March 28, 2004
Kerry Would be a like Teddy Roosevelt? One Word: No.
I have studied about Teddy Roosevelt. Teddy Roosevelt was a great president. Senator, you'll never be a Teddy Roosevelt.
I Blame the King of Fools for Getting Me Interested in This Book
Maybe this only happens to me, not sure. I am browsing the blogosphere, and usually one of my first stops is a blogger I would truly call one of the few people online that I would call a personal friend, King of Fools. (The other people at present is Adrian Warnock and Marty of Vigilance Matters. Harvey at Bad Money is someone I feel is great people as well.) Anyways, back to the story, the King is more or less the person that got me started down the blogging path (so blame him! :-p ) and usually tend to agree with him on many issues. Also our taste in movies and books follow the same line.
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As I am reading his site something catches my eye. He created a booklist management system for MT, and on his sidebar are the list of books he is currently reading. The top book under Recently Read is called The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco. The name Umberto is a hard one to pass up, and is one I had saw before, but had ignored. Being curious I clicked the link, and went to read the review. The book looks excellent! Here is some info on it, from Mystery Guide
The Name of the Rose is a most unusual publishing success, a first novel by an Italian semiotician that became a worldwide bestseller. Ironically, the theme of the story seems to be that the hunger for knowledge and truth is dangerous, divisive, and ultimately illusory. The horrible events that take place in an isolated Benedictine monastery over the course of seven days serve as a microcosm of the conflicts rocking the late medieval world.
It is the year 1327 when William of Baskerville and his young scribe Adso of Melk (who narrates the story many years later) arrive at the unnamed northern Italian monastery, which contains the greatest library in Christendom. The abbot and his henchmen carefully control access to the collection; only the librarian and his assistant are allowed into the labyrinthine stacks. The ostensible reason is that there are thousands of books by pagan, Jewish, and Arab authors, as well as the records of many heresies. While true Christians must understand error in order to combat it, only the strongest and most mature minds should be exposed to it. Naturally the scribes and scholars, who have come from all across Europe to use the library, long to view its hidden treasures. Strange intrigues develop among the monks, and suddenly turn to murder. A gifted young illuminator is killed; the next morning a second monk is found dead, plunged head-first into a barrel of pigs' blood.
Eco himself is also somewhat intriguing. He is a professor of semiotics, the study of any cultural product as a formal system of signs. For more info on semiotics visit the Semiotics for Beginners site!
Here is a brief bio on Eco from Wikipedia
Umberto Eco (born January 5, 1932) is an Italian novelist and philosopher, best known for his novels and essays.
Eco was born in Alessandria, in the Italian province of Piedmont. He is an author and semiotician. He works as a professor of semiotics at the University of Bologna.
Eco employs his education as a medievalist in his novel The Name of the Rose, which was made into a movie starring Sean Connery as a monk who investigates a series of murders revolving around a monastery library. He is particularly good at translating medieval religious controversies and heresies into modern political and economic terms so that the reader can understand them without being a theologian.
Although his novels often include references to arcane historical figures and texts and his dense, intricate plots tend to take dizzing turns he has enjoyed a wide audience around the world, with good sales and many translations. Foucault's Pendulumn, Eco's second novel, (the thinking man's Da Vinci Code) also sold well.
Eco's work illustrates the post-modernist literary theory concept of hypertextuality, or the inter-connectedness of all literary works and their interpretation.
Eco has also published three other books:
Foucault's Pendulum
A present day conspiracy theory novel
The Island of the Day Before
A novel about a 17th century nobleman marooned across the international date line
A novel about a young peasant adopted by emperor Frederick I Barbarossa, and his adventures
For more info on Umberto Eco visit this site dedicated to him, Porta Ludovica.
Maybe the King will grace us with his opinion of the book. The school library is getting me a copy on Monday for my read of it.
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Christian Carnival Coming Again Soon
This coming Wednesday is the next Christian Carnival, and will be hosted at King of Fools.
Read on to find out more!
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If you are reading this and are not a part of the Christian Carnival mailing list please visit the following link and join up:
Also if you wish to host the Carnival in coming weeks email me at
To enter is simple. First your post should be of a Christian nature, but this does not exclude posts that are political (or otherwise) in nature from a Christian point of view. Then do the following:
email King of Fools at
Provide the following:
Title of your Blog
URL of your Blog
Title of your post
URL linking to that post
Description of the Post
Cut off date is Tuesday by 8 PM EST.
All questions are welcome. Get your entry in asap!
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Malaysian Politics
I am fascinated by accounts of politics and life from other countries. In accord with that I urge you to go by and read Messy Christian's account of the election and politics recently in her country with the election of a new president.
