Cumming First United Methodist Church

770 Canton Highway, Cumming, Georgia 30040 (770)887-2900

Welcome to Cumming First United Methodist Church


Special devotion for the Fifth Sunday of Lent.

Full calendars are available for the month of April. PDF format or HTML format. PDF is quicker, but HTML is more detailed for printing.

Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday, April 4th.

Egg HuntDon't forget the Easter Egg Hunt this coming Palm Sunday, in the afternoon after church, 3pm to 5pm for children ages 0 through grade 5. It is open to the community. Please come.

Sunrise Service, 7:00am, Easter Sunday.

Sunday, April 18, is the day for a special lunch for all women of the church entitled "Let's Do Lunch!" It is a function of the UMW. For details, go to the special Let's Do Lunch page. For more information on the UMW, click here.

Recreation Signups! Men's and Women's Softball teams - Sign up now in the Family Life Center. Games at Central Park begin March 8. Adult Basketball - Wednesdays, 6-8 PM in the Family Life Center. Adult Flag Football - Sign up NOW. Questions? Call John Jordan or Penny Waters.

Orientation: A People Called Methodist for New Members and Visitors Sundays, 9:45 AM, on the Balcony Level Mezzanine. Complete Schedule.

Christian Outlaws... A new adult Sunday School Class ... a less traditional way of looking at Christianity, scripture and God. Visit the new Christian Outlaws web page.

Recreation Opportunities including more Upward Basketball.

First-time visitor parking.

CFUMC is a Stephen Ministry Congregation. We have other Counseling Resources too!

A Career Bridge Network page is on site. The First Baptist Church of Cumming is participating with us in this ministry.


Rachel ElaineBaptisms & photos, sermons & music. The photos at right are Rachel Elaine and Caroline Ramsey Baptised March 28.

Assistant Nursery Director position available.

UMM Breakfast is this Saturday, April 3. Doug Markle's message on the event and on the UMM involvement in the Easter Egg Hunt the next day is on the page.

This summer for children includes M*A*D Camp, Creative Ministries Camp, Clay Camp, Tiny Tunes Camp, and Vacation Bible School. Details. Also, Upward Summer Camp.

Caroline RamseyCheck out materials on the Youth Page for this Spring and Summer.

United Methodist Women news.

Singles' Open House Sunday, April 18.

Bible Study opportunities. Detailed list .

Summer Slam photo album. Also, a photo album of our new Habitat House, first workday, June 14, a photo album of Vacation Bible School 2003, and the Fish Tales Photo Album. Video presentations and mini photo album from Rev. Ron's Pig Kissin' event. Our "Great Day of Service 2003" photo album.

Forsyth County's Sawnee Mountain Park.

Become an Intercessor Regard my Prayer as my evening sacrifice and as incense wafting up to You. Psalm 141:2. Prayer Page.

Check out "Rainbows!" A program for children needing emotional assistance.Fall schedule is on the linked page.


  News Items • Home Page Weekly Message Next SundayWeekly ScheduleOrientation ScheduleSunday Night Schedule PrayerRequestsLibraryIntercessorsAudio Clips and BaptismsService ClipsBaptism Clips and PhotographsHow to ListenClark Atlanta University Children and YouthUpward Basketball and CheerleadingChildren's MinistriesYouthYouth DirectorsBoy ScoutsBrownies and Girl ScoutsPreschool Nursery Sunday School Sunday Nights Weekdays Kids Kingdom Rainbows Mommy and Me Vacation Bible School Adults Sunday Night FellowshipSunday SchoolDisciplesEmmausUnited Methodist MenUnited Methodist WomenXYZ ClubSinglesBazaar Ladies General Information • What Visitors Can ExpectLocation, map, addressesChapel on Lake LanierOur Church HistoryOur Campus HistoryPeople Resources Stephen MinistryCounseling CenterOur Staff Helping Hands• Food PantryCommunity Thanksgiving DinnerGreat Day of ServiceRed Cross Blood DrivesHabitat for HumanityBunnies for Scottish RiteCareer Bridge NetworkMusicOverviewChildren's ChoirsChancel ChoirEnsemblesNew Pipe OrganCampmeetingCantemosSpecial Events and Materials ChrismonsAdvent at CFUMCHoliday BluesAdvent Devotions Lent, Easter, and SunriseLent ScheduleAugust CampmeetingLibraryForsyth County's Sawnee Mountain ParkRev. John's Appalachian Trail AdventureCantémosPreuss Pig PartyPumpkin Patch

   © 1997-2004 Cumming First United Methodist Church, Cumming, Forsyth County, Georgia