The Wayback Machine -
This may be nothing more than a ripple on the pond.
I don't care. I will enjoy it while it lasts.
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Written in the Stars - Defining Moments
Kay froze as the door burst open. The fireball that she'd been carefully crafting popped and dissapated. Her brother threw her to the floor and spoke a few quick words; a glowing shield snapped into place around her.

Framed in the doorway was a large demon. It was vaguely human, but had horns, glowing red eyes, and a fanged mouth. It stepped into the room, ducking to get past the low doorsill.

The girl watched as her brother growled a command, and a small lightening bolt smashed into the demon's snarling face. He took the moment while the demon was hurt to summon a katana into his hand; the blade howled as he unsheathed it. The demon lashed out and hit the wall, causing chunks of the stone ceiling to fall.

The last thing Kay remembered was her brother leaping forward, the sword's blade glowing.

Want more? )

I am...: accomplished

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I made cheesecake last night. ^_^ It came out really well.

Mom and I went to Coleen's shower, which was an experience that I don't want to dwell on. Too much stuff has been going on. None of it has been exciting, so I don't want to bother writing any of that down.

Friday night we went up to Rick's place to hang out with the "crew" as they call themselves. That was neat - I got some hilarious pictures of Steve the Hobbit slightly tipsy.

Mom and I shopped on Saturday, and I got clothes. I also got my Girl Scout cookies! Whee!!! But it was an exhausting day shopping, and then hanging out at the store.

So. Yeah, that's been about it. Eh.

I am...: Eh.

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Looks like I sort of have a job. Rick (Keean's friend) is starting to sell chain guitar stands, and he wants to set up a website to sell them from, and he hired me! I get to build him a website, and he's paying me for that, and then he's paying me to update it every month (or whenever it needs updating) for him. Wheee!!!

I had other things to say, but my computer is going to turn off soon, as I'm running off of the battery, and it just uses too much juice to run for long.

I am...: geeky

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I want to start putting writing up here, but I can't put it up publically. As I want to start submitting it places to see if it's good enough to get bought, if I post it here, they count that as "previous publishing" and won't buy it.

So if you're interested in being able to read what I write, let me know, and I'll add you to the filter. This is for my original work, not my fanfiction, because the fanfiction I can't sell anyway. So things like my Exquisite Sin story, and short stories and so forth.

I need to write more. I need to force the words out onto paper, instead of keeping them bottled up in my head.

By putting it in the journal, I'm hoping people will critique and comment what I'm writing, and it will let me work on things that pop into my head during class without having to save a million different places and have to set up the zip drive at home to get stuff.

I am...: Getting organized creatively

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I love the '80s!
Steve wussed out on me. It was his freaking birthday, and he didn't want to go to a club and live it up. Loser.

So Dave, Rick, Dan, Erin, and Jon went up with Keean and I. The club's in one of those great seedy parts of Worcester, so we got to see a drug deal as we parallel parked in front of the club. Very exciting.

The Lucky Dog Music Hall isn't huge, but it was remarkably clean for a club. The band came on stage a little while after we got there, right about midnight. These guys are seriously spoofing the hair bands. They all use fake names, like Diamond Davey Von Danger, and Dee Sniper. They wear the spandex and animal prints and crazy headbands, and wigs for the crazy teased-out hair.

The music? Oh man, the music is worth it. These guys are good - they're real musicians, not guys who couldn't cut it in a "real" band. The lead singer's voice is wicked good, and they carry off all of the songs that they cover WELL. It's loud, and campy, and just all around a neat experience.

I've still got some kind of cold/sinus thing, so I wasn't feeling too great, but I want to go back when I'm healthy. They put on a mean show, and I definitely might have danced a little if I felt better. It's infectious, and absolutely fun.

These guys played until last call, and afterwards, came down off of the stage and went around talking to the people who saw the show. They chat and thank people for coming and shake hands, and talk about the band and why they do what they do, and who they are outside of the show. It was pretty neat. Turns out Dan is a big follower, and knows the drummer, so he stood around and talked to us until we all got kicked out so the club could close.

