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Quiz Me! [Jun. 3rd, 2004|12:40 pm]
[I Feel | apathetic]
[The Noise |Giving In - Adema]

Boredom Strikes Deep )

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Ready To Scream!!! [Jun. 3rd, 2004|10:57 am]
[I Feel | aggravated]
[The Noise |The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Charlie Daniels Band]

Alright it's just about 11:00 am... on Thursday June 3rd... and I hate my life. I am alone for the umteenth time since I came home from school... There is nothing to eat in this house, the house is a mess (it didn't matter that I busted my ass the other night to get it clean), I've done nothing, and there are only a couple of things that are making this bearable...

One: Going to see Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban tomorrow.
Two: Might see Shadowhawk on Saturday
Three: Definattly will see Shadowhawk next Wendsday, and will enjoy a nice dinner of steak and lobster.

Someone please save me... give me something to do that is not sitting here alone, or cleaning the house... I'll love you forever....

Ja Ne,

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Three Cheers for Shadowhawk!!!! [May. 27th, 2004|09:44 pm]
[I Feel | cheerful]
[The Noise |Invader Zim DVD]

I am so happy... granted the semester is over and I miss my friends dearly... but that is not why I am happy... I saw Shadowhawk today and that was great... He also finally brought me back my computer which I have been without since mid-March... and he also let me borrow the Invader ZIM DVD which I have been waiting for since they announced it oh so long ago... so now I have something to do to try and keep away the boredom.

Other than that there is not much going on... I found out that my Bapa (Grandfather) has lung cancer... he's got to go in for chemo, but it is a type that does not grow. My mother is going to live with him while he goes through this... I have high hopes that he will do well. Bapa is a very strong man, he is 92 years old and still lives on his own and does many things on his own. I deeply believe that old age will take him before the cancer.

I am bored out of my mind, and worried for Bapa... he doesn't have to go through this alone though, we have a very tight and strong family.

Well that is it for my news... other than the countdown to August 28... a big important date for Shadowhawk and myself marking the day that we have been together for two years.

Alright, I am going to watch the DVD.
Ja Ne,

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Birthday and Final's Woes... [May. 14th, 2004|01:40 pm]
[I Feel | working]
[The Noise |Chess]

Yeah I know I should be cleaning my room and finish packing, but man do I need a break... besides I need a vacuum too... Anyway I've just two more days left to the semester, and they are all finals. I'm not a stressed as most people, instead I am more upset about the packing that I have to do... I just want to get that over with. I hate packing and moving of any type...

Monday is the big 23, and damn do I wonder where the hell the time went... last thing I know I was just starting this semester and it was only January. You know you're life sucks when that's all you have to talk about, how old you're getting and that college finals are just around the corner...

If anything good happens, I'll write.

Ja Ne,

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Almost Done [May. 2nd, 2004|07:40 pm]
[I Feel | depressed]
[The Noise |Emptiness]

I am almost done with this semester, which in a way I guess is kinda good... Thursday was the North Campus BBQ which was kinda fun... I kinda wish I had grabbed my phone when I went to get my t-shirt though, then I wouldn't have missed a call from [info]murdock... call me back soon hon! I miss you much... anyway it was kinda strange though, because I've been thinking of her a lot lately. Anyway I am rather depressed, I want to be with Shadowhawk but I can't and that really sucks ass if you ask me... I know that it's something that we have to do, and I know that if I just wait time will pass enough so that we can be together and I don't have to wait anymore or say good-bye to him at the end of the night... and that is all that I want... I want my baby... I know I like to pretend that I have patiance but I don't. Anyway time to go, I've got to get to my room so I can watch Charmed and hopefully cheer up...

Here's Something I Tried To Cheer Me Up... Didn't Work Much Though )

Ja Ne,
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Psycho! Me be Psycho! [Apr. 19th, 2004|12:54 pm]
[I Feel | indescribable]
[The Noise |Does the music in my head count?]

