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August 23/24, 2003
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Does Bogota
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The Cemetery at Basra
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for
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Andrew C. Long
Exile on Bliss Street: The Terrorist Threat and the English Professor
Jeremy Bigwood
The Toxic War on Drugs: Monsanto Weedkiller Linked to Powerful
Jeffrey St. Clair
or Against Us: the Bush Doctor Calls on Oregon
Cynthia McKinney
Bring the Troops Home, Now!
David Krieger
So Many Deaths, So Few Answers: Approaching the Second Anniversary
of 9/11
Julie Hilden
A Constitutional Right to be a Human Shield
Dave Lindorff
Standard Schaefer
Unholy Trinity: Falwell's Anti-Abortion Attack on Health and
Free Speech
Catherine Dong
Kucinich and FirstEnergy
José Tirado
History Hurts: Why Let the Dems Repeat It?
Ron Jacobs
Springsteen's America
Gavin Keeney
The Infernal Machine
Adam Engel
A Fan's Notations
William Mandel
Five Great Indie Films
Walt Brasch
An American Frog Fable
Poets' Basement
Reiss, Kearney, Guthrie, Albert and Alam
Website of the Weekend
The Hutton Inquiry
August 22, 2003
Carole Harper
John Chuckman
George Will: the Marquis of Mendacity
Richard Thieme
Operation Paperclip Revisited
Chris Floyd
Dubya Indemnity: Bush Barons Beyond the Reach of Law?
Issam Nashashibi
and the Right of Return: a Rigged Survey
Mary Walworth
Other People's Kids
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Darkening Tunnel
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Current Energy
August 21, 2003
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The US
Needs to Blame Anyone But Locals for UN Bombing
Virginia Tilley
The Quisling Policies of the UN in Iraq: Toward a Permanent War?
Rep. Henry Waxman
Bush Owes the Public Some Serious Answers on Iraq
Ben Terrall
War Crimes and Punishment in Indonesia: Rapes, Murders and Slaps
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Elaine Cassel
Brother John Ashcroft's Traveling Patriot Salvation Show
Christopher Brauchli
Getting Gouged by Banks
Marjorie Cohn
Sergio Vieira de Mello: Victim of Terrorism or US Policy in Iraq?
Vicente Navarro
Double Standards: The Case of Mr. Aznar, Friend of Bush
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August 20, 2003
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Now No
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is not an Abstract Idea
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25, 2003
In an Elephant's Whirl
Ties in the Wake of the Iraq Invasion
(Prior to the Tom DeLay-Inspired Outage
Dispute (a.k.a. the Tremulous DIODE), Canada and the U.S. were
at odds over other charges. As a committed member of the United
Nations Organization, Canada opposed the unilateral decision
taken by the U.S. and England to invade Iraq. How have the terms
of their closed circuit relationship been affected by Canada's
internationalist stance?)
The information age has made the U.S.A. every
country's neighbor. With foreign military bases gripping the
planet like ants on a sugar cube, the U.S. President is a ruler
whose decision-making now literally has implications for most
sovereign peoples.
At an earlier time, when communication
was not computed in gigas and traveling was confluent with spatial
distance, only a handful of countries could lay claim to literally
being a neighbor of the U.S. Canada was one of them. In the words
of Canada's former Prime Minister, the late Pierre Trudeau, this
privilege was "in some ways like sleeping with an elephant."
The modern origins of both Canada and
the U.S. go back to shared geopolitical events wrought by England
in the 18th century. Ever since the flight north of the "Loyalists"
during the American Revolution, Canada has! seen few periods,
bar Vietnam, when large groups of Americans headed north to settle
within its wintry landscapes. NAFTA seemed to permanently shift
the tide southward. Throughout the nineties, thousands of qualified
professionals and technicians drifted into the American palisade
of a stronger currency with higher salaries and lower taxes.
Today the American flag flies high on
house fronts and car hoods from Kansas City to Buffalo. American
airport designs have stifled silent reading spots by force feeding
confused travelers with CNN's message of terror on scattered
small screens or a few choice massive ones. The corporate media's
stake in the propaganda is to prove within a photographic cliche
that Americans stand united behind their president and government.
