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Today's Stories

December 20 / 21, 2003

Kurt Nimmo
Bush Gets Serious About Killing Iraqis

December 19, 2003

Elaine Cassel
Courts Rebuke Bush for Trampling the Constitution

Robert Fisk
Raid on Fantasyville: Shooting Samarra's Schoolboys in the Back

Zoltan Grossman
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Mike Whitney
Bush's Afghan Highway to Nowhere

Harold Gould
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Gary Leupp
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December 18, 2003

Ann Harrison
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John L. Hess
Catfish Blues: The SOB's from Out of Town

Karyn Strickler
Ebola is Good for You!

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Duryodhana Dies

Harry Browne
Hail Jim Hickey, the "Irish Hero" of the Colonial Occupation of Iraq

Hammond Guthrie
Captured in Abasement

December 17, 2003

Robert Fisk
Saddam's Cold Comforts

Gideon Levy
"Don't Even Think About the Children"

Marjorie Cohn
The Fortuitous Arrest of Saddam: a Pyrrhic Victory?

Andrew Cockburn
Saddam's Last Act

December 16, 2003

Robert Fisk
Getting Saddam...15 Years Too Late

Mahajan / Jensen
Saddam in Irons: The Hard Truths Remain

John Halle
Matt Gonzalez and Me

Josh Frank
The Democrats and Saddam

Tariq Ali
Saddam on Parade: the New Model of Imperialism

December 15, 2003

Robert Fisk
The Capture of Saddam Won't Stop the Guerrilla War

Dave Lindorff
The Saddam Dilemma

Abu Spinoza
Blowback on the Stand: The Trial of Saddam Hussein

Norman Solomon
For Telling the Truth: the Strange Case of Katharine Gun

Patrick Cockburn
The Capture of Saddam

Stew Albert
Joy to the World


December 13 / 14, 2003

Bill and Kathleen Christison
Chickenhearts at Notre Dame: the Pervasive Fear of Talking About the Israeli Connection

Stan Goff
Jessica Lynch, Plural

Tariq Ali
The Same Old Racket in Iraq

Jeffrey St. Clair
The Map is not the Territory

Marty Bender / Stan Cox
Dr. Atkins vs. the Planet

Christopher Brauchli
Mercury Rising: the EPA's Presents to Industry

Gary Leupp
On Marriage in "Recorded History", an Open Letter to Gov. Mitt Romney

Sasan Fayazmanesh
The Saga of Iran's Alleged WMD

Larry Everest
Saddam, Oil and Empire: Supply v. Demand

William S. Lind
How to Fight a 4th Generation War

Fran Shor
From Vietnam to Iraq: Counterinsurgency and Insurgency

Ron Jacobs
Child Abuse as Public Policy

Omar Barghouti
Relative Humanity and a Just Peace in the Middle East

Adam Engel
Pretty Damn Evil: an Interview with Ed Herman

Kristin Van Tassel
Breastfeeding Compromised

Ben Tripp
On Getting Stabbed

Susan Davis
"The Secret Lives of Dentists", a Review

Dave Zirin
Does Dylan Still Matter? an Interview with Mike Marqusee

Norman Madarasz
Searching for the Barbarians

Poets' Basement
Guthrie and Albert

Website of the Weekend
Dean on Race


December 12, 2003

Josh Frank
Halliburton, Timber and Dean

Chris Floyd
The Inhuman Stain

Dave Lindorff
Infanticide as Liberation: Hiding the Dead Babies

Benjamin Dangl
Another Two Worlds Are Possible?

Jean-Paul Barrois
Two States or One? an Interview with Sami Al-Deeb on the Geneva Accords

David Vest
Bush Drops the Mask: They Died for Halliburton

December 11, 2003

Siegfried Sassoon
A Soldier's Declaration Against War

Douglas Valentine
Preemptive Manhunting: the CIA's New Assassination Program

John Chuckman
The Parable of Samarra

Peter Phillips
US Hypocrisy on War Crimes: Corp Media Goes Along for the Ride

James M. Carter
The Merchants of Blood: War Profiteering from Vietnam to Iraq

December 10, 2003

Kurt Nimmo
The War According to Newt Gingrich

Pat Youngblood / Robert Jensen
Workers Rights are Human Rights

Jeff Guntzel
On Killing Children

CounterPunch Wire
Ashcroft Threatens to Subpoena Journalist's Notes in Stewart Case

Dave Lindorff
Gore's Judas Kiss

December 9, 2003

Michael Donnelly
A Gentle Warrior Passes: Craig Beneville's Quiet Thunder

Chris White
A Glitch in the Matrix: Where is East Timor Today?

