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 Welcome to Blackadder Hall
History has shown us that some men are born great; Da Vinci, Einstein, Newton, Henry VIII, Boadicca (OK she wasn't a man but she was great in a fight and knew how to raise the roof). However, history can't be trusted as far as you can throw it as it has a tendency to shove under the rug of life the real people of greatness. Yes, those utter bastards that lie, stab, and cheat their way up the social ladder for no other reason than obtaining total power over those beneath them. Not forgetting the large wads of cash and the pick of the totty. Welcome to 2000 and a bit years of history history forgot to mention - Welcome to Blackadder Hall, the ancestral home of the Blackadder family and Baldrick.

Please feel free to wander through my magnificent halls and into the many fabulous rooms that contain great treasures from around the world. At Blackadder Hall you will find some real gems of useless information all relating to the Blackadder family. I do apologise for the smell in the kitchen, Baldrick's been cooking dung again. I hope that you enjoy your visit...Enjoyed it? Good, now sod off!

Lord Edmund Blackadder 

 Blackadder named best TV finale
The poignant finale of sitcom Blackadder has been voted the best farewell episode of a TV series. The closing episode of Blackadder Goes Forth - which saw the cast go into battle in World War I - won 23% of the vote in the poll for cable firm NTL.

It narrowly beat The Office, which took second place with 22%. Buffy the Vampire Slayer was third with 17%. Some 4,675 people were questioned to mark the end of long-running US shows Friends, Frasier and Sex and the City.

Sitcoms feature heavily in the poll - with Mash, Cheers and The Young Ones appearing in the top 10. Comedy dramas Cold Feet and Ally McBeal also feature alongside 1980s family saga Dallas - with Inspector Morse appearing as the only serious drama in the poll.

*image courtesy of the BBC.

 Blackadder - the 2nd greatest sitcom ever - according to public vote
Britons - your comedy needs you Blackadder has been named as Britain's 2nd best sitcom. Beating off (sounds a bit rude that) stiff (ooooh, more rudeness) competition from the likes of comedy classics such as Fawlty Towers and Dad's Army.

More than 1.5 million people voted in the competition, with ten shows making it to a final, broadcast live on BBC2, where celebrities made final pleas for their personal favourites.

Blackadder scored 18% of the votes and the Vicar of Dibley came third on 14%. Dad's Army was next on 11.3%, with Fawlty Towers only just behind in fifth on 11.2%, Yes Minister was sixth on 8%, Porridge in seventh on 6%, Open All Hours was eighth with 4%, The Good Life made ninth with 3% and One Foot In The Grave was tenth on 2%. No one cares about what came first so I'm not going to say what it was.

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 Lost painting of Queen Elizabeth uncovered
queenie picture smallThought to have been lost, presume punched and then burnt for firewood, the lost painting of Queen Elizabeth I has been uncovered after sitting in the back of the broom cupboard at Blackdader Hall for the last few hundred years.

Follow the link below to see a bigger version of it and to join in the discussion about its origins.

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 Timewarp: Blackadder II
A recent edition of TV Zone magazine published a retrospective look at the second series of The Black Adder - cunninly titled Black-Adder II. This is a fantastic article that was spread over six pages in the magazine. I've transcribed the main body of the article and I'll add the other box-out bits shortly. Its a damn good read so enjoy it and share your thoughts on the forum (no registration required).
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 Blackadder: Where are they now?
radio times coverA recent edition of The Radio Times (date 25-31 October 2003) had an interesting feature on what happened to various sitcom characters after the curtain fell on the final series, with small pieces written by the series creators. Writer Richard Curtis has kindly filled in the blanks on the little-known chunk of Blackadder history post-1917.

Richard Curtis: We don't know the full story - but one of his descendants now holds quite a high position at Buckingham Palace and was responsible for trying to block the Jubilee pop concert. Another is a professor at Oxford, where a Mr S Baldrick has been his scout for 47 years. The final descendant of note is a retired pop svengali and heroin addict, now living in Switzerland with his 16-year-old wife.

*image from

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 Great interview with Rowan Atkinson
Word has reached Blackadder Hall that Rowan A. recently did an interview with to publicise the forthcoming release of Johnny English in the states. This is an excellent interview with Rowan talking at length about Blackadder. Subjects covered include the settings of a 5th series and a full-length movie.

Click here to read the interview over at

 Blackadder: The Manga - UPDATED!!
You lucky people are in for a real treat - Japanese Blackadder fan BUCKeMON has created a Blackadder comic strip (or Manga to give it its correct Japanese name). There are four pages, two set in the Elizabethan period, and two set in the trenches of WWI and they are absolutely amazing. It's a top quality hand-drawn manga and it is evident that a lot of work has gone into creating it.. Thanks and well done BUCKeMON.

Please pay a visit to BUCKeMON's excellent website that even has another piece of Blackadder manga.

NOTE: Manga, literally meaning 'irresponsible pictures', was a term given to some of the paintings by 18th Century artist Hokusai (the bloke that done the very famous waves painting). However in the UK, the word Manga has now been attached to Japanese cartoons (Animé) which is incorrect and it bloody annoys me

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