As we stood waiting for Dan to follow us out, we made friends with a drug dealer. Mostly we all told him to go away, while Jon wavered on his feet and babbled about how he had enough drugs, he didn't need more. Then I had to pull him upright so that he didn't fall backwards into the street.

I'm kind of glad he rode with Dan and not with us. Erin being all drunk was obnoxious enough. Though she sobered up when we started picking on her for stuff. Dave asked us about this situation Erin got herself into, and I had to agree with his take on it, and he's in the back going "That's why I like Kate. She tells it like it is. Doesn't pull any shots." Erin just whined. ::sigh:: She's a sloppier drunk than Dave.

But it was lots of fun, and I definitely want to do it again. The Lucky Dog is all 21+, but I'm hoping that Geraldine's (the place that Mullethead plays on Sundays) isn't, so that you can come too, [info]thesilentpoet.

Everyone should visit their site, Mullethead Rules the friggin world.

I am...: Rocked Out.

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It's two in the morning. Do you know where your kids are?


I'm at the store in Milford. An hour away from home, and I'm dead tired. I think I have a sinus infection, which would explain the not-feeling-food that I've had for the past week. I've been sitting in this damn store since eleven o'clock this morning, and I WANNA GO HOME!!!!

I want to be asleep in my happy pengy sheets (thank you, [info]csacivilwarlady, and I need to give you money at some point, I didn't forget completely!) and I want to not have to stay up longer. I'm going to be up all night tomorrow night at the club, so sleep tonight would be good.

I'm going to end up dying in a car crash. I can see headlines now - "Girl kills ten in car crash : Geekdom is Deadly." Tomorrow night I'm going to be driving my drunk friends home from Worcester, and we're all going to die.

Oh god. I have class tomorrow. I'm never going to make it. Class. Shit. At noon. I might not even be home until then. Oh god. This is so not good.

At least I have my school bag with me, so if I have to I can just not sleep at all and go straight to class from wherever we happen to be.

I wanna go home.

I am...: dead on my feet

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Today was spent shopping. Cara, her roommate, her sister, and I ended up going for the bridesmaid dresses today. I'm sure everyone wants to see what we'll be wearing, so I'm posting pics behind the cut.

Oh, and [info]shiray7? Thanks for teaching me all about Photoshop - it really helped get rid of the damn bra straps in those dresses!

Inside - Bridesmaid dresses and Cara's wedding dress! )

I am...: Done editing!

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Why is it that when you think you know what you're doing, you can't do it when you need to? Mike and I went through the damn code. Figured out exactly what needed to be scripted. And now the gee-dee thing won't give me an answer beyond "undefined." This SUCKS. It's due tonight, and I don't think I can figure it out with the fifteen minutes I have left. I'm going to call this one homework assignment a loss, and worry about the rest of the class.

On a brighter note, I took my test, and don't have to go to class tomorrow! Yay! I get to go to the dress stuff with Cara and Katie and Gena, for the bridesmaid dresses for Cara's wedding. (Psst - I borrowed my Gram's digital camera, so you'll get as many pics as you want.)

I should go now, and do something productive. I have no idea what, but maybe I can fake something. Wish me luck.

I am...: meh.

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Imagine I'm whispering...
I'm going on a fieldtrip on Thursday.

With Keean and Dave and Rick and Phil and everyone.

We're going to Worchester, MA.

To a club there.

To listen to an 80's cover band.


This is way cool.

I am...: Wheeee!!!!

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It's not slash or yaoi if it's rated PG-13. I'm sorry. But if you don't have any of the really good dirty bits, then it's NOT DIRTY. It's...fake dirty. pudding instead of whipped cream and chocolate sauce.

You HAVE to have whipped cream and chocolate sauce for a fic to be dirty!

Damnit! There need to be more GOOD fics out there. I don't want to read what a 12-year-old thinks is 'naughty'! I want people who know how to write, writing me fanfiction! *I demand quality!!!*

If anyone out there has a good fanfic, or knows where I can find some, let me know. I've read out pretty much every fansite I've found, and (for the series I like.) And now I've resorted to looking through the stuff on, even though it's all little kids or R-ratings and under. :0(

I am...: Incensed.

