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Comments: Dead Meme

Howard Dean is a metrosexual.
Democrats are socialists who hate white males.
Hillary Clinton is secretly plotting to take over the world.
All augmented by several links in the story that are completely unrelated to the point that he is making.

Sweet Georgia Brown, that's like some kind of retard grand slam. I'm now at least 10% stupider for having read that. Thanks, guys.

Posted by oscitant at December 29, 2003 09:58 PM

I feel I should mention, as affects DenBeste's total post, that I am half white (and all) male and I don't even support Bush 50%. Thus, Bush will lose the election.

Posted by Ezra at December 29, 2003 10:11 PM

Wait... what's the other half then?

Posted by JP at December 30, 2003 01:27 AM

ah, for fuck's sake. Will someone please start the meme "Bush is not a fucking cowboy"?

The guy went to Yale. There's a saying down here- "Big hat, no cattle." It's the same as saying "All talk and no trousers," or "Fur coat and no pants."

The guy isn't southern, he isn't blue collar, and he's NOT. A. FUCKING. COWBOY.

Anyone can buy a hat, some boots, and an F-150. Can he change his own oil? Drive a straight nail? Splint a fracture? Read a map that doesn't have roads on it? Work a pair of post hole diggers?

Fucking guy has a lot of gall. A cowboy... fuckin' asshole.

Posted by patrick at December 30, 2003 01:51 AM


Posted by Ezra at December 30, 2003 02:07 AM

I feel I should mention, as affects DenBeste's total post, that I am half white (and all) male and I don't even support Bush 50%.

You're male? Wow. My wife's father was male, too.

Posted by Ray Radlein at December 30, 2003 02:37 AM

For just a hot second, I thought that Ezra's comment ("Brazilian.") was a Terry Gilliam reference, and my mind was just a-racin' to try and tie it all together.


That was intense.

What was it Sonic Youth said about confusion?

Posted by patrick at December 30, 2003 02:55 AM

I'm not sure which is worse...the 'Howard Dean is a metrosexual' meme, or the Richard Cohen column hypothesizing that Cohen was one. Can't these guys just get a sports car or something?

Posted by Mike T at December 30, 2003 09:45 AM

When den Beste latches onto a meme, you can take that as a certification that the rest of the world, including the wingnut punditry, has buried that particular meme as useless.

Posted by Steady Eddie at December 30, 2003 11:45 AM

Well Ezra I'm all white and all male and I don't support Bush even one little bit.

If white males are supposed to be so supportive of GWB I'd sure like to meet one outside the beltway and media pundocracy who does.

Posted by Chris Stefan at January 2, 2004 05:32 AM
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