December 30, 2003

Last Chance!

It's your very last chance to take advantage of NewsMax's sale, which is mainly a bunch of books which I swear weren't bulk-purchased, and which they aren't desperately trying to clear out after they couldn't sell them to the readers already swayed by the advertisements for stock options that don't expire and the promises that you won't die impotent if you just CLICK HERE!

My favorite items? The 90% off "Justice Will Be Done" poster (I guess that's a hard sell even to Bushophiles), the "Off The Record" tape with Bernie Goldberg, marked down a stunning 94.5%, and Chris Ruddy's Vince Foster investigation, which is marked down a mere 75% - but it's a Vince Foster book, still on sale in 2003.

Keep in mind that you also get a free magazine trial subscription with any order - meaning that after getting that 60% off When Character Was King, complete with 1:5 scale loafer, you also get $20 worth of the cheap NewsMax rag.

Does anyone else get the feeling that NewsMax isn't quite a profit-generating enterprise?

Posted by Jesse Taylor at December 30, 2003 04:07 PM | TrackBack

Man, places like Newsmax and Townhall certainly could use a Rightwing Soros-type, but since we all know that Soros' giving $15M (?) to liberal causes is "unprecendented," I guess they're out of luck!

oh, wait, gotta run--Scaife is on the phone telling me he'll cut my funding if I ever look at websites that criticize Norquist or Weyrich again.

Posted by: Dan in Chicago at December 30, 2003 04:22 PM

Hooray! "Pray to be Rich" hasn't sold out!!!!!

Posted by: VR at December 31, 2003 01:36 AM
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