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Funniest part of my day? Sitting in Barron's Comics, on the computer reading fanfic, and laughing hysterically at the "Rocky Horror Picture Show with the cast of X" fanfic. I laughed so hard I had to stop reading, and when I look up, standing immediately across from the counter the computer's set up on is four of the Barron's guys (Andy, Paul, some guy, and Roche), who are all staring at me with horrified expressions. Horrified. As in, no clue at all how to deal with someone finding humor on a computer.

If only they knew what I was reading. ::wink::

I am...: Laughed Out

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Hm. I'm doing this while in class, as my laptop has discovered a new way to annoy me. Now, whenever I'm making it work harder than it feels it should, it randomly powers off. Or goes into hibernate mode without any warning. I'm going to have to call Sony tech support in the hopes that it's something they can fix, and not a personality quirk of my machine.

I had such good intentions for updating and getting things done, too. I have the pages done for YuleLog and SilverFire archive updates, but I can't seem to keep the machine on long enough to upload them. I do not, alas, have any more chapters to post, as the Drunken Muse(c) seems to have gone back to bar-hopping on the weekends.

Rick wants to go to Japan with me, so that I can "speak the lingo to get the handjobs from the little girls." I'm not so sure that I want to bring Rick to Japan with me, but heck, if he decides he wants to go, and he's paying for my ticket, I will. I'd rather subject many innocent Japanese people to his lechery, than not get to Japan ever. ^_^

AnimeBoston is coming up quickly, and Steve and I still don't have a hotel, because I'm lazy. And because I don't have a job yet. Not that that's going to stop me from going. I still have some savings, enough to get me up there and feed me, even if I'm not going to be able to come home with a ton of nifty import goodness.

[info]csacivilwarlady - I found out when and where Fantasm is, but it's, alas, the same weekend as AnimeBoston, so I don't know if we'll ever be able to go together. Anime really is more of my fetish than kinky sex stuff. We love the crazy Japan goodness.

Keean and I are trying to finish up Ai Yori Aoshi, which is adorably good, but have been hampered by the need to sleep. Well, I didn't sleep so much as stay up to watch the previews they put on the DVDs. I love previews. The down side to previews - too many series that I don't have, that look like yummy possible-yaoi goodness. Like L/R. Mmmm...Licensed by Royalty.

I'm a big fan of fansubbing. I download as much anime as I can, but when I have money, I buy the American releases to keep the Japanese goodness flowing into the country. On that note, I downloaded the first episode of Saiyuki Reload, and it's GORGEOUS. They fixed Gojyo's pants into regular jeans, rather than the goofy fruity pair he wears in the first TV series, and the whole show is crisper. I'm working on getting the rest, but I definitely want this one on DVD, ASAP.

Oops, class is starting, I should go....

I am...: Okay. ::shrugs::

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A Walk in the Park has been updated with chapter 9, Silver Linings. Congratulations, [info]kawaiibarnhill.

I don't think I have anything else to say.

I am...: blank

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[info]thesilentpoet's Eye of the Oracle, Chapter Three is now UP!

Also, for YuleLogMists, I was bored, and started a preliminary Archives here. I have to get the character bios, maps, and rules up on a page, but with all the time I have, I should have it up by tomorrow. :0) I'm working on finding my archives for SilverFire too, so that those will work again.

[info]kawaiibarnhill - I haven't forgotten you. Chapter Nine of Blood Chapter Nine of Walk in the Park will be up by the end of the week. Keep checking, as chapter one of a new story will be making an appearance soon too!

EDIT: The Human Myth, by [info]thesilentpoet has been updated with Chapter Four.

I am...: productive

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Marriage is love.

I had to post this. My mom's friends Ed and Shawn are gay, and they're the cutest couple ever. I've known Ed since I was a baby; in fact, he went to college with Mom, and they dated briefly before he came out of the closet. When he lived in Boston and not England, we used to go and spend weekends with him, wandering the city and seeing the sights, and he'd come down and visit us.