Abu Spinoza
The Occupation Concertina: Pentagon Punishes Iraqis Israeli Style

Laura Carlsen
The FTAA: a Broken Consensus

Richard Trainor
Process and Profits: the California Bullet Train, Then and Now

Josh Frank
Politicians as Usual: Gore Dean and the Greens

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Remembering John Lennon


December 8, 2003

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Bolivia at a Crossroads

John Borowski
The Fall of a Forest Defender: the Exemplary Life of Craig Beneville

William Blum
Anti-Empire Report: Revised Inspirations for War

Tess Harper
When Christians Kill

Thom Rutledge
My Next Step

Carol Wolman, MD
Nuclear Terror and Psychic Numbing

Michael Neumann
Ignatieff: Apostle of He-manitariansim

Website of the Day
Bust Bob Novak


December 6 / 7, 2003

Alexander Cockburn
The UN: Should Be Late; Never Was Great

CounterPunch Special
Toronto Globe and Mail Kills Review of "The Politics of Anti-Semitism"

Vicente Navarro
Salvador Dali, Fascist

Saul Landau
"Reality Media": Michael Jackson, Bush and Iraq

Ben Tripp
How Bush Can Still Win

Gary Leupp
On Purchasing Syrian Beer

Ron Jacobs
Are We Doing Body Counts, Now?

Larry Everest
Oil, Power and Empire

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Defying the Police State in Miami

Jacob Levich
When NGOs Attack: Implications for the Coup in Georgia

Toni Solo
Game Playing by Free Trade Rules: the Results from Indonesia and Dominican Republic

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How to Fix the World Bank

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The San Francisco Mayor's Race

Brian Cloughley
Shredding the Owner's Manual: the Hollow Charter of the UN

Adam Engel
A Conversation with Tim Wise

Neve Gordon
Fuad and Ezra: an Update on Gays Under the Occupation

Kurt Nimmo
Bush Gives "Freedom" Medal to Robert Bartley

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Justice Takes a Holiday

Susan Davis
Avast, Me Hearties! a Review of Disney's "Pirates of the Caribbean"

Jeffrey St. Clair
A Natural Eye: the Photography of Brett Weston

Mickey Z.
Press Box Red

Poets' Basement
Greeder, Orloski, Albert

T-shirt of the Weekend
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December 5, 2003

Jeremy Scahill
Bremer of the Tigris

Jeremy Brecher
Amistad Revisited at Guantanamo?

Norman Solomon
Dean and the Corp Media Machine

Norman Madarasz
France Starts Facing Up to Anti-Muslim Discrimination

Pablo Mukherjee
Afghanistan: the Road Back

December 4, 2003

M. Junaid Alam
Image and Reality: an Interview with Norman Finkelstein

Adam Engel

Chris Floyd
Naked Gun: Sex, Blood and the FBI

Adam Federman
The US Footprint in Central Asia

Gary Leupp
The Fall of Shevardnadze

Guthrie / Albert
RIP Clark Kerr

December 3, 2003

Stan Goff
Feeling More Secure Yet?: Bush, Security, Energy & Money

Joanne Mariner
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George Bisharat
Who Caused the Palestinian Diaspora?

Mickey Z.
Tear Down That Wal-Mart

John Stanton
Bush Post-2004: a Nightmare Scenario

Harry Browne
Shannon Warport: "No More Business as Usual"


December 2, 2003

Matt Vidal
Denial and Deception: Before and Beyond Iraqi Freedom

Benjamin Dangl
An Interview with Evo Morales on the Colonization of the Americas

Sam Bahour
Can It Ever Really End?

Norman Solomon
That Pew Poll on "Trade" Doesn't Pass the Sniff Test

Josh Frank
Trade War Fears

Andrew Cockburn
Tired, Terrified, Trigger-Happy

December 1, 2003

Fawzia Afzal-Khan
Unholy Alliances: Zionism, US Imperialism and Islamic Fundamentalism

Dave Lindorff
Bush's Baghdad Pitstop: Memories of LBJ in Vietnam

Harry Browne
Democracy Delayed in Northern Ireland

Wayne Madsen
Wagging the Media

Herman Benson
The New Unity Partnership for Labor: Bureaucratizing to Organize?

