Jackson tops 'most foolish' list
Who's the biggest fool of all? This year, it's Michael Jackson. The singer ranked first in a telephone survey of 1,016 people who were asked in March to name the most foolish American in 2004.
Bagging the bagels (
Pioneer Press,
03/29/2004 03:01 AM CST)
Spot it!: House finch disease
House finch disease is an infectious eye disease has spread widely among house finches. Birds show signs of the disease mycoplasma gallisepticum, a parasitic bacterium within 10 to 14 days of becoming infected. BY ELLEN TOMSON / Pioneer Press
Mountain bike goes BMX
Forget the Spandex biking shorts. For a new wave of mountain bikers, mouth guards, goggles and full body armor are standard equipment. BY STEPHEN REGENOLD / Special to the Pioneer Press
Move over, Barbie: Meet SFH
Move over, Barbie: You ain't the only one with a dream house. Meet SFH, or Single Female Homeowner, who will chronicle her hammer handicaps, painting pitfalls and helpful hints each week.