Kill a Bunny For Peace!
"Lege labris volumen inguinale mihi"
March 21, 2004
"Why Do Bombs Suddenly Appear?"

Some things were always meant to be together:

Birds and bees, alpha and omega, Romeo and Juliet, Abbot and Costello and...

Sheik Ahmed Yassin and a big, whopping, rapidly expanding cloud of shrapnel.

Little did we know that we'd be treated to this beautiful news while visiting Imperial Uber-Rabbi Laurence's corner of cyberspace, but there it was.

Last Update: 22/03/2004 06:13

Helicopters fire missiles at car of Hamas spiritual leader in Gaza

By The Associated Press
Note how the ASS-ociated "Press" (associated with what or whom, we hear you ask) implies that Ol' Yassin was nothing but a neighborly old cleric, providing the troubled youth with spiritual guidance (and the occasional game of Hide-the-Kebab behind the minarets).

Not that this surprises us anymore, it just bears mentioning, is all.

Yassin was a TERRORIST leader, AP, TERRORIST. Get that? No, you don't, but we can only hope and pray that your allies in the madrassahs one day mistake you for their usual prey and teach you a valuable lesson. See what your outlook will be then, hein?

GAZA CITY - Israel Air Force helicopters fired missiles at Hamas leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin as he left a mosque near his house at daybreak Monday, residents said, and Hamas officials and witnesses said he was killed.
Great! At least they struck before they could get into a car this time. Cars are expensive, you know.
Witnesses said Israeli helicopters fired three missiles at Yassin and two bodyguards as they left the mosque, killing them instantly.
One missile, one goat-felching terrorswinian.
Hamas officials confirmed that he had been killed. Four people were killed and 12 wounded in the attack, witnesses said.
Four people too? Pity about that.
Yussef Haddad, 35, a taxi driver, said he saw the missiles hit and kill Yassin and the bodyguards. "Their bodies were shattered," he said.
Thus depriving Yussef and his compatriots of valuable ghoulish souvenirs, we're sure. They've been known to scoop up body parts as quickly as they can grab 'em every time one of their "leaders" are squished.
Yassin was by far the most senior Palestinian displaced Arab militant killed in more than three years of Israeli-Palestinianpaleswinian fighting.
Well, he's not the most senior anymore, is he?
Thousands of angry Palestinians displaced Arabs gathered around his minutes after the attack, calling for revenge against Israel.
Oh no, it's Dire Revenge™ time again. Still, it is like music to our ears, unlike the usual ululating coming from them whenever one of their piglets has managed to blow up another Israeli toddler.
Announcing Yassin's death, the Hamas leadership said, "Sharon has opened the gates of hell. and nothing will stop us from cutting off his head," referring to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon."
The same "nothing" that has been rather successful in keeping you from doing just that since, well, FOREVER, you camel-blowing kaffiyeh'ed clown?

Not that you'd try even if you could. There's a chance that Sharon's bodyguards might fire back, and you "brave" Shihada never did deal too well with targets that could defend themselves, now did you?

Nooo, gunning down tots in their high chairs is more your game, you cowardly pussies and worshippers of a pedophile "prophet" of the Moon God.

Ambulances and fire trucks raced to the scene. sirens wailing, and rescue workers were gathering up parts of the shattered bodies.
Finally found some good use for those Glad™ bags we donated, did you? We suppose now would be a bad time to inform you that we sprayed them all with pigs' lard before shipping them to you, but it can't be helped. We would've told you sooner, but stuff kept coming up.
The Palestinian displaced Arab Authority on Monday condemned the assassination. "This is a crazy and very dangerous act. It opens the door wide to chaos. Yassin is known for his moderation and he was controlling Hamas and therefore this is a dangerous, cowardly act," said Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia.
He was known for his moderation? Where, pray tell?

Well, at least we can agree that he's a true moderate now. Not a peep out of him. Hey, Yassin? [Shakes pickle jar with red goob in it] Yassin???

No, your leader isn't available for comment right now. Please call back later.

Let there be wild and boisterous celebrations across the Empire. Let the kids in your neighborhood gorge themselves on free candy and let loud ululations shake the windows three blocks down the street.

