Reluctant Heroes, The (1971) (TV) .... Pvt. Golden ... aka Egghead on Hill 656, The (1971) (TV) ... aka Reluctant Heroes of Hill 656, The (1971) (TV) (UK)
"Knight Rider" (1982)
playing "Sonny Prince" in episode: "Give Me Liberty... or Give Me Death" (episode # 1.15) 21 January 1983
"Laverne & Shirley" (1976)
playing "Charles Warner" in episode: "Guinea Pigs" (episode # 2.14) 18 January 1977
"Ellery Queen" (1975)
playing "Dr. Kemp" in episode: "The Adventure of the Wary Witness" (episode # 1.15) 25 January 1976
"Nakia" (1974)
in episode: "Roots of Anger" (episode # 1.11) 30 November 1974
"Kung Fu" (1972)
playing "Vern" in episode: "The Ancient Warrior" (episode # 1.15) 3 May 1973
"Marcus Welby, M.D." (1969)
playing "Horst" in episode: "All the Pretty People" (episode # 3.17) 25 January 1972
"Avengers, The" (1961)
playing "Sir Jeremy Broadfoot" in episode: "Look - (stop me if you've heard this one) But There Were These Two Fellers..." (episode # 7.11) 4 December 1968