in the federal government, with a particular vigor against the Pentagon and Dept. of Energy.


Skeleton Closet: Bizarre political scandal site. Worth a visit.

Texans for Public Justice: The group that has held GW Bush and his allies accountable.

Thomas: The Library of Congress' website on Congress, including votes, floor speeches and the Congressional Record.

War Links: CounterPunch's War Links page.


Bureau of Labor Statistics: Government stats on employment rates.

Campaign for Labor Rights: Fighting sweatshops and worker abuse around the globe.

Corporate Watch: First-rate reporting on the latest in corporate villainy.

Economic Policy Insitute: Progressive economic think tank.

Essential Information: The portal to the vast Nader-linked web resources. An essential bookmark.

Executive Pay Watch: Read it and weep.

Global Trade Watch: Lori Wallach and Ralph Nader take on NAFTA, MAI and WTO.

Industrial Workers of the World: The Wobblies.

LabourNet: International labor issues are confronted here.

Left Business Observer: A perceptive, if quirky, economic journal. Published by Doug Henwood.

National Labor Committee: Fighting the war against global and domestic sweatshops. Made Kathy Lee Gifford cry.

Polyconomics: Jude Wanniski's roost on the web. The impressario of Reagonomics.

Preamble: Critiques of global trade measures from the Left.

SEC EDGAR Database: The filing house for corporate reports. Of special interest for investigators are the 10-K form, definitive proxy statement and stock prospectus.

Tobacco Archives

Tobacco BBS: Exposing the cigarette industry.

Alliance for the Wild Rockies: Fearless defenders of the northern Rockies, led by a true heir of Muir and Brower, Mike Bader.

Earth Island Institute: Founded by David Brower, EII tackles global environmental issues from sea turtles to whales.

EcoBadGuys: Breaking news on the environment.

International Rivers: Fearless Berkeley group fighting big dams and the World Bank.

Native Forest Council: Uncompromising green group in Eugene, Oregon, run by Tim Hermach, the conscience of the conservation movement.

Nuclear Information and Resource Service: NIRS is the best anti-nuke site on the net.

Prince Charles: The site Tony Blair wants to ban. Britain's Ralph Nader takes on Monsanto and chemical agriculture.

Project Underground: Battling oil and mining companies around the world. One of our favorite groups.

Big Brother's Watching: One of the largest collections of online FBI files anywhere in the world, outside the FBI themselves. With files ranging from Adolf Hitler, Al Capone, Pablo Picasso, and so many more.

The Black Vault: The amazing exploits of a 15-year-old armed with the Freedom of Information Act, includes files on chem-bio warfare, UFOs, mind control, DOE super comupters and other bizarre arcana from the files of the federal government.


Fortean Times

Free Speech Internet TV

Getting It

The Konformist

Luke Ford.Com: The Matt Drudge of porn.

The Obscure Store & Reading Room: Bizarre political and media news from around the world. Edited by Jim Romenesko.

Rock and Rap Confidential: Dave Marsh's biting monthly on music, race, politics and the drug war.

SlashDot: Tech news with a radical edge.

Common Dreams: Progressive news wire.

FAIR: The media watchdog group.

First Headlines: Excellent portal to world news stories.

Horizon: Online mag that highlights the people that do something for their respective communities. It features progressive celebrities such as Ed Asner and peope you never heard of like neighborhood school reformer Michael Watts.

In These Times: The fiesty progressive magazine from Chicago.

News Max: Chris Ruddy's command center. Daily issues of biting news on the Clintonoids.

Progressive Review: Muckraking with an edge by Sam Smith.

Rachel's: The best environmental newsletter on the planet. Edited by Peter Montague.

Social Criticism Review





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