As to ourselves, we're going to have a nice helping of Gefilte Fish from Manischewitz (every jar bought sends money to the Magen David Adom) while we dance around happily.

Mazel tov, IAF!

[UPDATE: While we're on the subject, we'd like to thank LC Bruce for his donation of burgers and sodas for a Jeep patrol as well as pizza and soda for another patrol. On behalf of ourself and the IDF, we thank you for your support.]

[UPDATE: And before the putrid smoke is even half done rising from Yassin's severely cohesively challenged corpse, Uber-Rabbi Laurence of the Amish checks in with pizza for another patrol! Way to GO!]

[IMPORTANT UPDATE: (Not that the other ones weren't). As per our Imperial Pledge to the Amish Tech Support Dead Pool 2004, we should like to inform you that the first participant in the Dead Pool to send us a copy of their email confirmation from PizzaIDF will be the lucky recipient of a free Imperial Mug. Oh, and a shipping address would help too. It might take a while for it to arrive unless we have one of those.]

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 10:56 PM | Comments (25) | Trackback (2)

All About the french

Not that anybody needs a nudge to read the always excellent IB "Winds of Change" (better have a kevlar umbrella handy if you should ever encounter such winds) [*GROAN!* - Tib.], but this post about france and the french ought to be in EVERYBODY'S archives.

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 10:14 PM | Comments (2) | Trackback (0)

Over Here, Mr. Muston

LC Steve informs us that a Mr. Kimit Muston of the L.A. Daily News seems to be bemoaning the absence of colorful invective in the political debate.

Yes, we know that he's referring to the pitiful, milquetoast "viciousness" of the actual candidates and their campaigns, and we agree with him completely on that (they keep saying it's going to be horribly vicious, yet where's the viciousness? Bring it, dammit, we're getting bored here!), but we're offering our humble self and our efforts as proof to Mr. Muston that all hope is not yet lost.

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 08:38 PM | Comments (11) | Trackback (0)

Another Shot of "Peace" Activists

(Via the Imperial Linkmaster General)

You know, I thought that the "peace" protesters had finally managed to hit rock bottom and place the bar for being loathsome, eminently killable trash so high that it'd never be reached when they paraded their infamous "We Support Our Troops - When They Shoot Their Officers" banner a while back.

Then I came across this picture on LGF.

Don't give me any bullshit about it "only being a fringe of loons and not representative of the Left". If they weren't and the Left DID have anything to offer other than a bright future as fertilizer, they'd have been beaten to within an inch of their lives the moment they showed up with that abomination.

But they weren't, they were proudly included in their "peace" protest, and thus we have yet another piece of clear, irrefutable evidence of what the Left really is.

Kill them. Kill them ALL.


Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 07:27 PM | Comments (26) | Trackback (1)

The Scourge of Anti-Rationalism

LC & IB Ironbear continues the discussion of the differences between Moonbats of either stripe and Anti-Idiotarians (I still like the term, and I'm sticking with it).

It's a great post, so go read it. We'll still be here when you're done.

One of the reasons that I like it so much is that it reminds me of something that Sir George and I were talking about the other night. To boil it down to brass tacks, the essence of it is this:

The difference between an Anti-Idiotarian and an Idiotarian is that Idiotarians have a model of how they'd like the world to be, and no matter how many actual facts you fling at them that contradict this dreamworld that they're living in (humans are selfish bastards at heart, and you can't legislate them into being wonderful, altruistic automatons with no preference for themselves over others would be one example of the logical disconnect between Idiotarianism and the actual world that we live in), they'll refuse to budge and revert into mindless repetition of the Idiotarian Catechism.

Anything that shows that their model doesn't adequately describe the real world will be dismissed as an "aberration" and something that can be "educated away", and they'll go right back to trying to hammer those square pegs into those round holes.

They don't choose or build their models based on what works, they do so based on how they feel that the world should work. To question the model, take it apart and start from scratch is anathema to them, because their religiously fanatical worldview would crumble if they did and they'd have to admit that they might be wrong.

Having been a card-carrying socialist myself, I'll be the first to admit that accepting that I could be wrong and examining the facts, knowing full well that I might have to start over again was scary, and I'll also freely admit that it took a LOT of convincing before I finally admitted that my desired model of the world didn't fit with the workings of the actual world.

