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[07 Feb 2005|09:18am]



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[07 Feb 2005|01:33pm]




Brand new forum, not much there yet, but  come and have a look,  sign up for animal chat and discussions, its currently  being worked on so all feedback would be helpfull thanks.

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DogAge Tips of the Week [03 Feb 2005|04:28pm]

Mind over Matter
Your dog's habits today could help preserve his or her mental health for years to come.

According to a new study, combining an antioxidant-rich diet with daily exercise is more effective than diet or exercise alone at minimizing age-related cognitive decline in older dogs. Researchers also report that engaging in mentally stimulating activities, such as playing hide-and-seek games, can help sharpen canine minds.

Snow Dogs
Protect sensitive paws from wet weather mishaps.

Upon returning home from walks, be sure to rinse your dog's paws to remove any lodged ice, rock salt, or snow. These irritants can cause painful cuts and cracked paw pads. Drying wet paws and coats immediately after exposure to snow or rain also will help keep your pet more comfortable.


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DogAge Tip of the Week [20 Jan 2005|01:04pm]

Antifreeze Alert

Properly storing and disposing of antifreeze could save your pet's life.

Many pets can't resist the sweet scent and taste of antifreeze. However, these products contain highly toxic chemicals that could cause kidney damage or death upon ingestion. Always keep antifreeze containers tightly sealed and securely stored, and clean up any spills immediately.


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Just Starting Out [13 Jan 2005|07:21pm]
I am a veterinary technician and Big-Cat Conservationist to be...

Medicine has always interested me and I'm in my second semester of a Vet. Tech. program (Animal Nursing), and I am loving it.

I have always had a great passion for non-domestic cats, and just recently realized that my dream could be a reality with some very hard work and personal development.

As a part of my plan I have started this live journal to post my personal research projects on large cats. If anyone has any experience/advise/suggestions, I would appreciate it greatly.

(Pick an animal!)

DogAge Tip of the Week [13 Jan 2005|03:00pm]

Warm and Snug
Keep your dog warm and comfortable with some extra insulation.

Putting blankets down on thin carpeting and cold hardwood or tile floors adds an extra layer of warmth and comfort for resting dogs. Encouraging your pet to rest in a draft-free area of the house also will help him or her feel cozier.

Lift Blue Moods
Petting your dog not only makes your pet happy, but it may lift your spirits as well.

Researchers at the University of Missouri-Columbia discovered that people's levels of serotonin—a mood-boosting hormone that can help combat depression—increased considerably when they played with pets, especially dogs. Keep blue moods away for you and your pet by scheduling a few minutes of playtime each day.


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Fast Facts [13 Jan 2005|02:58pm]

Dog Safety – Your Dog and the Outside World

When transporting dogs in vehicles, walking them in parks, or keeping them outside on your property, dogs can encounter people, other animals, or dangerous materials. Taking a few precautions can reduce your dog's risk of finding trouble.

Transportation. Crates and/or carriers are the safest way to transport your dog in all types of vehicles. If a carrier is not available, try one of the following restraints: a harness with a seat belt; screens (to fence off an area in a car or truck); or a regular leash attached to the armrest.
Caution: pickup leashes can lead to a dog's death by strangulation.

Walking. The safest way to walk your dog in public is on a leash. Leashes come in many different styles and lengths. Short leashes are recommended for busy and congested streets so you can keep him or her close to your side. Longer leashes can be used at parks or beaches.

Fences. Securing your property is the safest way to control your dog's environment. Fences will keep him or her on your property and keep other dogs or strangers out. Fences vary by type, from the standard wooden fence to invisible electronic devices.


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[11 Jan 2005|12:39pm]

call_me_trouble <-- check this link to find ways to help animals

(3 animals | Pick an animal!)

