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Kimber's Journal

4th March, 2004. 7:59 am.

Ok, here is your ranked list of trusted non-friends
(see )

Who are your most trusted non-friends?

So, what is this list? How is my "most trust non-friends" decided? I do love that I am my own most trusted non-friend...

Current mood: confused.

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29th February, 2004. 5:04 pm.

Stolen from [info]indigochild76:

My tarot card )

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29th February, 2004. 11:46 am.

I feel like I've started Spring Cleaning or something today. I've been vacuuming and doing laundries, I have the windows open and am letting things air out a bit. Very satisfactory, all in all :)

Of course, when I went to get out my vacuum cleaner this morning I noticed that the leak in the hall closet (that management painted over instead of fixing) has completely worn through and I now have part of the roof in that area lying on top of the top shelf in the closet. How wonderful. I took pictures *sigh*

I feel like it should be mid afternoon all ready, but it's only now going on lunch time- how cool is that? :) I doubt I'll be as productive this afternoon, but you never know.

Off to fix some lunch...

Current mood: cheerful.

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28th February, 2004. 9:36 pm.

Well, sleep didn't completely kill off the headache/migraine, but it helped considerably. I did manage to get up at a reasonable hour and get a number of things done, but, as usual, not nearly everything I'd planned.

Just because my head didn't hurt enough, I decided to watch Steel Magnolias this afternoon. I recently picked up the DVD as I love the movie and have only ever seen it on TV, which always cuts things. Of course, the movie also makes me cry, which means my headache was even worse after that.

Despite feeling a bit ill, I cobbled together a number of random items for a dinner, balanced the checkbook, wrote out my bills then went out briefly to mail the bills, drop off the trash and deposit a check into my account. That's about as productive as this evening's been. I have managed to finally get around to sending out two emails that I'd meant to reply to yesterday, but now I'm going to quickly peruse LJ then snuggle down into bed and watch a movie.

I love Saturdays :)

Current mood: content.

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27th February, 2004. 10:22 pm.

Argh! I've had a migraine going all evening that I guess I was hoping if I ignored it, it would simply disappear. Well, that idea's been a bust. I have a number of emails I meant to reply to and numerous other plans as well, but I give up. I'm going to go lay down and get some sleep. Hopefully it'll all be better in the morning.

Current mood: sick.

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27th February, 2004. 1:56 pm.

One quiz that definitely doesn't suit me, but is funny for that very reason:
Alcohoroscopes... )

And I think it's almost time for me to be heading out. Gotta run to the post office and a few other places then I'm going to go relax for the next couple days!

Current mood: amused.

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27th February, 2004. 9:11 am.

Well, I spent ~45 minutes shoveling sidewalks and around my car in the parking lot as well as attempting to clean off my car of all the snow. Not that we got tons, but it's that good packing snow and my car is a bit too tall for me to clean on top of, even with a broom (that was pretty useless actually). I have now showered, mostly dressed and really need to eat something as I'm feeling a bit jittery. Then, I guess I'll be heading off to work. I'm hoping all the rain/sleet we're getting doesn't cause too many problems.

Okay! I need food!

Current mood: hungry.

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27th February, 2004. 9:10 am.

Happy Birthday [info]deftly!!

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27th February, 2004. 7:56 am.

As of right now, we have a delay until 10:30 before going in. I think it's doing freezing rain type stuff right now ("wintry mix"), so I'm not sure what things will look like a bit closer to the time I'd need to leave.

I do have some stuff I could afford to get done today, so, if I do go in as requested, I won't be staying long, but long enough to get the last 2-3 things done for the week.

I guess that means I should be getting off the computer and get a shower and get dressed. It'll take a while to clear off the car (trying to decide if I should bundle up and do that before I officially shower and dress for the day...).

Current mood: contemplative.

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26th February, 2004. 2:39 pm.

Well, they let us go at 1:30 (though I had to call the inclement weather line to find out :). I got a little gas and, since I was already in the shopping center, did a bit of grocery shopping that I'd been wanting to do anyway. Everything looks really pretty out, but it doesn't appear to be sticking to the roads yet, though some of the sidewalks in my area are starting to cover over.

Current mood: happy.

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