But it's also what turned me into an Anti-Idiotarian, rather than a blind sheep mindlessly following the bleatings of my "betters", and I'm grateful that it happened. Thanks to that, I "owe allegiance" to no-one and I'm free to examine my world with an open mind, experimenting with various interpretations and models as I go, discarding some and holding on to others.

I am no longer bound intellectually by anything, I'm free to re-evaluate and re-build my models as I please without an eye to committing "heresy", and that is true freedom, if you ask me.

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 02:22 PM | Comments (69) | Trackback (0)

Idiotarians in Chile

(Thanks to LC Andrew for sending us this picture)

Yet another example why we refer to Idiotarians as, well, "Idiotarians."

Yet another crowd of cerebrally challenged "anti-war demonstrators" took to the streets of Santiago, Chile, to protest the "illegal war against Iraq".

You know, with a little training and repeated bashings over their sloping foreheads with an atlas, they might even get the country right one of these days, though we're not exactly holding our breath:

Anti war demonstrators, one holding a sign that reads 'U.S out of Iraq' participate in a protest on the first anniversary of the start of the US-led war in Iraq in Santiago, Chile, Saturday, March 20, 2004. (AP Photo/Roberto Candia)

Now, the only question that remains is who's the bigger idiot. The moron holding the sign or the photographer who obviously can't read?

Doesn't really matter. Both of them are obviously too devastatingly demented to be allowed to mess up our gene pool for much longer. Bring out the Clorox™, please.

[UPDATE: It has been suggested that the "N" is really a distorted "K" in the above picture. Hmmm... Well, if I close one eye, tilt my head a little bit and squint really hard... Still, I suppose it IS possible and, since I wasn't there, I can't really say for sure that it isn't so. Still looks like an "N" to me, though]

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 01:56 PM | Comments (20) | Trackback (0)

Freedom of Speech in the Soviet European Union

(Thanks to LC Doug for the link)

Reporter following trail of corruption in EU arrested
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Brussels
(Filed: 20/03/2004)

Police arrested a leading investigative journalist yesterday on the orders of the European Union, seizing his computers, address books and archive of files in a move that stunned Euro-MPs.

"We're shocked, SHOCKED, we tell you! Now apply the thumb screws, please, but try not to let anybody hear the screams like the last time."
Hans-Martin Tillack, the Brussels correspondent for Germany's Stern magazine, said he was held for 10 hours without access to a lawyer by the Belgian police after his office and home were raided by six officers.
Well, the EU is a totalitarian regime of unelected commissars (Hmmm... Where have we heard of this kind of thing before?), so it's hardly a surprise to us that citizens don't have rights.
"They asked me to tell them who my sources were. I replied that was something I would never do. Now they have all my sensitive files, so I suppose they'll find out anyway," he said last night.
"Secure in your home and person?"

Not in a totalitarian bureaucracy like EUnuchistan. They'll just kick in your door, seize your property and make up charges later. If you don't agree to this, they'll jail you for "failing to cooperate" after the fact.

Hitler would've been proud and, we dare say, he's currently laughing his ass off in Hell. He may have lost the war, but he won the peace.

"The police said I was lucky I wasn't in Burma or central Africa, where journalists get the real treatment," he added.
The stormtroopers were reported as drooling and creaming their pants with glee as they fantasized about this.
Mr Tillack said the raid was triggered by a complaint from the EU's anti-fraud office, OLAF. He was accused of paying money to obtain a leaked OLAF dossier two years ago, which he denies.
So the EUnuchistan "anti-fraud" office (kinda like the Soviet Union having an anti-communist office) seems to have something to hide?

We're shocked, SHOCKED we tell you.

The European Ombudsman has already come to his defence, issuing a harsh criticism of OLAF's campaign to silence him.
Good for him. So Mr. Tillack is out of jail now and has had all charges against him dropped as well as his possessions returned to him untouched, we trust?


No surprise there either.

Mr Tillack, who describes himself as a "pro-European federalist", has been OLAF's most vocal critic, accusing it of covering up abuses within the EU system.

As the author of a recent book on EU corruption, he has the greatest archive of investigative files of any journalist working in Brussels.

