USAction is the nation’s largest progressive activist organization, dedicated to winning social, racial, and economic justice for all. USAction fights to win on issues that matter to every American. We represent three million members in 34 affiliates, with statewide organizations in 24 states.

What's New

February 23 - USAction warns that S. 1125, the Frist/Hatch asbestos corporate bail out bill, won’t compensate hundreds of thousands of sick and injured asbestos victims. We are running TV and newspaper ads to spotlight the case of victims who would be denied financial help to cope with the devastating effects of their asbestos-related illnesses. Find out more about the USAction Asbestos campaign.


February 16 - USAction Launches Nation Wide Asbestos TV Ad "Second Opinion." This latest ad spotlights the case of victims who would be denied financial help to cope with the devastating effects of their asbestos-related illnesses.


The Corporate Truth Squad (CTS) Alert is a project of USAction. The CTS Alert highlights how our civil justice system gives ordinary citizens the power to stand up against corporations that commit fraud, abuse or other wrongdoing. We will distribute the CTS Alert regularly to all state legislators, Members of Congress and the media, with documentary evidence of corporate indifference to predictable illness, injury and death, uncovered by ordinary citizens seeking justice through the courts.


USAction is a cosponsor of Save Women’s Lives: March for Freedom of Choice! To encourage participation in the, the USAction board voted in November to hold it’s
USAction, 1341 G St. NW, 10th Floor, Washington, DC 20005    P: (202) 624-1730     F: (202) 737-9197
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