March 27, 2004
Trying to Find Conservative WV Bloggers
As many know, yet some still try to move me to another state, I am a blogger from WV. Very few of us out there. I have found a few though, but they seem to be on the other side of the fence from me politics wise except one!
Balloon Juice
In any case here are links to a few others:
The Hillbilly Sophisticate
Always Me
New Blogger to the Blogroll
I am adding Messy Christian to the blogroll, as well as to the Purpose Driven Bloggers roll. Everyone go and check out her blog. She is new to the blogosphere, so give her some encouragement!
March 26, 2004
Matt Margolis and Brother Attacked
A few union members jumped Matt Margolis!
I'll just redirect you his way for this one.
Pardon My English also has info on it.
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Kerry is a Hypocrite, and Defending Joshua Claybourn
These two disparate themes may mix nicely:
Got this from the DrudgeReport I found interesting
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Dem presidential candidate John Kerry lashed out at President Bush over self-deprecating jokes made at this year's Radio and Television Correspondents' Dinner.
But Kerry himself has had trouble with pushing the humor envelope.
"Somebody told me the other day that the Secret Service has orders that if George Bush is shot, they're to shoot Quayle," Kerry joked in 1988. The Massachusetts Democrat then said, "There isn't any press here, is there?"
Which leads me to the Adrian Warnock vs. Joshua Claybourn debate.
Is it right to make fun of someone who has died: No. I do feel it is inappropriate.
However, having been acquantied with Yassin before his timely death I will say this: I had made the Saruman/Yassin reference LONG before Joshua Claybourn at Free Republic. Yes, my screen name is sonsofliberty2000 there,and the date on the post is September 24, 2003. The question then is whether the joke is inappropriate at all, or only after his death. I feel that it is gallows humour, but humour all the same. I think the reference is only to his appearance, not to the fact that he was killed. I will not comment on whether I feel he was rejoicing over the death of Yassin, but will say that I do feel his death was necessary for Israel, and appropriate. Yassin was a murderer who advocated the death and destruction of every Jew. Saruman indeed.
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Point to Pnder
For those who try to hearken Clinton back to the days of JFK:
Would JFK had let someone attack a navy ship without retaliating? How about explode a bomb in NYC?
One of Those Rare Happenings of Fate
What the...
OK, what happened? Oh my, who would've thunk it:
Libya on Thursday brought to an end decades of international isolation as a pariah state with a promise to join forces with the United States of America and the United Kingdom to fight the global war against terrorism.
It is to provide intelligence to help root out Al Qaeda and on Thursday secured a gas exploration deal with Shell that could be worth billions of dollars.
Tony Blair, UK Prime Minister, held two hours of talks with Col. Muammer Gadaffi in a bedroom tent a few miles outside of Tripoli, the first time a British leader has set foot in the country since 1943.
Don Hagen, possibly my second
Don Hagen, possibly my second fan from the email I received
quote:"I absolutely loved your web site" Unsure if he still does ;-)
has a very amusing page called the Satirical Political Beliefs Assessment Test. A few of my favorites:
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What are your personal beliefs about endangered species?
CONS: Spending inordinate sums on hi-tech efforts to save an endangered species is very noble, but sometimes you've just got to know when to let go.
LIBL: Let no species on life-support pass from this Earth unless every means at our disposal is spent on intensive resuscitation efforts.
LBRT: Let those who religiously believe that every species is sacred, spend their own personal funds to purchase vast tracks of virgin habitat where they and all of Charles Darwin's creatures can live together in peace, harmony and normal healthy predator/prey relationships.
COMM: For the sake of our children, and those of future generations, meticulously preserve dead endangered species specimens in formaldehyde in the major metropolitan natural history museums.
What's your idea of a wild night on the town?
CONS: A wild night of reading Biblical passages.
LIBL: A wild night of eco-terrorism.
LBRT: A wild night of reliving the exploits of those famed Biblical towns of ill repute: Sodomy and Gonorrhea.
COMM: A wild night of plotting to overthrow the government.
What types of military hardware should private citizens be allowed to own?
CONS: - Fully-automatic assault rifles
- Body armor
- Jeeps and Humvees
- Shoulder launched missiles
LIBL: - Backpacks
- Tents
- Hiking boots
LBRT: - Anything their little old heart desires
COMM: - Hammers, sickles, and pitch forks
I still fall Conservative...
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March 25, 2004
Gulf War! Heh!
Chris Muir attacks my funny bone again!
He succeeds in succesfully taking control of it.