OLAF was created to replace the old fraud office UCLAF, which was accused of covering up abuses by the disgraced Santer Commission. Many UCLAF staff were transferred to OLAF.

Looks like they haven't changed their methods either, which is kind of what you would expect when you do nothing except change the name of a corrupt and criminal organization.

"The EUnuch Union, Pouring Old Wine on New Bottles Since Forever"

Now, if you'll have us excused. Time to get down on our knees and thank our Maker that we're out of that totalitarian hellhole.

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 01:39 PM | Comments (11) | Trackback (0)

Iraq +1 Year

Well, we WERE going to post something on that subject, but then we got sidetracked, and by the time we got back to thinking about it, everybody had already done so quite efficiently, thankyouverymuch.

One exceedingly fine example would be this one, from Imperial Presidential Candidate, Michael Cooper.

Cooper for President!

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 12:18 PM | Comments (2) | Trackback (0)

A Night With a Knight of the Realm

We suppose that you're all tearing your hair, wondering what His Imperial Rottiness was up to all of yesterday or, at the very least, we like to think that you do.

Well, one of the few things better than "seeing" you LCs of the Empire around here is actually meeting up with you in person. Sadly, we rarely ever have the time to do so and certainly don't have time to do so as much as we'd like to, but yesterday was a most welcome exception to that sad state of affairs, as we met up with Sir George, who was here on a sooper-sekrit mission for, well, for something, so we had to act quickly.

And what a night it was. It is a rare pleasure indeed to spend a few hours in the company of somebody who knows so much about so many different subjects. Even His All-Knowingness spent quite a while just listening and nodding and being grateful that he was there. When not ordering and quaffing serious amounts of Imperial Ale and doing our level best to reduce the cattle population of Texas to nothing, that is. 'Twas a belted knight we were in the company of, after all, and we all know that they need their ale and red meat as much as they need their trusty broadswords.

If there was a single problem facing the world today that we didn't manage to solve, we haven't heard of it.

Oh, and the good Sir George brought a true Emperor's ransom of gifts as well, so 'twas a good thing that the Imperial Chariot still had a goodly amount of cargo space left in the trunk.

Our Imperial thanks to the exceedingly bright and generous Sir George for an absolutely spectacular evening, and our hope that we may be able to repeat the event soon.

Now, our next project will be to arrange a meeting with our longtime fellow blogger and Dallasite, the Lord Spatula, whose gracious invitation we have as of yet been unable to honor, but that'll have to change ASAP.

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 11:56 AM | Comments (8) | Trackback (0)

March 20, 2004
Paleosimians Murder An Arab In Drive-By Shooting, Apologize Because He Wasn't a Joooooo

Yep. That's right. The goat-raping camel fellators of Yasshole Arafuck's Al-Oxydized Murderers Brigade actually issued an "official apology" for randomly selecting a CIVILIAN target, pulling up beside said CIVILIAN target, then riddling the CIVILIAN target with
AK-47 rounds. (The Jihadi Fucknozzle Weapon-of-Choice™)

JERUSALEM (AP) - A jogger killed by Palestinian militants in a drive-by shooting was an Arab college student mistaken by the assailants for a Jew, the victim's father and militants said Saturday.

George Khoury, 21, was shot dead Friday evening in a Jewish neighborhood of Jerusalem that borders the West Bank.

Notice that an Arab, jogging in a Jewish neighborhood in Israel, has to worry about being killed by Arabs. How many Jewish joggers are observed safely jogging in Arab neighborhoods throughout the rest of the stinking cesspool of the Middle East? [Crickets leaning against the wall, smoking cigarettes and fishing for pocket lint...]

The Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade, an armed group linked to wholly-owned and operated by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement, claimed responsibility for the shooting. It apologized for the slaying on Saturday after the victim was identified as an Arab.

"So sorry about that, ol' chap! You know we can't tell the difference between ourselves and the Eeeeevil Zionist Joooos. We all look alike to us. It'll be a HELL of a lot easier to tell us apart when we get the UN to make those Zionist Pig-dogs start wearing those damned Stars again! They never should have let them take them off after Brother Adolph, may the blessings of Allah be upon him, was so heinously martyred by the American lapdogs of Zion."

