You know, just speaking from history here, but what happened that last Israel found out some damning evidence that Saddam was seeking a nuclear reactor --> weapons?
Oh, that's right, they bombed the shit out of it.
Somehow they were less impressed with the case Bush was making this go around.
Go figure. Man, I can't wait for November. I'll vote for Ronald McDonald if he gets the nomination, he can't be much worse than the clown that's fucking up the US now.
Posted by ChrisS at February 4, 2004 11:45 PMThat's not quite an accurate summary of the article. Yossi Sarid, a long-time left-wing Knesset member, is claiming that Israeli intelligence knew something was wrong but clammed up. But the intelligence services themselves haven't admitted anything like that. Nor do I think they believed that there were no weapons at all in Iraq, anyway--the whole country was on gas mask alert throughout the three-week period of the war before Saddam's regime was toppled.
In any event, the key thing to my mind about Israeli intelligence vis-a-vis Iraq is what everyone in Israel--left-wing, right-wing, across the political spectrum--saw as the greatest regional threat to them over the past ten years. It was (and is) Iran, not Iraq. Not that anyone in Israel wants the US to invade Iran, and not that they opposed the Iraq war (most people in Israel supported it), but the doomsday scenarios being thrown around by the Bush administration about Iraq were a lot less likely in Israel's view than a potential conflict with Iran. Which, seeing as how nobody wants to invade them, is not considered likely enough by anyone to warrant serious consideration of pre-emptive action.
Posted by Haggai at February 5, 2004 01:40 AMDespite the mountains of evidence piling up that we were conned into this war, I'm pessimistic that Bush will pay the price he should for this.
Hope springs eternal, though...
Posted by JKC at February 5, 2004 07:19 AM