Today is such a beautiful day, warm weather, the sun is shining... I am so happy... I really shouldn't procrastinate, but that is what I am doing... I don't know I just don't feel like doing any work... perhaps it's the weather, or just the fact that I would rather be doing anything else...

Anyway not much has been happing here, as you know I lead a rather boring life... no fun stuff happening here... what else is new... I miss my baby Shadowhawk, and I want to be with him... he's at work, oh well...

I don't know why I am boring you all... life is life.

See Ya Around,

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If I Were... [Mar. 18th, 2004|02:41 pm]
[I Feel | tired]
[The Noise |Nothing, just people typing in the computer lab.]

  • If I were a month I would be: May
  • If I were a day of the week I would be: Saturday
  • If I were a time of day I would be: Midnight
  • If I were a planet I would be: Jupiter
  • If I were a sea animal I would be: Dolphin
  • If I were a direction I would be: Wrong?
  • If I were a piece of furniture I would be: Bed
  • If I were a historical figure I would be: Amelia Earhart
  • If I were a liquid I would be: Milk
  • If I were a bird I would be: Hummingbird
  • If I were a flower/plant I would be: Rose
  • If I were a kind of weather I would be: Rain Storm
  • If I were a musical instrument I would be: Drum
  • If I were an animal I would be: Cat
  • If I were a colour I would be: Red
  • If I were an emotion I would be: Sad
  • If I were a fruit I would be: Apple
  • If I were a sound I would be: "crash"
  • If I were a vehicle I would be: SUV
  • If I were a song I would be: How Soon Is Now
  • If I were a food I would be: Steak
  • If I were a material I would be: Silk
  • If I were a scent I would be: Vanilla
  • If I were a number I would be:13
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Computer Lab Blues [Mar. 15th, 2004|12:56 pm]
[I Feel | working]
[The Noise |The clacking of people typing in the lab]

I'm sitting in one of the computer labs on campus... I should be working on a paper that's due for Western Civ on Friday, but I am taking a brake. I've one of the four questions answered... so don't blame me... actually I just checked Murdock's journal to see if she's posted anything new since the last time I checked it last week. Then I saw that some of my "friends" had posted some new quizzes so of course I couldn't resist...

so here's what I did instead of my assignment.... )

Ok what else... oh yeah today is Shadowhawk's Birthday, I don't get to see him today but I spent yesterday with him and HappyBunnySlut and I are taking him out to dinner tomorrow night... so all is well... I am going to be nice and not say how old he is, but I do want to say for all to hear "Happy Birthday, My Darling."

Yeah, yeah, yeah, now it's time to finish working my my Western Civ homework... or at least finish one more question so I am half way though...

Perhaps I'll post durring Spring Break, which is next week... after Shadowhawk and I get back from our couple days away from everyone... until then...

Ja Ne,
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Sorry Couldn't Pass It Up [Mar. 8th, 2004|01:48 pm]
[I Feel | bouncy]
[The Noise |Take A Bow - Madonna]

What Annoying Celebrity are YOU Destined to Kill? by tiffeh
You will killChris Rock
Witha handgun
OnMarch 5, 2009
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

What Annoying Celebrity are YOU Destined to Kill? by tiffeh
You will killO.J. Simpsonn
Withrat poison
OnOctober 13, 2029
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

What Annoying Celebrity are YOU Destined to Kill? by tiffeh
You will killBritney Spears
Witha grapefruit
OnSeptember 12, 2003
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!
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Usagi is Japanese for rabbit... is that why I am bouncing around? [Mar. 8th, 2004|01:38 pm]
[I Feel | bouncy]
[The Noise |Secret - Madonna]

Today's been a good day!!! I get to cook dinner for Shadowhawk, and Murdock posted in her journal... it's good to know she's still kicking around.

Ok so that stuff seems rather mundane to make it a good day, also I am doing well in all my classes... I've A's in Western Civ, Music History, Algebra (what the hell happened I used to suck in Math) and English (no surprise there). The one class I've got a B in is Physics... No surprise there...