The militant group told the family that it considers the young man a Palestinian martyr, a title given to those killed in the conflict with Israel, including suicide bombers, said Zacariyya Zubeidi, head of an Al Aqsa cell in the West Bank town of Jenin and one of Israel's most-wanted militants.

"The family remained angry, and it's their right to be angry, but we consider him one of the many martyrs that fall every day," Zubeidi told The Associated Press. "This is a war between us and Israel, and it is natural for there to be accidental victims."

Of course, only you dirt-licking sewer rats are allowed to DELIBERATELY TARGET INNOCENT CIVILIANS and call them "accidental victims", right?

Fuck you. Fuck your families (all the way back to where your tribes split from the original nation) and fuck your supporters around the world. Especially the Leftist Fuckwits here in America. They have unfettered access to ALL of the information about who is killing who and STILL choose to support these murderous vermin. (Apologies to vermin everywhere.)

Go read the rest yourselves. We're sick of even thinking about these sub-human wastes of endoplasmic reticulum.


Posted by BC Imperial Torturer at 11:05 AM | Comments (121) | Trackback (0)

March 19, 2004
Hint to Germany:

You might want to get rid of Gerhard Schröder before things get ugly. We're having the damndest time keeping our hands off the nuclear football here.

Why? We're glad you asked.

LC & IB David reports from behind enemy lines that soon-to-be-tied-to-a-JDAM-and-dropped-in-Damascus Schröder is busy backstabbing us as usual by praising his own decision to refuse supporting us in Iraq.

That's his usual fare, nothing new there.

The kicker is that the Islamist-licking Kraut then turns around and insists that we owe him and Germany a favor for his support. What favor? Well go read David's post, will you?

Here's something for the Germans that elected that piece of Shi'ite:

We're really sorry about Dresden.

We're sorry that we stopped.

[UPDATE: And in the spirit of that, here's a great rant by LC Mr. Madison. Not only do we agree wholeheartedly, we think it's about time we got started. How about this one for starters?: Let's pull all of our troops out of ex-Yugoslavia. The EUnuchs are so superior after all, so surely they don't need the help of us "Imperialist Warmongers", right?]

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 10:42 PM | Comments (21) | Trackback (2)

To the BlogSnot Afflicted Among Us:

...and anybody else who happens to come across a Google Ad promoting the "Religion of Peace" (My Ass!) floating around on a webpage:

Click it, click it HARD, then click it again. As a matter of fact, keep clicking it until your mouse hand wears out, then switch handsf and click some more. It's great exercise and there's another point to it as well.

We'd explain it if it wasn't for the fact that LC & IB Shackleford had already done so.

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 10:12 PM | Comments (9) | Trackback (2)

You're Certainly Making the World a More Dangerous Place for YOU, Frogwit!

french foreign minister Dominique de Villepin [...who is, so we're told, a man - M.] once again gives in to the temptation of opening his mouth and lowering the air quality of the planet, this time by claiming that the world, mysteriously, has become more dangerous since we started killing the dangerous people in it.

Unfortunately (even more unfortunate than his name) for Dominique [...who keeps insisting that he's a man - M.], LC & IB Graumagus caught his scent.

He'll have the unholy stink in his nostrils for weeks.

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 10:01 PM | Comments (3) | Trackback (0)

And From the Imperial Bulletin Board

Via LC & IB Bronson, we're advised of a Gun Control Policy Debate on March 29, featuring such notables as John Lott, author of "More Guns Less Crime", and "The Bias Against Guns".

His Imperial Majesty for once finds himself wishing that he wasn't so far away.

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 09:55 PM | Comments (6) | Trackback (0)

Is he is or is he ain't a Traitor?

Reader Beckett, who some time ago demanded an apology from yours truly for calling Chaplain James Yee a traitor, among other things, and we replied in this post:

We'll tell you when that'll happen:

When, and not a second before, the charges against the traitor have been dismissed and/or he's been found not guilty, that's when.

Well, Beckett writes again and suggests that maybe now's the time, pointing to this article.
MIAMI - Citing national security concerns, the Army on Friday dropped all charges against a Muslim chaplain accused of mishandling classified documents at Guantanamo Bay, which houses suspected terrorists.

