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Friday, June 28th, 2002
9:52 pm - CAMP<3
Camp was a lot more fun than I expected. The service/worship were so amazing....AWESOME! I really found out more of what God wanted for my life. I went to camp, so confused about everything...very depressed, everything was just...gahhhBLAH, and God cured me of my depression, it was really amazing..I'm so filled w/joy right now it's like WHOOOFREAKINGHOO. We played all the radical games and I got to talk to meet a few cute guys, too=) but weren't near as cool as the worship. AHH, I'm so tired. At camp, we had different teams...and whatever team got the most points won...and you'd get points for so many different things..doing cheers, winning games, shaving your head (only guys did that, thank God)..and there were these horn honks...a director would just lay on the horn wherever and the first team w/20 people in line got points..and Robby the Ranger got captured by bobo the gorilla, sooo if a team saved robby then they got 1,000,000 points...alright, so MY team decides to get up at 6:00 in the freaking morning to wait out there for a horn honk, and or Robby. it sucked...anyway...I was trying to get some sleep on the way home, but everyone was keeping me up. Thomas was sitting next to me doing this funky dance and saying "I'm a CA-RAZZYYYY BOY!" Then everytime I'd fall asleep it's either "AWW HOW CUTE *PICTURE...flash wakes me up*", Thomas breathes in my face until I wake up..or someone hits me w/a pillow. It was sad. =( Of course I'm stupid and I'm staying up now..=P

current mood: tired
current music: counting crows "goodnight elizabeth"
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Sunday, June 23rd, 2002
9:20 pm
Camp's tomorrow, I'm nervous cuz not many people are going that I know. I think I mentioned that before. Heh:-D. Another thing that kind of bugs me is that Phil's not gonna get his results back from his MRI until I'm at camp, so I'm gonna have to worry about if he has a brain tumor or not for a couple days. I'm sure he doesn't..but there's always that little..annoying possiblity. OHH, and don't IM me and ask me to do stuff for you, unless you want me to annoy the crap out of you:-)Haha..

UpInHura229: Hey! Please help me win a contest by CLICKING HERE it will give me a point, whoever has the most points wins. I am curently in 2nd place. Thank you. :-)
EMO gurl 87: how rude
UpInHura229: at
EMO gurl 87: i do not appreciate that
EMO gurl 87: anyway
EMO gurl 87: i just wanted to say
EMO gurl 87: i love you
UpInHura229: i love u 2
EMO gurl 87: and that we are best friends forever
UpInHura229: k good
EMO gurl 87: but i just cant help you win
UpInHura229: its ok
EMO gurl 87: because my mom said no sirree bob
EMO gurl 87: you know how that goes
EMO gurl 87: don't you
UpInHura229: how what goes
EMO gurl 87: how moms forbid you from eating watermelon sometimes
UpInHura229: i hate when that happens
EMO gurl 87: me too
EMO gurl 87: considering watermelon is my favorite
EMO gurl 87: i like pencils too
EMO gurl 87: drawing is ufn
UpInHura229: me 2 wow we have so much in common
EMO gurl 87: and sometimes my mom just steals all of my pencils when she's mad at me
EMO gurl 87: so i can't draw
EMO gurl 87: it makes me sad inside
UpInHura229: thats not nice
EMO gurl 87: i know
UpInHura229: it happens to the best of people
EMO gurl 87: I cry for like 2 days
EMO gurl 87: and then
EMO gurl 87: she gives them back
UpInHura229: kool
EMO gurl 87: Then my brothers steal them
EMO gurl 87: and then my dad does
EMO gurl 87: and then my dog burrys them in the back yard
EMO gurl 87: cuz everyone in my family dislikes me
EMO gurl 87: ok i helped you win
EMO gurl 87: so now you must write me a song
UpInHura229: i stole ur pencils last night, and it caused u a fright
EMO gurl 87: that's it?
*upinhura blocks me*


current mood: tired
current music: our lady peace..ha steph and i listened to it for 12hrs
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Saturday, June 22nd, 2002
11:55 am
Hmm, as I write this my bother is having his MRI done=X Poor kid, I feel really bad for him. ANYway, I was on the internet til like, 4am yesteday. My mom wasn't too pleased. I wonder what my punishment I'm gonna get..=/. OH well. I TRIED going to sleep..I can't help that I have insomnia. I didn't ask for it, it's really not fun. AHH, I have to go to camp on Monday morning, I was excited a while I'm more scared. I'm only friends w/about 2-4 people there. EEKS.