And when the forest of flags doesn't bring the words of Samuel
Johnson on patriotism to mind, it does end up begging for a question:
so then why are evermore Americans cont! emplating a move north?
Such was the tenor struck by the Associate
Press inquiry, "Discontent Americans Consider Canada"
(July 19, 2003). It spotlighted a handful of American families
openly discussing what it is about Canadian life that has drawn
them to leave ol' Dixie. As a couple from Minnesota put it, "the
United States is growing too conservative and (we) believe Canada
offers a more inclusive, less selfish society."
The article is of a rare breed, objectively
stressing the distinctive features between our two countries.
"For decades, even while nurturing close ties with the United
States, Canadians have often chosen a different path _ establishing
universal health care, maintaining ties with Cuba, imposing tough
gun control laws." Unbeknownst to most Americans is also
the fact that Canada topped the UN! 's Human Development 'Best
Country to Live In' Index throughout the nineties.
Many more, by contrast, are familiar
with the idyllic description of a gun and violence free land
given by filmmaker Michael Moore in Bowling for Columbine. To
further the differences, the Canadian government has also undermined
another American way of life. Its decision to decriminalize marijuana
is a blow to Bush the elder's wasteful "War on Drugs",
whose only result has been to increase the street value of cocaine
and spill blood for trade in a way not seen since Britain waged
its Opium Wars on China.
In the meantime, the War on Drugs has
morphed entire tropical economies into becoming narcotics producers
for the northern well-to-do and, especially, their kids. None
of which means that access to afrodeeziaks and spiritual substances
should be banned, but merely that under the current terms of
criminalizing drugs, the U.S. consumer society has turned entire
countries into outlaw economies. Government policy and bureaucracy
have thereby filled their partners' wallets fat, the very blood
sucking gang running the banks in tax havens. For concomitant
to the war on drugs has been the rise ! of the tax havens' global
dominance enable by globalization's foremost act of breaking
down trade borders and barriers: liberalizing the free flow of
capital. As such, repressive government policies directly assist
in the money laundering schemes without which no drug war economy
would be able to function in the first place.
But back to Canada, with a strong conclusive
timber: Canadian initiatives to legalize same-sex marriages have
led many Americans, such as a gay executive from New York completing
the aforementioned Associated Press survey, to single out the
symbol Canada represents for the future. "Canada has an
opportunity to define itself as a leader. In some ways, it's
now closer to American ideals than America is."
This message is far from being a generalized
one in the US, let alone one that is widely accepted. Yet even
the most contrarian of Canadians has been watchful over the way
the US retracts on its stance against war, for peace and with
the UN. After all, there has been a sense of betrayal in the
U.S. felt and expressed toward countries refusing to support
the invasion.
Soon after the assault moved into its
occupation phase, Secretary Colin Powell left a word of re-assurance
on Canada's doorstep. While the U.S. Administration felt let
down by its eternal neighbor, business relations would not be
destabilized, he maintained. With an estimated US$ 2 billion
flowing in cross border trade with 200 million border crossings
a year over what was once 'the longest unprotected border in
the world', the Canadian business community breathed a common
sigh of relief.
Still, reports indicate that the State
Department is at odds not only with the Pentagon, but also with
the National Security Advisor. Sure enough, on the weekend of
May 30 at the G7 Evian summit, Condoleeza Rice, reputed to be
one of Bush's closest advisors, twisted this relief into repulsion
when confirming that the US will indeed hold a grudge against
On the sentimental tone familiar to Spielberg
films, Ms. Rice reminisced on how "there was disappointment
that a friend like Canada was unable to support the United States
in what [they] considered to be an extremely important issue
for [their] security." Meanwhile back at Defense, Deputy
Secretary Paul Wolfowitz's Straussian words began spinning the
heads even of the convinced. Iraq's weap! ons of mass destruction
were focused on as the most persuasive reason to invade Iraq,
he conceded in an interview to Vanity Fair. No other issue could
so firmly rally Americans to the inevitable, that is, that US
troops had to leave Saudi Arabia to avert further terrorist attacks.