Capt. James Yee will be allowed to return to his previous duty station at Fort Lewis, near Tacoma, Wash., said the U.S. Southern Command, which oversees the detention center in Cuba.

In dismissing the charges, Maj. Gen. Geoffrey D. Miller, commander of Joint Task Force Guantanamo, which operates the detention center, cited "national security concerns that would arise from the release of the evidence" if the case proceeded.

One out of two ain't bad, but it doesn't quite cut the mustard, so to speak.

Yes, the charges have been dismissed, due to national security concerns, but he hasn't been found not guilty, now has he?

Of course, should Capt. Yee decide that his name needs to be cleared, he's more than welcome to take it to court so's to obtain a "not guilty" verdict, but we have this strange feeling that that's not likely to happen.

Not that he has anything to fear.

Provided that he's not guilty, of course.

[UPDATE: Beckett (I assume) points out that I shouldn't have used "and/or" in my post then. He is right of course. My bad. He also gracefully assumes that my using that "and/or" was an error, which is true, and lets it slide on those grounds. I offer my sincere respect in return.]

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 08:04 PM | Comments (22) | Trackback (0)

"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."

Will this St. Pancake nonsense EVER end?

Not if Idiotarian journaljizmers keep writing pap like this it won't.

By Steve Niva
Special to The Times

A year has passed since Rachel Corrie, a 23-year-old American peace activist from Olympia, was killed by an Israeli army bulldozer while nonviolently trying to prevent the demolition of a Palestinian house in the city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip.

"Nonviolently" AND "unintelligently", one is tempted to add, unless one thinks it frightfully bright to stand in front of moving heavy equipment.

Oh, and let's not even get into the subject of what kind of a "house" it was. That one has been beaten to death by now, but turbulent twits such as Niva still manage to make it sound all innocuous by omitting such details, much to nobody's surprise.

The Israeli government has refused to release its entire June 2003 military police investigation report to the United States...
And why should they? We're sure that the State Dept., whose business it is to look into such matters, has had ample opportunity to investigate. At any rate, Israel's internal police matters are most assuredly not the business of every two-bit hack "journaljizmer" freshly paroled from journaljizm skooool.
...but continues to claim that her death was simply an "unfortunate accident," despite the testimony of six eyewitnesses who claim that Corrie, with her bright orange jacket, was clearly visible to the bulldozer drivers, and that the bulldozer lifted her up and drove over her repeatedly with its plow down.
...and who could possibly doubt the testimony and motives of six ululating fucknozzles with dish rags on their heads whose main purpose in life it is to blow up Israeli babies with nail bombs?
It is no wonder that the Corrie family is urging Congress to pass House Concurrent Resolution 111, which calls upon the "United States government to undertake a full, fair, and expeditious investigation into the death of Rachel Corrie."
They actually took time away from kissing Arafuck's flappy ass to campaign for this? Too bad it will lead to absolutely nothing, isn't it?
Yet, while questions remain about the details of her death, there should be no question about its ultimate cause. Corrie was killed by Israel's wall.
WHAT? We thought she was killed by a feral D9 with stealth gear and a fusion engine. So now the wall killed her? How? It fell on her? Before it was even BUILT?


Most Palestinian homes in Rafah, including the one Corrie was killed defending, are being demolished daily by Israeli bulldozers to make way for a massive, 6-meter-high, steel wall Israel is building along the Egyptian border with Rafah.
Come again?

How fucking stupid does this heap of fecal matter think that his readers really are? Well, given that it's the Seattle Times we're talking about, we suppose that assuming a certain level of gross ignorance among the readership isn't entirely unfair, but give us a fucking rest here, will you?

We're not all bong-toking, Toe Jam worshipping tofuheads here.

Can you say "weapons smuggling operation?"

According to United Nation's officials, over the past three years, Israel has destroyed nearly 900 houses in Rafah in order to create a 100-meter "buffer zone" between Palestinian homes and the wall.
According to United Nations offal, Saddam had no WMD program and the "Oil for Food" program wasn't in the least bit being used to funnel money into the pockets of corrupt UN grand poobahs.

And your point?

Give us more, O Caesar! »

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 07:51 PM | Comments (32) | Trackback (0)

That's What Being Busy Will Do To You'll start forgetting the bare essentials (and the first person to break into song will be hung, drawn and quartered, then used as a sex prop at the next Reno/Hillary sex-a-thon).