current mood: tired
current music: our lady peace's new cd gravity..still
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Friday, June 21st, 2002
8:01 pm
OOH, I saw Our Lady Peace yesterday! It was really rad, they're all so much hotter in real life;D I got their new CD and autographs<3 I must marry them all;) Gah, I'm sad. People will IM me about my lj, or I'll tell someone something and they'll be like "OHH yeah, I read that in your lj" but no one ever leaves any comments:-( *tear* Oh well, I guess I'll just have to get used to that, I guess I'm just writing for myself, anyway=D. HMM, I'm really, really bored=( I'll fill out this survey I got from MEILS!. =D.

Name: Kelsey
Sex: Female
Age: 14..15 in less than a month;D
Screen Name: B1G green monkey, EMO gurl 87
Meaning: big green monkey is part of a song I like, and I consider myself emo, I guess..and I'm a girl.
Birthday: July 19th
Place of Birth: Euclid, OH
Siblings: Danny(16), Philip(11)
Pets: Brownie, she's a lesbo.
Height: 5'7"
Hair Color: dirty blonde
Hair Color of Choice: dirty blonde
Eye Color: green
Eye Color of Choice: green or blue
Writing Hand: right
Current Residence: Cleveland

Nervous Habits: picking my nails, pulling on my fingers, playing w/my hair
Do you bite your nails? only before I play guitar, and I'm too lazy to get the nail clippers
Do you pick your nose? HAHA, no. That'd be so funny if someone actually admitted to doing that=P
Are you double jointed? Yep
Can you roll your tongue? Yep
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? Yep
Can you blow smoke rings? Nope
Can you blow spit bubbles? Yep
Can you flare your nostrils? Yep
Can you cross your eyes? Yep
Tattoos? NO, NEEDLES=X
Piercings and where? 1 hole on each ear
Do you make your bed daily? Well, I fix the blankets, and pull them up, if that counts=P

What goes on first, bra or underwear? underwear
Which shoe goes on first? Whatever one I pick up first
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? Maybe
On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? Usually around $30..if I have that much=P
What jewelry do you wear 24/7? Noe
What's sexiest on a guy? Eyes, smile
Would you rather be on time and look OK or 10 minutes late and look great? 10 minutes late and look great,most def.
Favorite Piece of Clothing: dunno, whatever
Pajamas: my monkey pajamas..

Do you wind your spaghetti or cut it? Wind it
Isn't that the only reason anyone else eats speghetti? Erm, of course;P
Have you ever eaten Spam? Yes...*pukes*
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? I LOVE ALL ICE CREAM!! HEH=)
How many cereals in your cabinet? I don't know, ma'am.
What's your favorite beverage? Hmm, right now I'm obsessed w/water.
What's your favorite restaurant? Ich weiss nicht.
What utensils do you use to eat pizza? w/my hands, except for when I'm eating at friends house who's family are all proper and stuff. Then I use forks=P
Do you cook? No, I bake;D

How often do you brush your teeth? 2-3times a day
How often do you shower/bathe? once a day
How long does your shower last? around 15-20 mins
Hair drying method? I don't have once certian method, sometimes air dry..sometimes blow dry.
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? YUP
If that fountain of youth existed, would you drink it? Nope
Do you paint your nails? Rarely
Would you rather have genital herpes or be 50 lbs. overweight? I think be 50lbs overweight.