Gilad Atzmon
About "World Peace"

Bill Christison
US Foreign Policy and Intelligence: Monstrous Messes

November 29 / 30, 2003

Peter Linebaugh
On the Anniversary of the Death of Wolfe Tone

Gary Leupp
Politicizing War on Fox News: a Tale of Two Memos

Saul Landau
Lying and Cheating:
Bush's New Political Math

Michael Adler
Inside a Miami Jail: One Activist's Narrative

Anthony Arnove
"They Put the Lie to Their Own Propaganda": an Interview with John Pilger

Greg Weiher
Why Bush Needs Osama and Saddam

Stephen Banko, III
A Soldier's Dream

Forrest Hylton
Empire and Revolution in Bolivia

Toni Solo
The "Free Trade" History Eraser

Ben Terrall
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Standard Schaefer
Unions are the Answer to Supermarkets Woes

Richard Trainor
The Political Economy of Earthquakes: a Journey Across the Bay Bridge

Mark Gaffney
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Adam Engel
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Dave Lindorff
They, the Jury: How the System Rigs the Jury Pool

Susan Davis
Framing the Friedmans

Neve Gordon
Arundhati Roy's Complaint for Peace

Mitchel Cohen
Thomas Jefferson and Slavery

Ben Tripp
Capture Me, Daddy

Poets' Basement
Kearney, Albert, Guthrie and Smith



November 28, 2003

William S. Lind
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David Vest
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Robert Jensen / Sam Husseini
New Bush Tape Raises Fears of Attacks

Wayne Madsen
Wag the Turkey

Harold Gould
Suicide as WMD? Emile Durkheim Revisited

Gabriel Kolko
Vietnam and Iraq: Has the US Learned Anything?

South Asia Tribune
The Story of the Most Important Pakistan Army General in His Own Words

Website of the Day
Bush Draft

November 27, 2003

Mitchel Cohen
Why I Hate Thanksgiving

Jack Wilson
An Account of One Soldier's War

Stefan Wray
In the Shadows of the School of the Americas

Al Krebs
Food as Corporate WMD

Jim Scharplaz
Going Up Against Big Food: Weeding Out the Small Farmer

Neve Gordon
Gays Under Occupation: Help Save the Life of Fuad Moussa


November 26, 2003

Paul de Rooij
Amnesty International: the Case of a Rape Foretold

Bruce Jackson
Media and War: Bringing It All Back Home

Stew Albert
Perle's Confession: That's Entertainment

Alexander Cockburn
Miami and London: Cops in Two Cities

David Orr
Miami Heat

Tom Crumpacker
Anarchists on the Beach

Mokhiber / Weissman
Militarization in Miami

Derek Seidman
Naming the System: an Interview with Michael Yates

Kathy Kelly
Hogtied and Abused at Ft. Benning

Website of the Day
Iraq Procurement


November 25, 2003

Linda S. Heard
We, the Besieged: Western Powers Redefine Democracy

Diane Christian
Hocus Pocus in the White House: Of Warriors and Liberators

Mark Engler
Miami's Trade Troubles

David Lindorff
Ashcroft's Cointelpro

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Young McCarthyites of Texas

November 24, 2003

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Weekend Edition
December 20 / 21, 2003

Is Havana Laughing?

Bush Tries Farce as Cuba Policy


The United States appears to be destined by Providence to plague Latin America with misery in the name of liberty.

Simon Bolivar

"History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce."

Karl Marx, The 18th Brumaire of Louis Napoleon.

Did Marx inspire the comedy writer in the White House Press Secretary Office to issue a December 8 press release entitled: "Fact Sheet: Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba?"

Perhaps, he meant the word "Fact" to read "Farce." For 100 plus years, the White House has rarely uttered a fact about Cuba--no less a whole sheet. But covering real facts with pious language does make for farce--on stage anyhow. For example, in 1898, President William McKinley sent US troops to our neighboring island to "help Cuba gain independence from Spain."

To allay suspicions of McKinley's imperial agenda, Congress passed the Teller Amendment, renouncing intentions of annexing Cuba. But in 1901 Senator Orville Platt's amendment to an appropriations bill allowed the United States to intervene as it wished in Cuban affairs and to lease a naval station -- which soon becam the base in Guantanamo.