As for those countries who had doubted the direct link to the
War on Terror, tough luck. If truth does not partake of the security
afforded by universal concepts, the US would act on its own particular
Rice's speech was replete with the rant
of a good friend who has been let down and lets you know it.
Once she was through, her visor shifted to Canada's knees. After
complimenting the support of Europe's Mussolinian heir, Italy's
Silvio Berlusconi, she stuttered a series of non sequiturs to
explain how Canada would only gain economically from the US deficit:
"because it's an economy that is extremely connected to
the American economy." Contesters like Prime Minister Jean
Chretien, who had earlier vaunted Canada's budget surplus and
slammed the deficit run by the Bush Administration as a destabilizing
factor for the world economy, would best smarten up. Trade retaliations
had yet to be elaborated. So it is no mere understatement, then,
to suggest that the ties between our two countries have not been
as terse in decades.
Advisor Rice's emotional blackmail was
not out of character with the recent shift in function of the
US embassy in Canada. One of the major instructions for an American
ambassador used to be to pressure the Canadian government to
increase its military-industrial spending. Breaking with precedence,
the current ambassador, Paul Cerrutti, chose to intervene directly
into Canada's affairs. In an address to the Economic Club of
Toronto on March 23, he almost single-handedly triggered the
country's ire by pleading that the US would do anything to save
Canada in the event the latter were attacked or invaded. As one
astute writer, Silver Donald Cameron, rebutted: "Yours is
the only country that has ever invaded ours, and it would do
so again in a wink if it thought its interests were seriously
Neither Cerrutti nor former State department
spokesman, Ari Fleischer, understands that Canada has not unilaterally
threatened another country with warfare since Confederation,
save for the internal affair of its brutal crushing of the Metis
nation. In the American view, this has little bearing on the
force required to secure Middle East oil, help client states
suppress popular revolts or the carte blanche given to ! Israel
in its campaign to terrorize the Palestinians into abandoning
their ancestral lands.
Late in 2002, as the American war drum
beat ever louder, Canadian media reported insults flying across
the border. Francoise Ducros, one of Chretien's top aides, referred
to the American President as "a moron." When Canada
refused to endorse Bush's plan, the latter was said to be "furious".
In reference to the ideological mud being stirred on American
television, a Canadian Member of Parliament labeled Americans
as "idiots". To which Pentagon strongman Richard Perle,
beset by conflict of inter! est and illegal arms dealing allegations,
did not miss the opportunity to taint Prime Minister Chretien
as a "lame duck".
Notwithstanding the hoopla, Canada's
one-upmanship fared much better than in the days when its leaders
openly criticized the American attacks of South and North Vietnam
and the bombing of Cambodia. At the outset of Vietnam, i! t had
landed then-Prime Minister Lester Pearson with a hillbilly's
clutch. In 1965 the Prime Minister was invited by President Lyndon
Johnson to Camp David where the latter reportedly lectured him
furiously for half an hour for having spoken out against the
mounting war. Johnson then grabbed Pearson by the lapel in the
presence of his aids, yelling in his face: "you've pissed
on my rug".
The notion of ethnic minorities may be
an American one. By contrast, multiculturalism is singularly
Canadian. Canada contains 0.5% of the world's population and
encompasses 6.7% of its surface land area, but within its frontiers
lie the world's populations in a nutshell. The upshot of multiculturalism
is that no single voice characterizes the nation, either about
itself, let alone its foreign policy.
This multiplicity of voices also underscores
the differences in how each country has reacted to the information
explosion made available through cable TV. Canada is a country
composed of three founding cultures: the Amerindian, French and
English. Given that ethnic split, Canadians' sense of history
has always remained close to French philosopher Paul Valery's
when writing that "history is the most dangerous product
contrived by the human brain. It clarifies virtually nothing
because there is nothing that cannot be proved by it." To
avoid internal hemorrhaging, a concerted public effort was required
to offer three often contradictory but complete versions of Canadian
Yet despite large anti-war protests in
Toronto and Montreal, the Canadian media was unduly cautious
about airing voices of dissent regarding the US, especially of
Canada's military partnership with it. Corporate censors in Canada
have been tightening up free political opinion and criticism
barely a tad less than they have south of the border. As for
harboring co-existing alternate versions of history, Canadians
can thank their public English and French radio/television networks.