Do you swear? Not too much
Do you ever spit? When I'm brushing my teeth. Swallowing tooth paste isn't good=/

Actor/Actress: I dunno, but I loved Chris Farley=P
Animal: monkeys penguins and monkeys
Food: I love food.
Month: July
Day: Hmm, I love everday in the summer;D
Cartoon: SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!! as told by ginger is good.
Flower: daisies
Shoe Brand: vans..converse
Subject in school: as a freshman, it was english.
Color: I love a lot of colors, but right now.. I think purple. PURPLE WON FOR THE NEW M&Ms; COLOR. yay. That's what I voted for;D
Person to talk to: A lot of people=P
Sport: I HATE sports. HATE HATE HATE.
Body part on/in you: gah, i dunno..
TV show: Ohgod, here we go again;P ..Spongebob, A LOT of disney shows,Golden Girls, some of those stupid game shows.
Movie: tommy boy, a walk to remember, spider-man, scooby..those were only A FEW!!
Holiday: christmas
Book: hmm rachel's tears
Vacationing Spot: florida
Thing to do in Spring: convention..and well, normal stuff.
Thing To Do In The Summer: A LOT of stuff=D
Thing To Do In The Fall: gah annoy questions
Thing To Do In The Winter: i dunno? build snowmen?
Perfume or Cologne: i like body spray..
TV Station: ihave a few..
Model (Male or Female): Derek Zoolander..haha.

The CD Player: Our Lady Peace...Gravity
Person you talk most on the phone with: Steph
Ever taken a cab? Yep, once.
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? YUP
What color is your bedroom? A really pretty blue..(for the walls)
Do you use an alarm clock? My mommy is my alarm.
Name one thing you are obsessed with: too many things, but one would be water. heh.
Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex? Nope
Ever sunbathed nude? Can't sayI have
Window seat or aisle? Window

What's your sleeping position? whatever just happens to e compfortable to me
What kind of bed do you like? comfy ones?
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? I always have to have something covering me, so I use a sheet in hot weather.
Do you snore? Only when I have a cold (not too often)
Do you sleepwalk? I have a few times..once I went down steps=P I'm glad I didn't kill myself..haha.
Do you talk in your sleep? Sometimes
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals? Yes, my american eagle polar bear, and spongebob
How about with the light on? nope
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? usually

What is the nicest thing a guy could do for you? haha I wouldn't know
What do you look for in a guy? sweet, smart, fun, funny, a christian;D nice eyes and smile..smiles a lot=D
What is the first thing you notice when you look at a guy? his eyes..or if he happens to be smiling..his smile=D
What do you think of cheating? it sucks. cheaters suck.
Makeup. Should we have to wear it or not? if you're naturally if not, yes. hah..=/
Female presidents: Should we have them or not? personally, i don't think so.
What do you think of Pamela Anderson? two words... WHITE TRASH
Tell the truth: Did you ever wish you could look like Barbie? lol, well.yeah=P

Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
Oranges or apples? Oranges
One pillow or two? two
Deaf or blind? Neither
Pools or hot tubs? pools
Blondes or brunettes? blondes...well, I like brunette guys.
Tall or short? tall
TV or radio? whatever I'm in the mood for
Beach or pool? pool
Tic-Tacs or Certs? Tic-Tacs
Snooze button or jump out of bed? snooze=D
Sunrise or Sunset? sunset.they're so gorgeous=P
Hamburger or Cheeseburger? CHEESEBURGERS.
Morning or night? night
Sports or news? news, most def!
Bikini or one-piece? One piece
Indoors or outdoors? Indoors
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? christmas day!
Cake or ice cream? Ice cream=D...Ice cream cake! MUAHA.
Bert or Ernie? Ernie;)
Spicy or Mild? spicy
Spearmint or Peppermint? spearmint
Call or Write? whatever i'm in the mood for
Peanut Butter or Jelly? i love them together
Hamburger or Hot Dog? hambugers
Dog or Cat? dogs
Bath or shower? bath
Book or Movie? movie
Green or Red apples? green
Rain or Snow? rain
Nike or Adidas? adidas