Washington then forced Cuba to include the Platt amendment's provisions in its new Constitution. President Theodore Roosevelt withdrew US troops from Cuba in 1902, but re-dispatched them in 1906 to reverse an election he didn't like--that is "restoring order." The occupiers stayed for three years and returned again in 1912, to crush an armed uprising against the government--which did not ask for US help.

From 1917-23, US Marines insured that Cubans didn't revert to revolutionary behavior--as Russians had done after 1917. Marines also "protected US property" by breaking strikes.

By 1925, Washington had found a "democratic caretaker," Gerardo Machado, who earned the nickname of "the Butcher" by killing and torturing those who dissented. Revolutionaries overthrew Machado in 1932. Faced with deep social unrest in Cuba and fearing yet another revolution, newly elected President Franklin Roosevelt announced a Good Neighbor Policy. No more armed intervention in Latin America, he promised. Instead, in March 1933, FDR dispatched Sumner Welles to Cuba to prevent a left-wing government from taking power.

To add punch to Welles' mission, US warships dropped anchor off the Cuban coast. Welles' discovered an ideal leader, Fulgencio Batista, an army sergeant whose main virtue was loyalty to the Americans. With a new surrogate in power, Washington repealed the Platt Amendment, but kept the base at Guantanamo.

Cuba became "democratic." Elected governments obedient to Washington felt "free" to steal from the Cuban people, as successive Presidents and their entourages did, without serious disapproval from Washington. In 1952, Batista staged a fraudulent election and made himself President again. In the ensuing years, Batista tortured, murdered and imprisoned dissidents, but behaved obsequiously to the power in Washington and the Mafia in Havana.

When revolutionary anger manifested itself throughout the island, the United States allowed the dictator to use its Guantanamo base to refuel and provide bullets and bombs for his planes, which bombed supposed rebel positions -- often defenseless rural areas and towns that suspected of "sympathy" with the rebels.

These historical sketches illustrate the past Administrations' evolving understanding of "free Cuba." "Free" euphemistically means "obedient." So, in 1898, Washington "freed" Cuba from Spain, and called it "independent."

The 1959 revolution "freed" Cuba--it began to disobey -- from US domination. So, Washington again announced it wanted to "free" the island from the new Cuban government which had not asked permission to make a revolution. By 1960, after the Soviet Union offered aid to Cuba, Washington changed its line: "free" Cuba from communist domination. By 1990, the USSR having imploded, President Bush (41) tried to "free" Cubans from the social benefits they had achieved over thirty years and replace them with Miami-based Cubans who would privatize ("free") everything.

From 1959 on, some of these Florida-based, Castro-hating and freedom-loving Cubans had committed thousands of acts of terrorism against the people they loved on the island--how else can you show true love? Backed by the freedom-loving CIA, the terrorist activity continued sporadically. Currently, US agencies "fail" to detect "freedom-loving" conspiracies, like the bombing of Cuban hotels in the 1990s.

For sheer farcical consistency, however, President Bush (43) decided he had to create something new. On October 10, he announced a new Commission would "plan for the happy day when Castro's regime is no more and democracy comes to the island."

US Presidents as members of the "They'll Say Anything Club" claim that US policy always aims to spread democracy. US military interventions in Cuba in the 20th Century in Iran, Guatemala, Haiti, Vietnam, Nicaragua, -- well, there's hundreds of them--certainly achieved that goal--didn't it? Spreading democracy also meant showing Cuba how to manage its resources. From the 1920s through the 1950s, Congress, for example, controlled Cuba's economy by manipulating the sugar quota--guaranteed prices for Cuba -- so that Cuba became dependent on the US sugar purchase.

If it seemed less than democratic to give vast military and political support to dictator Batista--well, look at the Big Picture: he was anti-Communist and very obedient. Under his "democratic days" happiness reigned in business and Mafia circles. Indeed, in pre 1959 Cuba, the Mafia Don and the US Ambassador were arguably two of the most powerful people in Havana.

On December 5, 2003, with this history in mind, I'm certain, co-chairs Secretary of State Colin Powell and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Mel Martinez convened the President's Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba. Also present were leading Cabinet members. The team that showed its dedication to truth, peace, democracy and law in Iraq will plan for similar results in Cuba.