For months now, we've been faithfully browsing by to see if the Imperial Minister of Truth might finally have seen fit to locate his keyboard, yet we've been disappointed time after time after endless bloody time.

So now, swamped up in our essential duties of bringing oppression, torture, denigration and just generally rude behavior to the Third World as we are, we've been forgetting to do so and what happens?

You guessed it: He finally digs out from under the pizza boxes and posts again and WE MISS IT!

We could just KICK our Imperial Self, but we won't. After all, it's so much more fun to kick somebody else and, on top of it, you don't have to care much about who you're kicking. Just kick the first person you happen to come across.

It's good to be an Evil VRWC Bastard.

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 12:23 AM | Comments (29) | Trackback (0)

March 18, 2004
Did We Mention How Much We Love Polls?

Vox Populi and all that, as long as the damn plebes keep their voxing off of our Imperial Lawn.

Nevertheless, LC Maya informs us that al-Jizmeera are urgently requesting the opinion of the Loyal Citizenry as to whether Spain should withdraw her troops from Iraq or not.

And who are we to deny the thirsting readership of that rag the enlightened opinion of the citizens of our Hegemon Empire?

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 11:54 PM | Comments (13) | Trackback (0)

Out and Home Again...

The Imperial Firearms Advisor and his lovely wife, the Imperial Educational Advisor (and superb chef!) are back from their tour of Central EUnuchistan, so it would seem right and proper to rush over and wish them welcome home, dontcha think?

Ugly things might happen if proper etiquette isn't observed in an Empire, after all.

Ugly things such as missing out on their writings upon returning home, among which is a hilarious tale of German airport security (Günther's Goons) as well as some truly breathtaking testimonies to the beauty of the Austrian countryside.

OK, that's all we're going to say. The rest you'll have to read yourselves.


Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 09:24 PM | Comments (3) | Trackback (0)

Paging Bill Klintoon...... Your Legacy's On Line Two

Next time some unwashed, patchouli-breathed, Rider-of-the-Short-Bus-of-Life™, appeasenik utters a word about the Bent-dicked Arkansan Rapist's "success" in the Balkans, pull out your ClueBat™ with a printout of this story laminated to it and do your Imperial Duty™ by beating the Idiotarian severely about the head until ClueInfusion™ has been achieved.

PRISTINA, Serbia and Montenegro (Reuters) - The death toll from two days of clashes between Kosovo Albanians and Serbs rose to 31 on Thursday as NATO (news - web sites) beefed up its forces and vowed to stamp out ethnic violence.

Sounds a bit like a QUAGMIRE, if you ask us schlepps down in the Imperial Dungeon Game Room™.

Albanians set fire to Serb churches across the U.N.-governed province, including in the provincial capital, Pristina, where police fired teargas to disperse gangs of youths after nightfall.

Chalk up yet ANOTHER shining example of a *spit* Ultimate Nitwits *spit* success story.

Give us more, O Caesar! »

Posted by BC Imperial Torturer at 08:58 PM | Comments (30) | Trackback (0)

"ID? We Don't Need No Steeenkin' ID!"

...and assorted other idiocies from Esse and his highly organized illegal immigration mafia backers (link thanks to LC Matthew)

Ignore for now the ridiculous and utterly hysterical comparisons between illegal Mexican immigrants and Osama has-been-but-is-no-more Aliven's murdering turbaned tumblefucks that mar the first paragraph, and concentrate instead on the rest of it, which is more than enough to give you reason to wonder what the fuck president George the Panderer is thinking, offering blanket amnesty to those parasites.