Took a shower? Last night
Watched Bambi: a LONG time ago
Cried? suprisingly, a while ago
Talked on the phone? yesterday
Read a book? i dunno, sometime during school
Punched someone? I don't remember

Where do you see yourself in ten years? hmm, I might be in college..I dunno if i'd be out or not?
Who are you going to be married to? no clue
How many kids? 2 boys and a girl
Your profession: maybe a DH teacher
Future School: i wanna go to BGSU or OS
Car of Your Dreams: i know nothing about cars, so not sure.
I wanna live: i have no clue

current mood: indescribable
current music: our lady peace's new cd Gravity
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Monday, June 17th, 2002
8:46 pm
I have a new sn. B1G green monkey. IM me and tell me of how much you adore me. Thanks. ANYway, my brother went to the doctors today because he has a drifting eye wasnt that bad, but I guess he's loosing vision in that it's like 20/100 I think, so now he has to get glasses or else he'll go blind. The damn fool's like "noo I don't wanna wear glasses..they look so ugly, I'd rather go blind" seriously, the kids in love w/himself. Ah well, I shouldn't be mean, because he has to get an MRI...he might have a brain tumor=X I hope not, he's my little buddy..and him and my best fiend have to get married next month=D hah..Steph.. Well, onto a better note=D Our Lady Peace is comming to our mall on Thursday or Saturday, yeah,it'd probably be a good thing if I found out which day exactly...but I wannna go. I've loved them for a few years now, so it'd be really rad if I finally got t see them live.

current mood: amused
current music: further seems forever "the moon is down"
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Friday, June 14th, 2002
12:39 pm
lol..kirstin called me on tuesday night, my mom was really pissed. she's like "kelsey, you shouldn't be talking to people online..and giving out your last name!" only punishment was that i couldn't go online the next day, and i can't stay on after midnight now..oh, and i can't have my webpage. that's not really a big deal, tho, because i've haven't done anything w/it since it was hacked anyway. ALSO tuesday night, Katie and I watched was a really crappy movie,except for this Asian guy who sang a song and played the guitar. he was so rad. uncorked didn't deserve him:-)..wednesday I didn't do much except for go to yg..that was really cool..we played the faliure feud, you know..a take off that old game show, the family feud..and yesterday, we went to cedar point..the wicked twister was awesome:-) haha, the new words for cool are "dirty fresh"..we were talking to these guys behind us, and they're like to me.."trivia: is that salt or fresh water?" and my 11 year old brother was like "well, it's not salt..but it's not fresh because it's really dirty, and fresh is like water bottle fresh" and they're like "then what is it?" and he's like "umm i don't's dirty fresh" and the one kid was like "dirty fresh, that's clothes are dirty fresh, this ride is DiRTY FRESH, the lake is dirty fresh, cedar point is dirty fresh, i'm dirty fresh, you're dirty fresh" or something like that, soo all you COOL people must use it from now on. ohh there was also this lady who had a mole on her neck and really seriously my brothers all like "that lady has a ladybug on her neck" it was really embarrassing, haha...i hope she didn't hear. uh, well, i gotta get going..we're gonna go see the scooby doo movie:-)

current mood: hyper
current music: bone thugs n harmony "thuggish ruggish bone" haha...
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Sunday, June 9th, 2002
2:57 pm - daisy
Daisy hacked my page a while back, so I'm talking to her online and she's trying to tell me she NEVER hacked me. What a weirdo..