HappyBunnySlut and I are just having a blast this semester, I am so happy!!!

I be bouncy happy Usagi today.... *smile*

Some one save me from myself???

Anyway, got to run,
Ja Ne,

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I Be Boreded... Save Me [Feb. 27th, 2004|08:11 pm]
[I Feel | bored]
[The Noise |Television]

God I'm Pathetic... )
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Bad, Bad, Morning [Feb. 2nd, 2004|09:09 am]
[I Feel | pissed off]
[The Noise |The Today Show (TV)]

I so mad... I hate my computer... you never know when it's gonna turn off on you and restart... it just makes me upset... cause I can't count on dowing anything with it... *punches desk* Damn, I am just aggrivated... I wanna play the Sims and I can't *cries*... Alright I've been an idot long enough, time to finish getting ready.


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Alright, back to my old habbits... It's QUIZ time... [Jan. 13th, 2004|03:30 pm]
[I Feel | bored]
[The Noise |NYPD Blue (TV)]

Quizzes Durring Winter Break )
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Three Cheers All Around... A New Usagi Perhaps? [Jan. 11th, 2004|12:34 pm]
[I Feel | pleased]
[The Noise |Silence...]

Ok so I told you all that my darling Shadowhawk proposed to me, but here's how the rest of the week went. I saw my roomate Lil-Red, this week and we went shopping at Wal*Mart... ok so that doesn't seem ground shattering... but what is is I got a gorgeous casual winter jacket for like $15 that fits great and is so warm... it was like a $50 coat... alright so still nothing to scream about, I got a real nice sweater that fits great and is a pretty heather grey... (oh yeah I am gonna get excited about Usagi buying clothes)... here's the best part, the coat and the sweater are size 16/18... now you can start screaming because the last time I was buying clothes they were 22/24... I knew that my old clothes were getting big on me, and that I had lost some weight, but I never realized how much until I got the new clothing....

Ok so that makes my week, then I get my grades from school. I was hoping for C's and I had figured that is what I had gotten... to my amazed surprise I did a hell of a lot better than that.

Biology: B+
English: A-
US History: A
Math: A-
School Health: A
GPA: 3.75

Now if that isn't something to get excited about I don't know what else is... I mean other than the diamond that I now wear.

So I am very happy and pleased with myself, if I may say so. I think my life is finally going where I want it to and I couldn't be happier... *big huge smile* It's one of those things I knew I could do, but didn't feel up to the challange. Now that I've done it, and shown myself that it wasn't as intimidating as I thought things are looking up, and that's the way it should be... no more morose and moody, Usagi...ok wait I shouldn't say that because in some sense I will always be that way, but now I can be more optomistic, and look on the bright side of things. I am no longer eating myself into an early grave, I am healthier and better off now than I was say a year ago on this date... it's one of those things, that I can't let go of now that I have it. I am not going to let those who cannot see the good in me drive me six feet under. There really isn't any point in it, and besides who am I to deny the world the person that is Usagi, the person that I can be. With almost no effort at all, all I have to do is be myself and say damn to the rest of those who whould rather berate me, and say that I am not good enough, because damn it I am. And I've so much to offer, just get though the quarkienes and you'll see.

Anyway I think I've chewed your ears off enough, I'm gonna go back to knitting the throw for my darling husband.

Ja Ne,

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Hyper... [Jan. 7th, 2004|03:49 pm]
[I Feel | loved]
[The Noise |The People's Court (TV)]

Guess what, guess what, guess what!!!! I had the most amazing Christmas ever... I know I should have posted this sooner but... you all know me, anyway... my amazing news... Shadowhawk propsed to me on Christmas Eve!!!!! Yes it finally happened... and I am so psyched, and happy... the ring he gave me is so beautiful, I nearly fell over when he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him... my Dad and Step-Mom cried... I mean I knew it was coming but it was all so unexpected.