There is growing evidence that the Mexican government [...] is working with a group called the Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior (“Institute of Mexicans Abroad”) to use its matricula consular database to deploy illegals to state legislatures and city councils across America. There, the illegal aliens — Mexican nationals who have been provided a matricula consular card — pack the gallery and seek to apply pressure against legislators who sponsor or intend to vote for bills that enhance immigration law enforcement.
What? You're suggesting that those bellowing crowds of foulsmelling rabble aren't spontaneous outbursts of patriotic and political fervor? We're shocked, SHOCKED, we tell you!
Not since America’s mid-century experience with communism has there been such an organized effort at subverting our country’s political institutions.
Oh great. Now we're going to have hordes of howling moonbats pissing up our comments with their petulant whines about "McCarthyism"... Here's a Free Clue™, moonbats: McCarthy was right. There actually were a huge network of commie sympathizers and spies doing their level best to help the Soviet Union win the Cold War. Imagine that. The problem isn't that he went "too far", it's that he didn't go far enough, considering how their ideological bastard offspring is currently stinking up Congress and trying to do what they can to make us lose THIS war. Yes, you'll be able to recognize them easily. They all tend to have "D"s after their names.

Now, back to the article:

As reported in the Washington Times, local and statewide illegal immigrant advocacy groups and Hispanic groups, whose memberships include illegal immigrants as well as Mexicans who have become legal immigrants or citizens, coordinate with the Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior to agitate for access to public services for illegal aliens in the United States.
...and all the while, both of our two major parties are busy playing the fiddle while Rome burns. We'd expect it from Dhimmicrats, they never met a lawbreaker they didn't like (unless he's a tax evader, of course, and not a member of the Politburo Party), but we're more than a little bit frustrated at seeing so-called "conservatives" on their knees with their tongues tickling Esse's hemorrhoids.
Where does the Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior get its instructions? From Vicente Fox. The Instituto was created by presidential decree and reports to a group of Mexican government officials who are posted to Mexico’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is Mexico’s equivalent of our own State Department.
Vicente Fox? Vicente "Bush's New Best Buddy" Fox? Oh, say it isn't SO!

As if we didn't already know.

If the number of boisterous illegal aliens packing legislative sessions is any indication, the two main goals of the Instituto’s efforts are to defeat efforts to stop adoption of the matricula consular and driver’s licenses for illegal aliens.
We'll try to have Bush talk to Vicente about it. As soon as Bush gets up from his kneepads and gets his pants back on, of course, because he's quite busy playing "hide the burrito" with his friend from Mejico right now.
Last summer, a Mexican consulate in Michigan detected that the small city of Holland might adopt the matricula consular as a valid form of identification. Consul General Miguel Antonio Meza Estrada traveled to Holland’s city counsel meetings five times, many times with what can only be described as a mob in tow, all of whom Estrada held out to be beneficiaries of the matricula consular. Holland finally postponed a decision on the issue because the meetings had become so contentious.
Imagine the howling that would've ensued if these Rent-a-Crowds had been conservatives protesting, say, a disputed umpteenth recount in a certain southern state?

Give us more, O Caesar! »

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 08:13 PM | Comments (11) | Trackback (0)

Another Thing We Shouldn't Forget

Now that the election is nearly upon us [Told you you should do away with those, you fool - Tib.] - [But it's t-the w-w-w-will of the p-p-pe-people! - Cl.] - [Shut up, you stuttering old ape! - Tib.]

Er... You two? Are you quite done yet? Or should I go ask Caligula if he wants to join the party? [As long as you don't bring that droning old windbag Augus... - Tib.] - [HEY! I HEARD that! - Aug.] - [Pardon, but has anyone seen my favorite sister? - Cal.]


You bring back a bunch of old Roman Emperors from the dead to add that certain Imperial je-ne-sais-qois, and this is what you end up with... All those hours burning the midnight oil while paging through ancient unholy manuscripts and I end up with a bunch of bickering high school students??? Granted, extremely literate high school students, but still...

Well, while they're amusing themselves, perchance we should get back to the subject here:

Perusing the Imperial Web (that's all of it, for you latecomers to the party, ALL of it! Mine, mine, MINE!!!), we came across this post by a new blogger, a post about something that, although it's likely not forgotten, it behooves us all to keep in mind as election day draws nigh.

Good points all.

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 07:08 PM | Comments (4) | Trackback (0)

Via the DailyPundit

Fellow blogger Scott Elliott recently lost both of his parents to a cowardly terror attack in Iraq.

A memorial fund has been established in their names to help further their life's work.

My deepest sympathies and sincere condolences go out to you along with my prayers, Scott. May G-d give you strength and hold you in the palm of His hands as you fight your way through these horrible times.

Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 06:32 PM | Comments (14) | Trackback (0)

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