Kmpj87: hey best friend
Xgueritax: say wut
Kmpj87: saY wuT?
Kmpj87: dontchu kno me?
Xgueritax: im not ure best friend
Kmpj87: i believe you are
Xgueritax: no
Kmpj87: yes
Kmpj87: so come you hate me?
Xgueritax: i dont kno u man
Kmpj87: yeah, i believe you do
Kmpj87: kelsey
Xgueritax: no
Xgueritax: r u that girl that said i hacked u
Xgueritax: fucken bitch
Xgueritax: i fucken hate u mother fucker
Kmpj87: but really you did hack me
Xgueritax: little liar trying to get hits making me look bad
Xgueritax: no i fucking didnt
Xgueritax: u perra
Xgueritax: i cant go to internet sites no more
Kmpj87: but you did
Xgueritax: u stupid
Xgueritax: how?
Xgueritax: did i tell u pendeja
Xgueritax: grrr i hate u so much
Kmpj87: i don't know, but you did..and now you made me lose my afro ken layout
Xgueritax: when
Kmpj87: when you hacked my freaking page
Xgueritax: ure a stupid bitch i never hacked ure stupid ass
Xgueritax: dont talk to me
Kmpj87: well then someone said it was you
Xgueritax: it was probably 1 of ure homies saying it wuz me
Kmpj87: i wouldn't just delete my afro ken layout..
Xgueritax: bye!
Kmpj87: lmao you're gay
Xgueritax: ure not my best friend i hate u
Xgueritax: no shi im gay i like guys
Kmpj87: :'(
Xgueritax: pendeja
Xgueritax: and ure a lez u like girls
Xgueritax: booo hooo
Kmpj87: hmm, but really i don't
Xgueritax: conversation over
Xgueritax: dont talk to me u aint kno me
Kmpj87: LMAO you fruit cake
Kmpj87: but really i do
Kmpj87: you think everyone wants to copy you

current mood: amused
current music: good charlotte "seasons"
[start the commotion.]
Saturday, June 8th, 2002
11:35 pm - pennslyvania...
i went to pa for a couple nights. it was fun, i guess. it's about a 6 hour ride from where i live, i had to sit next to my little 5 year old cousin the WHOLE like, 12 hours by her. that was sour. she can be funny, though...i guess. i was her baby...and she gave me a make over. wow. that was scary. (note to self: NEVER LET A 5 YEAR OLD DO YOUR MAKE-UP AGAIN) i had to play every game she could think of. and you know what? EVERY SINGLE ONE was adjusted so that she'd be the winner. "oh no, kelsey! it's REALLY the person who lets go of their breath first that must have not heard me" LOL, oh..and she was telling me "scary" stories. those were pretty funny. "the VAMPIRE CAME TO THE GHOST!!! AND THEY FOUGHTED....and the gosht won because he's on our side. the end" anyway, ENUFF about hannah. pennslyvania was pretty cool, the main reason we went there was because my great aunt's in a nursing home and we went to visit her...we also went to gettysburg. that was really interesting. the museum and battle feilds were really rad..but in the museum there were scary stalker boy scouts. they were following me and my one cousin around and like, staring at us the whole time. it made me nervous...but there was this one really hot asian boy there..i think him and i need to get married, it'd be grand. wow this is really boring..ugh. oh well, schools been out since friday, i'm really happy...but i'm going to miss my english class/teacher SO MUCH. i wish i could just go to english everyday, that'd be so rad. i'm nervous, too..i'm going to the high school, and it's the biggest one in ohio..soo yeah...blah. i g2g, i'm really tired.

current mood: tired
current music: good charlotte 'thank you mom"
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Monday, May 27th, 2002
7:39 pm - survey:-)
the ver rad erica sent this survey to me in an email..and i'm bored, so i'll fill it out. yay.

Name: Kelsey P
School: SJH...8 more days of it..then MHS!