=) [04 Jan 2005|09:57am]


(4 animals | Pick an animal!)

rat food [01 Jan 2005|07:53pm]

I have a pet-related question, so I did an lj search and found this. It seemed like the best place to ask. If there's a problem I can delete it. <3

Okay, I have two pet rats, I've tried just about every small animal food for them, since I live in Clearwater, Florida(by Tampa) and for some reason nobody here sells rat food. But they don't LIKE any of the things I've tried (gerbil/hamster/guinea pig food, and right now they have ferret food). So I've been giving them cut up fruits/vegetables/little bits of meat/crackers and the like, but I'd like to get them some actual rat food. I've tried looking up rat food sellers online but they're all in the UK. Does anybody know of somewhere to find it here? Or maybe a brand I can order from somewhere in the US? I don't want to spend TOO much on shipping, since I'm a poor high school student, and really don't have much money laying around, so I'd prefer something I can buy in an actual store.

Thank you very, very much<333

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[31 Dec 2004|09:15pm]

albatross )

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DogAge Tip of the Week [31 Dec 2004|03:46pm]

V.I.P. (Very Important Pet) Lounge

If you're playing host to dinner guests, take steps to keep your dog comfy, too.

Some dogs can become frightened or anxious when they are near a large group of people, especially if there are unfamiliar faces present. Keep your dog calm and comfortable by designating a quiet, guest-free room for your dog that evening. Not only will your pet be relaxed, but you'll also put dog-shy guests at ease.


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DogAge Tip of the Week [23 Dec 2004|03:28pm]

Fireside Chat

Does your dog like to curl up by the fire? If so, use a fireplace screen to keep your pet safe and warm.

Using a screen and monitoring your dog when in front of the fireplace will help keep your pet's coat and skin from being singed. Be sure he or she stays a reasonable distance away from all heat sources, including fireplaces, wood stoves, and portable space heaters. And before retiring for the evening, completely extinguish all wood and hot coals.


(4 animals | Pick an animal!)

[21 Dec 2004|09:05pm]

I need to pick an endangered species for a conservation project.

The trouble is, everyone is going to do flagship mammals like primates, big cats, elephants and the like.

I want to do something WEIRD and RANDOM - what shall I pick?

I was thinking about a bat or a fish or something. Any ideas?

(Pick an animal!)

DogAge Tip of the Week [18 Dec 2004|03:21pm]

Scent of a Chocolate
Just because they're hidden in wrappers and boxes, don't assume that chocolate confections are inaccessible to your dog.

Chocolate can be poisonous to your dog, even when ingested in small amounts, and your dog can still smell chocolate even if it's hidden in wrappers or packaging. Tuck packaged treats away so your curious pet can't tear into them when left unsupervised. If you notice any signs of chocolate ingestion — hyperactivity, vomiting, excessive urination, rapid breathing, or the chewed remains of chocolate treats — call your veterinarian immediately.


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[18 Dec 2004|12:35am]
sheep are GAY

(4 animals | Pick an animal!)

awwww [14 Dec 2004|10:01am]


(2 animals | Pick an animal!)

[14 Dec 2004|09:00am]


TAIPEI, Taiwan --
A frame grab from video shows a lion attacking a man who jumped into the animal's enclosure and shouted "Jesus will save you" at the Taipei Zoo. The man, identified only by his surname, Chen, suffered from bite marks on his arms and legs. "He took this dangerous action today because he imagined he heard voices," psychiatrist Teng Hui-wen told reporters, saying his case was still being investigated. (11/03/04 AP photo)

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[11 Dec 2004|11:19am]


Image Hosted by

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Another DogAge Tip of the Week [09 Dec 2004|10:52pm]

Here's another useful holiday tip from

Winter Greens

Certain common winter plants could cause trouble for dogs.

Poinsettias, holly, and mistletoe are all no-no's for your pet. If ingested, poinsettias could give your dog a bout of mild to moderate gastrointestinal upset. Both holly and mistletoe are highly toxic and could be fatal if eaten. Keep your pet feeling fine this season by placing these plants out of reach so he or she is not tempted to explore them.

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