These are the same networks that the Bushes's man in Ottawa,
former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, did his best to dismantle
through unprecedented cuts to its operating budget in the 1980s.
As a result, and much to the displeasure
of what neoconservative pundits proclaim about the "pure
market" strengths of the private media, Canadians are not
about to swallow a single view of history. Countering the so-called
"ethics" of American mainstream journalism, that is,
the neutralizing tactic of simultaneously exposing pros and cons
to major issues while only reinforcing the status quo in the
end, Canadians are given these histories in their full version.
They then co-exist as separate, conflicting truths, circulating
freely amongst minds that argue, just as truth does when initiating
its global path. Canada's split histories simply satisfy a point
recently made by Italian historian Carlo Ginzburg: "Historical
writing should aspire to be democratic, by which I mea! n that
it should be possible to check our statements from without, and
that the reader be a party not only to the conclusions arrived
at but also to the process that led to them."
The dominant mentality in Washington
D.C., voiced earlier this month by Wolfowitz on PBS's Charlie
Rose, is that only a limited few know the truth, and that only
they should know the truth. As the attempt to hold Bush to his
word and seek his impeachment founders against the two Republican
dominated houses of Congress, whoever set the words "historical
revisionism" on the president's palette should have stressed
Ginzburg's own words that "We should, in principle, never
have embarked upon a debate about truth in history in the first
place. Instead, we should have had a debate on proof. On what
basis can one argue, as an historian? What does it mean to say
that something is historically proven? At what point can we say
that an historical claim is refuted?"
The Bush administration has committed
the greatest historical crime, which is to live out the source
of guilt borne from a previous generation. That guilt is not
one whose retribution is being sought for as against what one
has suffered_except in the most twisted of delusions. The guilt
is instead relative to actions committed by oneself, and excessively
so: the financing of a brutal dictator, the destruction of his
country, and the abandoning of the ethnic populations, Shiite
and Kurd, who strove to match the conqueror's call for revolt.
As Norman Mailer recently put it, "So the Iraqi Shiites
may look upon the graves that we congratulate ourselves for having
liberated as sepulchral voices calling out from their tombs -
asking us to take a share of the blame." Here's history
calling again to legitimate, but not to justify.
Careful instruction given by a public
administration regarding how history is to be read harbors the
power to avail a population from blindly following the dictates
of patriotism. Transposed to overlapping 'multicultural' histories,
hardly any satisfaction is provided to those in Canada deriding
its lack of national identity. Yet regarding nationhood, the
fact is that, comparably, the historical American dream has turned
into an American delirium regarding its place in history. If
Americans were prevented from such reflection through incessant
corporate media erosion of opposition politics and critical minds,
Canadians nearly tore themselves apart in the weeks leading up
to the Iraq invasion by defending what's right ag! ainst what's
This is not to deny that different voices
in Canada have expressed conflicting opinions on the assault
and occupation. On the political level, there are as many groups
within Canada enamored of the U.S. as there are others remaining
cautious or suspicious of its moves. After all, with or without
NAFTA many Canadian professionals have become successful south
of the border. An array of Canadi! an artists has embraced the
American way of life. What's more, a Canadian journalist turned
presidential scriptwriter even boasts of coining the "axis
of evil" catch phrase.
So there have always been those dreaming
of nothing else than becoming American. Were they halted in that
fancy, their obsession would then be to make their country as
similar to the U.S. as possible. Given that Canada consists primarily
of an immigrant population which was not given the luxury of
entering into a homogeneously composed land, it is hardly surprising
that many landed-immigrants and first generation Canadians looked
longingly to the U.S. as a model of national unity. No one ever
said that they themselves were ready to be slit along America's
ethnic divides. Then again, the Nation does tend to mend all
The decision of Canada's federal government
to oppose the invasion even sparked protests in favor of the
US in the provinces of Alberta and Ontario. Alberta is home to
the rightwing Canadian Alliance party, a recently formed federal
organization with undeniable regionalist leanings, and is now
the official opposition to Chretien's cabinet. On Monday, ! March
31, The Globe and Mail reported protesting Albertans pleading
that the archetypical reason for supporting the US was reparation
for always "wanting the shade from the tree [without being]
willing to do anything to keep that tree strong."
