The Wayback Machine -

January 26, 2004


(That's Weapons of Mass Destruction-Related Program Activities Potentially Discoverable But Not Found Yet, for anyone following along.)

In some rather interesting news, the White House is retreating from even its tepid statements that WMD might be found in Iraq, instead opening up the door to "learn the truth".

Asked about Kay's remarks, White House spokesman Scott McClellan refused to repeat oft-stated assertions that prohibited weapons eventually would be found.

McClellan said the inspectors should continue their work "so that they can draw as complete a picture as possible. And then we can learn — it will help us learn the truth."

Keep in mind that above all else, George Bush is popular, and therefore untouchable. Except that a new Newsweek poll has Kerry beating him, and the rest of the major candidates five points or less behind him. A man so invincible...yet so vulnerable. He makes all the middle-aged conservative women swoon.

Posted by Jesse Taylor at January 26, 2004 06:13 PM | TrackBack
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