C.S. Lewis Edition of the Christian Carnival
Wow! Talk about a classy theme, and very going reading in and of itself.
Go check out this week's Christian Carnival, this week at Walloworld, the current King of the Blogs!
March 24, 2004
"Peacenik" Expresses His True Feelings?
Hat Tip to Judicious Asinity
NOTE: I am checking now to find out if this is real or photoshopped. Anyone got info?
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Purpose Drive Life Day 2: You Are Not An Accident
Note: If you wish to jump into the discussion on your own blog leave a comment and I'll add you to the Purpose Driven Bloggerss sidebar.
Day Two
Thinking About My Purpose
Point to Ponder: I am not an accident.
Verse to Remember: "I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born." Isaiah 44:2 (CEV)
Question to Consider: I know that God uniquely created me. What areas of my personality, background, and physical appearance am I struggling to accept?
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Today's Purpose Driven Life focuses on the fact that we are not accidents. That's right, as Albert Einstein said as quoted in the book, "God doesn't play dice. You are no accident. Just as God planned the earth and laid it's foundations He did the same with us. Not only that, God has a purpose for you.
The LORD will fulfill His purpose for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever -- do not abandon the works of Your hands. Psalm 138:8
So, a look at todays question to consider: I know that God uniquely created me. What areas of my personality, background, and physical appearance am I struggling to accept?
For me there are 3:
1. Physical
I struggle with a weight problem. I have tried diets with no success, and this physical problem has caused me much issues over the years, with being teased and having a very low self-esteem over it. I guess it is why I like the net so much, on the net no one can see your size.
2. Background
As I have wrote about before, and will link to now, I have had struggles over my parents, with my father in paticular, in the past.
3. Personality
My biggest issue here is that I sometimes feel as though I am self-centered, domineering, and in many ways I just feel like a pushy egotistical kind of guy. I know that I don't wish to be seen this way, but I end up looking this way a lot, more because when I was younger I was a pushover and now I over compensate by being opinionated, and sometimes way too focused on myself. This is something I probably am exagerrating, but it is what I perceive.
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Email Inspiration
I enjoy receiving many of the forwards I get. This is one of them:
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They walked in tandem, each of the ninety-three students filing into the already crowded auditorium. With rich maroon gowns flowing and the traditional caps, they looked almost as grown up as they felt. Dads swallowed hard behind broad smiles, and moms freely brushed away tears.
This class would not pray during the commencements ----- not by choice but because of a recent court ruling prohibiting it. The principal and several students were careful to stay within the guidelines allowed by the ruling. They gave inspirational and challenging speeches, but no one mentioned divine guidance and no one asked for blessings on the graduates or their families.
The speeches were nice, but they were routine.......until the final speech received a standing ovation. A solitary student walked proudly to the microphone. He stood still
and silent for just a moment, and then, it happened. All 92 students, every single one of them, suddenly SNEEZED!!!! The student on stage simply looked at the audience and said, "GOD BLESS YOU, each and every one of you!" And he walked off stage...
The audience exploded into applause. The graduating class had found a unique way to invoke God's blessing on their future with or without the court's approval!
I was suprised to find this somewhat a true story. From
The commencement ceremony described was for the Washington Community High School class of 1991. Class valedictorian Natasha Appenheimer and the American Civil liberties Union won a court injunction the day before graduation that banned any type of prayer at the event. Even though the Benediction and invocation were suggested by the students and intended to be student-led, U.S. District Judge Joe B. McDade ruled that, since the prayers were subject to teacher review and would be promoted in school-printed programs, that the prayers violated the constitutional separation of church and state.
During the ceremony, Ryan Brown, a fellow student and one of the scheduled speakers, paused on his way to the podium to bow in silent prayer, which was greeted with cheers. During his speech, he faked a sneeze, and a few students, with whom he had previously arranged, shouted "God Bless You" in response.
Subtle protests by students were seen throughout the ceremony. Many used tape to spell out the words "Let's Pray" and "Amen" on their caps, while others wore cross necklaces passed out before the ceremony.
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March 23, 2004
Purpose Drive Life Day 1: It All Starts With God
Today's chapter of Purpose Driven Life, which Eric at Certus Veritas has kicked off with this post, starts out saying:
It's not about you!
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Many, including myself, should be reminded of this each and everyday
Day One
Thinking About My Purpose
Point to Ponder: It's not about me.
Verse to Remember: "Everything got started in Him and finds its purpose in Him." Colossians 1:16b (MSG)
Question to Consider: In spite of all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, not myself?