"United States policy regarding Cuba is clear -- hasten Cuba's peaceful transition to a representative democracy and a free market economy -- ending decades of an oppressive dictatorship." Thus, the Commission has decided that US-style democracy (no vote counting necessary for Floridians) and economic arrangements must prevail in Cuba as well.

The Commission's unwritten agenda, winning the 2004 election, means that words must appeal to anti-Castro donating blocks and tested vote counting intimidators who seek "means by which the United States can help the Cuban people bring about an expeditious end of the dictatorship."

To get support from the Florida-based anti-Castro Cubans who continue to show their love of the island through violence, the Commission will advise the President on how to "establish democratic institutions, respect for human rights, and the rule of law" and "create the core institutions of a free economy." The 2000 elections in Florida illustrated the evolving fine points of freedom: erasing opposition voters from the register; preventing others from voting; not counting all votes. Cubans now know how fair elections work.

"Freedom" now includes concentration camps in Guantanamo, a new US method for "securing" human rights. Even habeas corpus has evolved to the point where Bush detains US citizens without charges or right to lawyers. In November, both Houses of Congress voted to lift the ban on travel to Cuba, but White House staffers made phone calls and the Congressional conference committee nullified the will of Congress. The evolution of US democracy!

Do I hear laughing from Havana? US Administrations always avoid the question: "who invited us?" Does Bush have a massive secret petition from the Cuban people asking for his help? Evidence of Cubans desiring US-style change comes form those who directly or indirectly receive material aid from the US Interests Section in Havana or from other US agencies--defined as "freedom loving Cubans." The 11,000 signatures (out of 8 million eligible) on the Varella petition to demand of Cuba's Parliament a more US style system, for Washington constitutes solid evidence for yet another intervention in Cuban affairs. One wit speculated that Cuban state security agents composed only half of the Varella signers.

The new Commission also plans to help Cubans "meet basic needs in the areas of health, education, housing, and human services." In the Big Rock Candy Mountain landlords reduce rents, the coal industry stops smelting, bosses raise pay and benefits. Hey, look how the US has helped our neighbors in the past! Well, it certainly helped big US businesses and banks.

In 1933, Marine Corps General Smedley Butler opted out of the farce. "I helped make Mexico... safe for American oil interests in 1914," he said, "Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street."

Not funny? How about Castro creating a "Free the United States Commission." Demand electoral reform, investigate Dick Cheney and Halliburton for illegal war conspiracy in Iraq. The Commission could --- oh, what's the use. The country that "freed: Cuba in 1898 and wants to "free" it again now has a Commission. For farcical regularity, the writer could add: "To maintain the quest for honesty and democracy, the Administration will repudiate its past naughty behavior toward Cuba." That would get a laugh.

Saul Landau is a fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies. He teaches at Cal Poly Pomona University. For Landau's writing in Spanish visit: His new book, PRE-EMPTIVE EMPIRE: A GUIDE TO BUSH S KINGDOM, has just been published by Pluto Press. He can be reached at:

Weekend Edition Features for Dec. 13 / 14, 2003

Bill and Kathleen Christison
Chickenhearts at Notre Dame: the Pervasive Fear of Talking About the Israeli Connection

Stan Goff
Jessica Lynch, Plural

Tariq Ali
The Same Old Racket in Iraq

Jeffrey St. Clair
The Map is not the Territory

Marty Bender / Stan Cox
Dr. Atkins vs. the Planet

Christopher Brauchli
Mercury Rising: the EPA's Presents to Industry

Gary Leupp
On Marriage in "Recorded History", an Open Letter to Gov. Mitt Romney

Sasan Fayazmanesh
The Saga of Iran's Alleged WMD

Larry Everest
Saddam, Oil and Empire: Supply v. Demand

William S. Lind
How to Fight a 4th Generation War

Fran Shor
From Vietnam to Iraq: Counterinsurgency and Insurgency

Ron Jacobs
Child Abuse as Public Policy

Omar Barghouti
Relative Humanity and a Just Peace in the Middle East

Adam Engel
Pretty Damn Evil: an Interview with Ed Herman

Kristin Van Tassel
Breastfeeding Compromised

Ben Tripp
On Getting Stabbed

Susan Davis
"The Secret Lives of Dentists", a Review

Dave Zirin
Does Dylan Still Matter? an Interview with Mike Marqusee

Norman Madarasz
Searching for the Barbarians

Poets' Basement
Guthrie and Albert

Website of the Weekend
Dean on Race


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