Aren't you all happy for me, cause I am happy, FINALLY!

Other than that there's not much happening, I cannon wait to get back to school and see all my friends again... The 25th seems so far away, and I want to see all my buddies again.... I miss you all, and you all know who you are.

Well I just wanted to write while I had a moment, I'll post again soon.... Got to get ready to see Lil-Red, my roomate from school who should be stopping by soon.


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Saying Goodbye... [Dec. 18th, 2003|12:21 pm]
[I Feel | sad]
[The Noise |Big-O (Tape from last night)]

Just about everyone is leaving the campus today, for winter break. I'm so sad, I don't want to leave all my friends... yet I am looking forward to the holidays. I am gonna miss everyone, but will be back in five short weeks, all ready to start a whole new semester of school... so that should be good... I had a good night last night... I got to see Shadowhawk which made me very very happy, I spent some time with my friends, and I found out that I am getting the roommate I want for next semester... so all is good for my last day and a half here at SCSU.

Alright time to go make my lunch....


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Hug me, Love me [Dec. 17th, 2003|10:38 pm]
[I Feel | tired]
[The Noise |News (TV)]

*HUGS* TOTAL! give Usagi more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own

I thought that this was cute, and since I've had such a good day I figured I'd put it up. *cheer*


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Just a couple of Holiday Items... [Dec. 16th, 2003|07:30 pm]
[I Feel | mischievous]
[The Noise |Ed, Edd, & Eddy (TV)]

My LiveJournal 12 Days
My True Love gave to me...
12 angelic_yunas a-piping.
11 happybunnysluts a-writing.
10 lilangelwings14s a-clucking.
9 Murdocks a-twirling.
8 nekothecabbits a-laughing.
7 sugar_raes a-hooting.
6 usaayas a-sulking.
5 ruby usagichans.
4 snorting vixdraws.
3 Haitian wackiejakies.
2 salamander wolf_shadows.
And a xcrystaleyesx in a apricot tree.
Get gifts! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

What will you get in your stocking this Christmas? by spiritluv
Sticking out the top:A Red and White Candycane.
Somewhere in the middle:A DVD of your favorite movie!
Resting in the heel:Ohh Body Paint!
Shoved into the toe:A romantic Love note.
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

What will you get in your stocking this Christmas? by spiritluv
Sticking out the top:Instructions to go to the bedroom.
Somewhere in the middle:Instructions to strip naked.
Resting in the heel:Instructions to give head. NOW.
Shoved into the toe:A romantic Love note.
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

What will you get in your stocking this Christmas? by spiritluv
Sticking out the top:A Wooden Paddle
Somewhere in the middle:Leather Cuffs
Resting in the heel:Perfume
Shoved into the toe:Mmmm an Orange!
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!
I rather like this one (the one above)... but that's only because I'm very perverted.... and craving the company of my special someone.
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Boredom [Dec. 15th, 2003|01:28 pm]
[I Feel | curious]
[The Noise |The Thirteenth Floor]

You are Easter...

-| What holiday do you represent ? |-
brought to you by Quizilla

I just thought that this image was very cool *smile*


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Waiting, Wanting, & Hoping, [Dec. 13th, 2003|10:19 am]
[I Feel | horny]
[The Noise |Waiting for You - Seal]

Twas the Saturday before finals, and all through the dorms not a creature was stirring. All were tired out from the last hurrah the night before....

Ok that's the drivel I get for trying to be creative... lol. Anyway good morning to all... since I seem to be the only person awake in the North Campus Residence Complex. That's alright because I am waiting for my darling to call me. Cause I get to spend today with him... oh but that's nothing new, I always spend Saturdays with Shadowhawk. I don't believe that the semester is over... that's right, it's all done. It seems that these past four months went by the quickest in my life... though I shouldn't be surprised... let's just hope that everything else goes like that. Alright I'm gonna go read while I wait for my baby to call.

Ja Ne & Blessed Be,

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