Have you ever

Been Kissed: nope
Done drugs: nope
Eaten an entire box of Oreos? I prolly could, but no.
Eaten sushi? ick! no!
Been on stage: yeah
Been dumped: nope
Gotten in a car accident: yeah, not a serious one tho..
Watched Punky Brewster? YESS!! I MISS THAT SHOW!Watched Scooby Doo: uh huh!! i used to every day.
Flipped 8 times off a bike? uh, i don't recall doing that..
Stayed home on a Saturday night just for the heck of
it: lol, many times
Seen the White House: nope

Same/Opposite sex

Do you like anyone from the same/opposite sex? yeah...opposite.
What do you look for in a woman or man? Ah, I look or a lot of things, if you MUST know(lmao), email me here

Your Friends

Who's your funniest friend? Erika, Kate..
Who makes you laugh/smile the most? Amber
Who do you e-mail the most? I don't email much, prolly Gibran or Aaron
Who's the loudest? Stephanie
Who's the shyest? Hmm, I don't have many shy friends (I'm the shy one of the group) but I guess Christine
Whose parents do you know the best? Julies maybe?
Who has the best room? Erika:D

Within the last 24 hours

Had a serious talk? yep
Hugged someone? nope
Gotten along with your parents? yup.
Fought with a friend? nope

Do you like to

Give hugs? yeah!
Give back rubs? ugh, only on wednesdays.=/
Take walks in the rain? yeppers!
You ever have that falling dream? yeah
What color is your floor/carpet in your room? gray
What was the last CD you bought? Hm, I believe weezer's new album t the first day it came out. yeah.
If you chew gum, what kind? Hmm, I like those 6 foot ones, and Extra
Do you use chapstick? yesyess
What did u do/going to do this SUMMER? florida, cousins from florida come here, camp..uhh.
Gender: female
Nicknames: blonde, dr love, uh kels, cinday, marita, marie..many moe..
Hair color: dirty blonde
Eye Color: green
Skin tone: fair

Which one of your Friends????

Is most likely to grow up to be a model: Erika or Kaite....i guess.
Which one knows most about you: Steph
Is most likely to become a comedian: Kyle or John
You know most about: Steph
Who will send this back the quickest: his is in my journal, soo...
Best friends: Steph, Erika, Katie..
Is the smartest: Steph
Most likely to end up in JAIL? LMAO, uh, Kyle?


Food: i love all food, duh.
TV: huh?
Beverage: i dunno
Actor: chris farley (even tho he's dead) chris tucker, and jackie chan
Actress: hmm..
Restaurant: red robins:-)or fridays
Place to be: yg
Song: TOO MANY!!!!!!
Singer/Group: TOO MANY!!!!!!
Sport: i hate sports
Colour: purple, orange, and lue
Candy: i like a lot of candy..

Have you Ever

Been to a concert: yeah, RELIEN K WAS THE BEST OUT OF ALL:-)
Been in a different country: no!=(=(
Loved someone so much it made you cry: yeah
Cheated on a test: yeah
Bought something and then saw it cheaper somewhere
else? yeah
Stole from somewhere or someone: no
Stalked someone: haha kinda not really..

Single or taken: single
Have you had a lot of bf's/gf's? no
When was the last time you showered? this afternoon
What CD are you listening to right now? none
What is the last thing that you said? "i know"
What is right next to you? an end table
What is your computer desk made of? wood
What are the last 2 digits in your phone number? 78
What was the last thing you ate? peanut
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? gold
Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? i don't know
Do you have a lava lamp? no i'm a deprived child
How many buddies do you have on your list? like 130
How's the weather right now? a lil chilly
What did you do last night? went 2 erikas and watched planet of the apes..
Last person that you talked to on the phone? Steph
What's the nicest thing you find about the opposite
sex? they're cool to talk to ..and they're hot!
Who do you admire most? Jesus
Do you like the person that sent this to you? O course!
What is the nicest present you've gotten this year? i dunno
How do you eat an OREO? I eat the cookies then the creme
Fav M&M;? i like em all..haha..peanutbutter and crispy are good...
Who makes you happy? a lot of stuff
Fav CD? hmm...ilike a lot
Height? 5'6"
What do you like to do? a lot of things
Dream car: i don't know anything about cars so i couldn't tell you the name.
Have you ever won any special awards? probably
What do you want to be when you grow up? not sure
What are your future goals? college, get married, raise a family..yes, that's erica's exact answer.
Fave music? punk, emo, ska, alt rock, oldies.
We Wanna Know...