I was thirteen or fourteen when he met Shawn, who it turns out grew up in Waterford, and they moved in together, and Ed brought him over to meet us. When I was sixteen or seventeen, he told me that he was gay, and I informed him that I knew already. He was all flustered and turned to my mom, who laughed, and told him she never said a word. I shrugged, and told him that a guy didn't go through that many male roommates unless he was in relationships with them. He asked me if it bothered me that he was gay, and I told him it didn't matter either way to me.

I think this might be where my love of boys who kiss boys comes from. When I was little, I always had a little bit of a crush on Ed. He's cute. ^_^

Valentine's was boring. Mom and I both slept in until one, mostly because Keean didn't want to be the one to wake either of us up. He and I went food shopping, and we made dinner, and Ed and Mike came over, and we all watched Pirates with Mom, and then Mike and I started watching Eva, and Steve came over, and now they're sitting around drinking and playing Texas Hold'Em. But it was definitely a good day.

I'm sending in my Tax ID paperwork on Monday, so that Mike and I can be a business. :0) Mom thinks that we have a pretty good chance of getting some consulting work at her place, though it will all depend on how Monday goes.

I get to see my Coleen on Monday too! She's getting married in March. Though this is just going to be the JP ceremony and a small reception, the real wedding with all of the bells and whistles will be in like, 2007. But I get to see her, and I have to bake a cheesecake for Grampy, because he keeps hinting to Coleen that it'd be great if I made him one again. And Nanny misses me - I miss her too. Coleen and I spent a lot of time together, and she's a big part of who I am today. She's influenced me a lot, to be more of who I feel I am, and not conform to what other people expect of me - to not let what people may or may not think of me affect who I am.

I should have posted this last night, but, well, I didn't get to bed til six in the morning, cause there was lots of Eva. We're starting to watch the last half right now, and it is good. :0)

I am...: Eva - y

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Boredom strikes again!
I shouldn't be allowed online when bored without supervision. It's nothing terrible this time...but The BackRoom now has a LJ community, [info]the_backroom.

You should join. Or something.

I am...: bored

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I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day. In fact, Keean and I are spending it with my mother, and Mike, as Shira is out of town, making dinner and watching movies. But when I saw this article posting in other journals, I had to smile. Because it just emphasizes how much the Christians have played around with history. So, for your reading enjoyment, and my Memories list, I present:

Whip My Roman Sex Gods: You want the true Valentine's Day? Forget roses and candy, sweetheart, and kneel before the Lupercalia! )

I am...: smiling

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We're back in business! Wheee!!!!!

I'm in the mood to rant, but I'm too tired. Between the computer being a bitch and spending all day at Barron's listening to little kids (and Andy) whine and throw tantrums, I'm beat. I just don't have anything left.

On the up side, I have my Firefox browser set up, and my OpenOffice document program set up, and Dreamweaver installed, and soon we're going to hit BestBuy and get a new power supply so that I can have Photoshop again!!!

The down side is that I have one million and one things to get done tomorrow, and I don't want to do any of them. Well, besides go to class. I like my class. My professor is so...good. He's just a good teacher.

Sleepytimes for Katie-chan now. ::blows kisses:: Night-night.

I am...: sleepy

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I swear to god, I'm going to switch to Linux one of these days. It seems like everything I attempt to do, results in a fucking virus, or adware, or spyware, or something fucking up my computer. I reinstalled Windows last night, and it's looking like I'm going to have to do something just as drastic again tonight, if McAffee doesn't freaking figure out what's wrong. ::sigh::

At least I've saved everything off my computer, instead of losing lots of stuff in the format.

Hopefully, it'll all work out, and I'll be able to finish installing programs and continue with my updating of the websites. :0) If I can get it all sorted out, I'll have a few more chapters of things to post.

I am...: frustrated

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Link is up - the only person I heard from was [info]kawaiibarnhill, so he gets to claim his prize here. He was correct, the chapter that I hid was A Walk in the Park Chapter Eight.

So - choose, a chapter from an existing fic of your choice, or a challenge-fic one-shot.

Quiz from Stef's journal. )

I am...: creative

Name: Kay
Try These
Back March 2004