It would be unfair, though, to let such
division rest merely on the doorsteps of immigrants. For decades,
North America's Indigenous peoples have been split between the
nations and the Nation almost to the point of dissolving within
the fault. Earlier this year, Canadian philosopher, Taiaiake
Alfred, a member of the Mohawk nation and head of the Canadian
Center for Indigenous Studies at University of Victoria, staged
the tension in "Never Forget: The Real War on Terrorism
Began Five Hundred Years Ago".
A former U.S. Marine, Alfred's piece
speaks a language common to natives who chose the armed forces
as a means of acquiring a technical education. He ferrets out
the fissures of affiliation appearing as quickly as when his
alter-ego "Jimmie" declaims "I do not consider
the elders of long ago, the ones that signed the treaties with
the Europeans as naive dupes. I see them as intelligent forerunners
of modern thought."
Who could not claim Iraqi leaders to
be confronted with the pressure of similar treaty toting under
today's occupation and the threat of ever-increasing violence?
Taiaiake's rejoinder stresses that the commercial benefits Indigenous
North Americans have reaped from joining the American military
lie in sharp contrast to the destruction wrought on the ancestral
nations by the same measures of violent subjugation and land
grabbing. "When an indigenous person accepts an identity
as a citizen of Canada or the United States, he forfeits his
birthright and any access to treaties and rights [signed and
granted by the British and the French]. To claim otherwise is
trying to have it both ways, against all logic."
Every Canadian, to say nothing of Americans,
has all to learn from mixing national identities without complete
identification with the Nation. The future well-being of our
Nations may very well depend on such distancing. Canada's current
Prime Minister has run three terms of government on economic
lines not dissimilar to the U.S., leading to unprecedented resemblance
of political economies. And yet, Chretien's mentor was Pierre
Trudeau, a man of conviction and the shrewdest of statesmen.
For his final term in office, Chretien had policies up his sleeve
wh! ich were bound for posterity. They have coincided with a
vast period of corruption and power abuse in the U.S. when the
black of hole of security has come to excuse any infringement
upon democracy and social justice. Chretien's craft ultimately
involves preparing to leave a country behind as healthy in its
accounts as in its minds.
Norman Madarasz
is a Canadian philosopher and regular contributor to CounterPunch.
From Rio de Janeiro, he writes on international relations and
the arts. He welcomes comments at
Edition Features for August 23 / 24, 2003
Forrest Hylton
Does Bogota
Robert Fisk
The Cemetery at Basra
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for
Insults to Intelligence
Andrew C. Long
Exile on Bliss Street: The Terrorist Threat and the English Professor
Jeremy Bigwood
The Toxic War on Drugs: Monsanto Weedkiller Linked to Powerful
Jeffrey St. Clair
or Against Us: the Bush Doctor Calls on Oregon
Cynthia McKinney
Bring the Troops Home, Now!
David Krieger
So Many Deaths, So Few Answers: Approaching the Second Anniversary
of 9/11
Julie Hilden
A Constitutional Right to be a Human Shield
Dave Lindorff
Standard Schaefer
Unholy Trinity: Falwell's Anti-Abortion Attack on Health and
Free Speech
Catherine Dong
Kucinich and FirstEnergy
José Tirado
History Hurts: Why Let the Dems Repeat It?
Ron Jacobs
Springsteen's America
Gavin Keeney
The Infernal Machine
Adam Engel
A Fan's Notations
William Mandel
Five Great Indie Films
Walt Brasch
An American Frog Fable
Poets' Basement
Reiss, Kearney, Guthrie, Albert and Alam
Website of the Weekend
The Hutton Inquiry
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