Coke or Pepsi? pepsi
MTV or VH1?: vh1 blows..mtv sucks..uh yeah.
WB or FOX?: i dunno
ABC or NBC?: i don't care
TV or Movies?: both
CDs or Mp3s?: cds
Email or Snail Mail?: boh
Magazines or books?: magazines
Talk Shows or Soap Operas? talk shows
Party or Hang out? hang out
Sunrise or Sunset?: sunset
Night or Day? both
Chips or Cookies?: cookies
Fritos or Cheetos? cheetos

The Faves

Day of the Week: Saturday
Teacher: Mr. L
Store: hot topic
Mall: I dunno..the mall by me?

How did you meet most of your friends? school, yg
Friend you've known the shortest: Christina
Longest Friendship: Steph

current mood: satisfied
current music: further seems forever "the moon is down"
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5:48 pm - weekend...
blah, this weekend was kinda boring. let's see...what all did miss kelsey do. hmm..friday, i can't really remember, which means i probably just sat on my lazy ass as usual, wait wait..i went to the 9th grade party. that's right. it was a pretty big drag because it was a pool party and it was friggin cold, so no swimming for me...saturday, i saw my cousin from chicago, watched behind enemy lines and scary movie 2, ha..the only funny part in the movie was the whole "polly want your mama's sweet ass" um yeah, anyway...and then yesterday i went over erika's and we took a walk, talked to some strange kid on walkie talkies and went on the internet..good times...AND i watched planet of the apes..very entertaining movie, i tell you...and today i sat on my ass and did hw.. uh huh..that's great. we're putting up the trampoline today, yay...SHITT I HEAR THE ICE CREAM TRUCK!!

current mood: nauseated
current music: maladroit (weezer's new album)
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Saturday, May 18th, 2002
11:33 pm - whoo...
Yeah, I went to Six Flags w/my youth group today! The most rad part is that Relient K was there! Their concert kicked major arse. I was reading Matt T's journal (at and he was talking about today. Rad. He's so cute, all the band members are;]. ANYway, the Six Flags part (rollar coasters and stuff) was fun. The only sucky part is it was super cold out, and it hailed a couple times, but still..funfun, I got FUDGE<3 there. Well, I have to go now, I have church in the morning, so I should prolly go to bed=/.

current mood: giggly
[1 commotioner]| [start the commotion.]
Friday, May 17th, 2002
11:08 pm - survey=D
1. First name: Kelsey
2. Last name: P---
3. Nickname: Kels, Marie, Blondy, Dr. Luv<3 ..mannyy more.
4. Screen name: EMO gurl 87 or kmpj87
5. Gender: Female
6. Age: 14
7. Type of Music: emo, punk, ska, alt rock, some oldies=D
8. Birthdate: July 19, 1987
9. Birthplace: Eucild, Ohio.
10. Siblings: 2 brothers, Danny (16) , Philip (11)
11. Zodiac sign: Cancer
13. Current Location: My family Ohio.....=P
14. Live with: Mama, dad, 2 brothers, and my dog=D
15. Name of current school: SJH
16. Grade: 9 ....13/14 more days! whoo..
17. Graduation date/year: 2005
18. GPA: 3.6 something....
19. Height: 5'6"
20. Hair color: blonde=D
21. Highlights/dyed: none
22. Hair length: a few inches past my shoulders
23. Eye color: green
24. Contacts/glasses: I wear glasses..sometimes.
25. Freckles: none
26. Birthmark(s): one on the back of my..dunno leg.
27. Scar(s): no scars, danke.
28. Type(s) of clothes you wear: i dunno, i don't really have a certain type...i get most of my clothes from hot topic and pac sun tho=D
29. Cologne/Perfume you wear: i wear body spray..sometimes..usually vinalla or green apple<3
30. Deodorant you use: hmm, teen spirit or something like that

believe it or not
31. Aliens: no
32. Angels: yes
33. Demons: yes
34. Heaven & Hell: yesyes..
35. God: of course!<333
36. Your friends: uh huhh..

