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Subject: Amen!


Date Posted: 14:00:42 08/29/02 Thu

All that is said in the article is absolutely true! What really pisses me off is the way Clinton has suggested that Bush, Sr. is responsible for Somalia! It was CLINTON who denied those brave men the back-up that was needed! It was CLINTON who killed them and it was CLINTON who did NOTHING to stop the growth of terrorism!

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Subject: clinton


Date Posted: 19:14:21 09/10/02 Tue

ex president bill clinton did nothing in office but
weaken this country. he took no action against any
terrorist attack. he is a man that worried more about
bill gates for 8 years(and spent more tax payers dollars
doing it) then he worried about bin laden & sadaam insame.
I would like to see the liberals now explain what happened
in the clinton administration.
liberals are the problem & the leaders bill & hillary
clinton...thank god al gore did not become president.

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Subject: Clinton set stage for 9-11??

E.T. Ash

Date Posted: 03:57:46 08/30/02 Fri

Sounds like drivel to this old salt! Now when a navy ship is run aground, it does not relieve your responsibility to blame the former captain. This my friends is called shirking your responsibility: blaming others when you are the person in charge. I only have one question for anyone from the military who would ever print such mindless nonsence, Who was in charge of the 'ship of state' when this monstrous deed took place??? Seems to me that the chicken hawks that make up George II administration only wish to speak of responsibility when they are speaking of other people actions.

The Navy taught me one important lesson: LEAD BY EXAMPLE! Given that the commander-in-cheif went AWOL during the Vietnam War and he is AWOL NOW, I think his 'example' is speaking for itself.

E.T. Ash

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[> Subject: Re: Clinton set stage for 9-11??


Date Posted: 05:24:24 08/30/02 Fri

Bull shit!

The military-loathing Clinton-Gore "National Security Team" denied requests for AC-130 gunships and armor, and when help was needed from the U.S. Army's 10th Mountain Division, it had to be requested through the United Nations. In 1993, under CLINTON's watch, Clinton ordered U.S. troops into combat under a foreign officer in Somalia – without the armor support they needed. It was a disaster that killed 18 of OUR men whose bodies were dragged through the streets!

Clinton killed them!

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[> [> Subject: Re: Clinton set stage for 9-11??


Date Posted: 06:20:35 09/24/02 Tue

>Bull shit!
>The military-loathing Clinton-Gore "National Security
>Team" denied requests for AC-130 gunships and armor,
>and when help was needed from the U.S. Army's 10th
>Mountain Division, it had to be requested through the
>United Nations. In 1993, under CLINTON's watch,
>Clinton ordered U.S. troops into combat under a
>foreign officer in Somalia – without the armor support
>they needed. It was a disaster that killed 18 of OUR
>men whose bodies were dragged through the streets!
>Clinton killed them!
I fully agree that Clinton killed them. He was and is a boob. He and his wife are still dangerous to this country. Maybe he is the anti-christ that people talk about?? I still don't know how he was voted into office for two terms.It's a shame that someone like him could control and try to distroy the military. I am reading Oliver Norths new book and it is amazing how scary things really were. Thank God for George W. Bush. He's the man we need

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Subject: A Novel Idea


Date Posted: 19:07:15 10/26/02 Sat

Tom Clancy's next novel should be the story about how a nothing govenor from a nothing state become president of the US? A 30 (plus) year investment from red foreign power.

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Subject: The Sky Is Falling

James Reed

Date Posted: 07:41:01 09/26/03 Fri

LMAO. You people are all like chicken little. Running around in circles, yelling the sky is falling at every turn. Seeing Clinton's shadow in every corner.

Rumsfeld is the one that should be blamed more than most. If Rumsfeld (and the Rumsfeld report) hadn't politicized, gutted and purged the CIA starting in 1998 they might have had a chance to have a clue. As it is now the CIA is infested with ivory tower chicken hawks and politicians spinning their idiology in place of objective and professional intel service.

Jealous of Clinton? Clinton is a self made talent, born in the trailer park, earned Rhodes Scholar, Law school, President of the USA. He never failed. GWB is a history of being born into privilege, always failing, but somehow always coming out ahead to spread more damage. GWB is as crooked as it comes.

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[> Subject: Re: The Sky Is Falling


Date Posted: 17:32:00 11/07/03 Fri

>LMAO. You people are all like chicken little. Running
>around in circles, yelling the sky is falling at every
>turn. Seeing Clinton's shadow in every corner.
>Rumsfeld is the one that should be blamed more than
>most. If Rumsfeld (and the Rumsfeld report) hadn't
>politicized, gutted and purged the CIA starting in
>1998 they might have had a chance to have a clue. As
>it is now the ÿ

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