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"Vhet's a pooppy veethuoot a blender? Bork Bork Bork!" - Glenn Reynolds

March 29, 2004

Ah, a Comment

Lovely - on one of my early Atkins-related posts.
lady your wrong diet has everything to do with your heart ample supply of the right nutrients and a viral infection wouldn't be stop listening to docters start thinking for yourself for once.
I must concede to this obvious expert. After all, he or she has redefined the proper usage of "your" for "you're" and the spelling of doctors.

Forgive me for not thinking for myself. Perhaps I should set an hour of my gym time a day aside to do nothing but stuff myself with little preprocessed no-carb snacks made by the Atkins marketers. During this time I can sit cross-legged on the floor and ask forgiveness for the error of my ways. No more carb-filled fruit for me; I'm a changed woman.

The sarcasm runs pretty think on Monday. In other news, there are geese running across the roof here at work. Perhaps I should go outside to see if they are obese, and, if not, ask them what they eat. If I see any low-carb packaging in their beaks (seed-cracking or worm-stabbing beaks, Brian?) I'll let you know.

I love carbs.


March 26, 2004

Fetus. Defined.

In light of the Senate's passage of the Fetus Protection Bill, I would like to define the word "fetus" in this short entry.

First, the dictionary.
1. The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal.

2. In humans, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.
Eight weeks - didn't know that. When's the embryo law coming?

I shouldn't be so snarky, being one of those people who believes that life begins at conception. But I can't help it. Here's why.
  • Abortion is legal. A mother can terminate the life of her fetus (or embryo) at any time until the law considers the pregnancy to be at a state that an abortion of same pregnancy would be considered a "partial birth."
  • Anyone else bothers that fetus, knowing about its existence or not, whammo! Your crime's been doubleminted.
So, to mother - fetus isn't a human. To everyone else, it has "rights." Come again?

Oh, one other observation. Name a fetus, it becomes a human. The name "Conner" ring a bell? Perhaps the pro-life ralliers should carry around signs with pictures of fetii with attached baby names. Stronger message than "She's a child, not a choice."

I've seen Silent Scream, by the way. (Website seems to have some issues).


Legislate THIS!

In Santa Fe, you'd best buckle up or otherwise restrain your animals from roaming free in your automobile. It's the law (almost).
The city of Santa Fe may soon require pet owners to restrain their dogs, cats and ferrets in special pet seats or with seat belts while traveling in a moving vehicle.

The ordinance, endorsed by the city's public safety committee, would also require that "animals in open beds of trucks and cars be tethered or restrained enough so the animal can't fly out the window," said Kate Rindy, executive director of the Santa Fe Animal Shelter, who helped develop the proposed law.
I just love silly laws. Please, add a clause to that so that only driving animals need the seat belts.


Posted by hln at 07:09 AM | Whimsy | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

PETA - It's What's For Dinner

This is a public service announcement to remind you that "Nothing could be bloodier than KFC’s buckets of fried chicken corpses."

That's right, nothing. A blood bank? No, sir. Atrocities committed on human beings because of terrorism, the Holocaust? PETA says no. Nothing.

Actually, I would rather remind you that KFC is kind enough to wash the blood off of the dead chickens delivered to its restaurants. KFC employees are instructed to also cook the chicken before selling it to customers.

But, see, if you order a two-piece original recipe dinner, you're all right. That's not bloody because it doesn't come in a bucket.

Just watch those calories. Or, you could adopt the surest approach so as to know you're not offending PETA: stop eating.


Posted by hln at 06:17 AM | PETA! | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

March 24, 2004

Where's This Thing Going?

Darned if I know. Cycling season's here, really, though I learned today when I tried to take a ride that I lost a glove and need to buy a new pair before this weekend. Warm but windy weather should lurk here for another week at least. I have to get outside and off my duff sometime in the meantime.

But, yeah, good question. I've not really put the heart and soul into the blog that I did in 2003, and I, like Brian, wonder whether I should keep it. It does take some time. I'm way behind on those aforementioned book reviews, and I'm starting to spend more and more time exercising (very necessary), and, thankfully, less and less time working.

There are so many blogs out there. I can't even keep my stinking blogroll up to date.

I think today (at least for now) I'll share my one piece of self insight. I really like being a woman, but there are two times I'd like to be a man.

1) Everytime I eat.
2) Everytime I exercise.


March 22, 2004

Heather the Radical

Yesterday, while dining at the Olive Garden, a restaurant that redesigned in the last few years to put the smoking section right in the front of the store (you know, right around where you have to wait for a table. WHY???) I decided (with nudging from my dear spouse) that I should restrict my restaurant dining to fully non-smoking restaurants.

There, decision made. Now life is much simpler; I'm removing the thing that makes me bitchy. If I'm going to pay for a meal that I do not cook, I want to fully enjoy it. I can't do that if I'm chewing the air and my nasal passages decide to shrink their air aperatures.

So, last night's mission was to find all of the smoke-free restaurants here in the St. Louis area I could. I was surprised to find that I think I'll be doing all right with finding good food. My decision will likely hamper some social eating when I explain why I won't visit a restaurant, but I can live with that. I don't exactly have a social circle filled with smokers, as you can imagine.


Posted by hln at 12:12 PM | Health | Comments (6) | TrackBack (1)

Clear Something Up For My Simple Mind

CNN. Front page right now (10:11 a.m. CST)
Thousands of Palestinians jammed the streets of Gaza City for the funeral procession today of Hamas founder and spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, killed earlier in the day in an Israeli missile strike. As Palestinian militant groups vowed revenge, Israeli officials said Yassin was a "terrorist" who deserved death.
CNN: Linking to itself in: Key facts: Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.
1987: Yassin founds Hamas from ranks of Muslim Brotherhood religious organization. Hamas soon emerges as strongest political rival to mainstream Fatah movement of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. Hamas opposes peace talks with Israel and carries out scores of suicide bombings, killing hundreds of Israelis, to thwart peace agreements negotiated by Arafat and his supporters.
Someone please explain why "terrorist" appears on CNN's main page. Yes, I'm disputing the quotes. CNN itself calls this a fact, no? I'm certain Isreal's not making an assertion here; Israel believed the man was a terrorist.

"...carries out scores of suicide bombings, killing hundreds of Israelis..."


Posted by hln at 10:15 AM | War | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)