How can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, and not myself. To do this I feel one must move to a Christ-centered life, not a self-centered life. This would have to be done with a focus that stays on Christ that begins when one is born again, and never ends since once we die we are in His presence. That all sounds well and good, but what can we do practically in our everyday lives? Here is what I am doing right not in my spiritual life:
1. Daily prayer: This is a hard thing to do when one is in a constant rush each and everyday. This though can be as simple as a quick prayer while you're driving to school or work, or right when you get up, or before you go to bed at night.
2. I am currently going through classes at a free online bible college: Online Bible This helps me to stay focused and stay in the word regularly.
More on this later. Time for class!
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Want to compete in King of the Blogs?
Want to compete in King of the Blogs? First you must survive the King of the Blogs Royal Rumble This tournament is a qualifying round to pick the final five blogs that will compete in King of the Blogs against the current King.
To enter email me your Name, site address, and email address.
Email me at
The first 10 blogs to respond will be entered in the King of the Blogs Royal Rumble Tournament. Here are the rules and an explanation:
1. The Royal Rumble consists of a challenge question given to all 10 blogs and must be answered by Thursday of next week by 5PM EST, and each blog must also post an ad asking their fellow bloggers to come by and enter King of the Blogs. This ad should be as creative as possible, but please stay within the rules of the tournament found here.
2. The answer can be no longer then 100 to 200 words.
3. Only 5 blogs will advance to the tournament. The other 5 are eligible to compete in the next tournament, but must go through the Royal Rumble again.
Let the games begin. The first 10 blogs to respond will be entered to compete.
March 22, 2004
Let's Do Battle
I ran into this at Spare Change's site. Look's interesting, but I'm sure my battle imp will beat his! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA...
Let's see what happens:
(Stat+d10 Vs Stat+d10)
Backstabbing: Bryan wins
Dodgin': Bryan wins
Guts: Patriot Paradox wins
Magic Mojo: Patriot Paradox wins
Smackdown: Bryan wins
Bryan wins!
WHAT! Oh well...
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Patriot Paradox's Battle Imp is |
Eaem |
Backstabbing: 1
Dodgin': 9
Guts: 4
Magic Mojo: 8
Smackdown: 4
That's right, I'm Yoda!
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March 21, 2004
My Response to Someone Not Wishing to Enter the Christian Carnival Again
Here is a snippet of what Spare Change wrote:
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I've been a part of the Christian Carnival, which has just posted its most recent offering.
I don't think I'll continue, because of the presence of this, an offering for the carnival of a smug "this is where everyone else in all of Christianity is wrong" entry.
Please know, it's not just that issue alone. It's that issue, compounded by the grounds upon which its claim is based. Furthermore, my problem is not that it is a blog by and for Catholics. I grew up Catholic. Much of my family is Catholic, and I (unlike some others) believe it is entirely possible for Catholics to be Christians (just like I believe that not all Baptists or Protestants are Christians just because they say so). I also have dedicated significant space on my own blog advocating a major film with major Catholic tenets produced and directed by a Catholic Christ-follower.
My problem is that this particular blog states that the Catholic church is the only true church. It endorses the heretical view that the church has the ability to supercede the Word of God and that only Catholic interpretations of the Bible are correct. It demonstrates no charity in the discussion of nonessential issues and demonstrates no unity in purpose. And it presents its opposition in a public forum that IMHO does more harm than good.
Here is my response:
As the creator of the Christian Carnival I would ask that you reconsider. Not participating in a compilation of links to various Christian blogs(which includes Catholics) because of one post seems drastic. Just because the post is included does not mean it is condoned, only that they submitted it.
Like the other Carnivals the Christian Carnival only is trying to assimilate all of the best Christian writings together, and help Christian blogs get noticed. Of course, doctrines will collide. I ask that you reconsider. Granted you disagreed with one post out of 10 or 11, but why let one post cause you to never come back again?
Nick Queen
As for the doctrine of my church is the only true church, I will leave it alone. I believe my being a Penecostal, and a member of the Assemblies of God says enough on my beliefs. I feel that the only church is the church that feels that Jesus Christ died for their sins, and those that accept Him into their hearts.
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Large Mammals in the Ecosystem: Now is Your Chance
Have you wanted to play King of the Blogs, but the size of your blog has held you back?
No longer!
Now King of the Blogs will allow Large Mammals to play as well!
Leave a comment here, or drop by King of the Blogs!
March 20, 2004
Away Due to Stomach Virus
I know some have emailed me with various questions or so forth. In answer to my silence: I'm sick, will answer soon!
until then, uh, enjoy this:
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(NTQ: Link taken to actual thread.)
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