The Palestinian Arab minority in Israel accounts for
18% of the population. They are those Palestinians who were not exiled
as a result of the 1948 war, but stayed within the borders of the new
State of Israel. Palestinian Arab citizens in Israel are subject to a
number of forms of discrimination in their individual rights and
opportunities, and in the provision of services... (more)
About Us: The
The HRA was founded in 1988 to promote and protect the
political, civil, economic, and cultural rights of the Palestinian Arab
minority in Israel and to further the domestic implementation of
international human rights principles. It is an independent
non-governmental organisation registered in Israel. HRA holds a
unique position locally and worldwide as an indigenous organization that
works on the community, national and international levels for equality
and non-discrimination, and for the domestic implementation of
international minority rights protections. (more)
Selected Resources:
Links to Reports from International NGOs:
Regional Council for the Palestinian
Bedouin of the Unrecognized
a link to the pages of this grass-roots institution
which represents the inhabitants of the unrecognized Arab villages in
the Negev.
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