Family Unification
Challenging the New Law |
Knesset Lobbying |
May 2002 Petition
On 31 July 2003, the Knesset enacted a new law titled Nationality and Entry into Israel Law (Temporary Order) 2003. This law, first introduced by the government on 4 June 2003, prohibits the granting of any residency or citizenship status to Palestinians from the Occupied Territories who are married to Israeli citizens. The law incorporated the main elements of Government Decision #1813 in effect since 12 May 2002. Adalah has been challenging the constitutionality of this decision, later passed into law, since May 2002.
After the passage of the new law, the UN Human Rights Committee, in its concluding observations on Israel, issued 21 August 2003, and the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, in its decision issued 22 August 2003, have both issued recommendations urging Israel to revoke the law on the grounds that it is discriminatory. The European Commission also issued a press release on 4 August 2003 stating that its concern that the new law, "establishes a discriminatory regime to the detriment of Palestinians in the highly sensitive area of family rights."
Challenging the New Law
Supreme Court to Hear Petitions Challenging New Law Banning Family Unification - 6 November 2003
Adalah Submits Petition to Supreme Court Against New Law Banning Family Unification - 4 August 2003
Knesset Passes Racist Law Barring Family Unification of Palestinians Married to Israeli Citizens: Adalah to Petition Supreme Court - 31 July 2003
New Petition - 03 Aug 2003: English | Hebrew
Supreme Court Challenge to the New Law Banning Family Unification.
(H.C. 7052/03, Adalah, et. al. v. Minister of Interior and the Attorney General, case pending)
New Law - 31 July 2003: English | Hebrew
Knesset Lobbying
Proposed Government Bill (with explanatory notes):
English |
Adalah's Letter to Members of Knesset - 30 July 2003 (Hebrew)
Adalah Testifies before Knesset Committee: Proposed Government Bill Imposing Severe Limitations on Family Unification is Unconstitutional - 16 July 2003
Human Rights Watch: "Don't Outlaw Family Life"
Amnesty International Press Release: The Knesset Should Reject Discriminatory Law.
International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) Press Release: Discriminatory law approved by the Knesset
May 2002 Supreme Court Petition
May 2002 Supreme Court Petition: English | Hebrew
Supreme Court to Hear Family Unification Cases Tomorrow - 16 July 2003
Adalah Submits 12 New Petitions to the Supreme Court Challenging Family Unification Policy - 29
August 2002
Supreme Court Orders State to Respond to Adalah's Petition Challenging the Legality of the
Government's Decision to Prevent Family Unification for Non-Citizen Palestinian Spouses of
Israeli Citizens - 2 June 2002
Seeking Cancellation of the Government's Discriminatory Decision to Prevent Family Unification for Non-Citizen Palestinian Spouses of Israeli Citizens
H.C. 4608/02, Abu Assad, et. al. v. The Prime Minister of Israel, et. al.