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A.S. Friedell
Bitter Persimmons
An Unlikely Story
The book, Bitter Persimmons, began as a letter
to my children. I wanted them to know about
my life and why I had made certain decisions.
When they were tiny they often saw me writing
in my journal, and now they along with the rest
of the world can see what the writing was all

In spite of the sadness in my life, I have been
incredibly lucky in many ways. I have crossed
paths with hundreds of wonderful people who
have made my life so much better than it
otherwise might have been. I am grateful and it
is in that spirit that I try to help others.

One of my pet projects relates to affordable
housing. There are many ways for readers to
get involved. Our site has links on every page
to important organizations which can use more

The World Food Program has
suspended rations to 6.5
famished North Koreans
in the middle of a bone-chilling
winter because of low supplies,
according to an article in the
February 10 Houston Chronicle,
contributed by Knight Ridder.

Please help if you can, by
following this link, reading about
it, and donating whatever you
can possibly afford. People are
starving while the world's powers
spend money on building nuclear