James Reed
Date Posted: 07:41:01 09/26/03 Fri
LMAO. You people are all like chicken little. Running around in circles, yelling the sky is falling at every turn. Seeing Clinton's shadow in every corner.
Rumsfeld is the one that should be blamed more than most. If Rumsfeld (and the Rumsfeld report) hadn't politicized, gutted and purged the CIA starting in 1998 they might have had a chance to have a clue. As it is now the CIA is infested with ivory tower chicken hawks and politicians spinning their idiology in place of objective and professional intel service.
Jealous of Clinton? Clinton is a self made talent, born in the trailer park, earned Rhodes Scholar, Law school, President of the USA. He never failed. GWB is a history of being born into privilege, always failing, but somehow always coming out ahead to spread more damage. GWB is as crooked as it comes.
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