The Wayback Machine -

March 12, 2004

What if we...

Dear Lousie,

What if we pay him $430,000 instead of $340,000 and only call him by his first name? Because then it's kind of like he's a different person and we've never paid him before. And if we do that, maybe he'll have different intelligence from now on!

Yours in the Crusade for Justice,

Lowelly Jacob

Posted by Ezra Klein at March 12, 2004 12:30 PM | TrackBack

Umm . . . that should be "Louise", no?

Posted by: Isabeau at March 12, 2004 04:21 PM

Dear Lowelly,

No. Also? No.

Praying for you,

Posted by: Opus at March 13, 2004 02:49 AM
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