37. Best friend: Steph
38. Last friend you talked to: Katie
39. Funniest: Kyle, Steph, Katie..
40. Silliest: Berr
41. Loudest: Erika
42., that's not very nice..
43. Sweetest: I depends....
44. Weirdest: Stepphhyy, my wild turkey...
45. Best at keeping secrets: Katie
46. Most hyper: Erika, Steph
47. Most annoying: It depends
48. Friend you miss most: Steph
49. Friend you've known the longest: Steph, Erika, Katie..
50. Friend you haven't known long: hmm..there's a lot! I guess Berr..

word association
51. Bill Clinton: Billary=D
52. Lollipops: good.
53. Whipped Cream: sweet!
54. Dreams: fun!
55. Love: Jesus<3
56. South Park: ANNOYING.
57. Guys: love
58. Girls: rock
59. Death: i'm ready for it...(more than one word, but that's ok)
60. Bubble gum: bordem
61. Water: yummmy
62. Ice Cream: mint chocolate chip
63. Oil: whales?
64. Phone: call
65. Food: super
66. Kiss: fun..maybe?
67. Pretzels: good
68. Britney Spears: there's many.
69. School: sucks
70. Floppy: heh...heh..FLOPPY.
71. Shoes: socks

have you ever
72. Been on a plane: yaya
73. Cried in public: probably
74. Climbed a tree: yup
75. Gotten in a physical fight: w/my brother
76. Drank alcohol: yeah
77. Fell asleep in a movie theater: nope
78. Driven a car: i don't think so
79. Been arrested: nope
80. Broken curfew: i don't have a curfew..because I don't go anywhere! har..har..yeah.
81. Been pulled over when driving: i don't drive yet:-)
82. Farted in public: probably=P
83. Met a celebrity: hmm..i think just bob golic...whoopdy doo.
84. Skipped school: well, kinda..i had my mom call in, but i wasn't really sick(many times)
85. Went to a pro sports game: yeahh
86. Met the president: nope
87. Been scared to get shot: ROFL, yes! ERiKA........haha..
88. Smoke a cigarette: yep
89. Gotten a cavity: yep
90. Done any drugs: nope
91. Shopped at Abercrombie & Fitch: HELL NO!
92. Gone skinny-dipping: i think when i was a todler...LOL.

93. Food: watermelon=P
94. Drink: any pop....
95. TV show: spongebob, golden girls, jkx, everybody loves raymond, A LOT of disney channel shows, a dating story, a make-over story....
96. Movie: I dunno...tommy boy..the rush hours..a walk to remember, spider-man..
97. CD: saftey first
98. Song: wow, way too many to name.
99. Color: kate knows i have a lot...I'm a color kinda girl<3
100. Day of the week: Friday..
101. Month: July
102. Number: 19
103. Favorite Car: I don't know..I know nothing about cars.
104. Cookie: A LOT. COOKIES!
105. Toothpaste: I don't care..
106. Ice Cream: mint chocolate chip
107. Candy bar: too many=P
108. TV channel: i dunno! I like a lot!
109. Radio station: 92.3 extreme
110. Artist/band: ahh a lot..i don't feel like naming them all!
111. Shampoo/conditioner: dunno..
112. Website: too many to name=P
113. Sports to play: i despise sports
114. Sports to watch: soccer
115. Place: my room, yg, the mall...
116. Vacation spot: florida
117. Kind of candle: dunno
118. Color eyes: green, blue...

do you
119. Smoke? no
120. Do drugs? no
121. Drink? no
122. Have sex? no
123. Sleep with stuffed animals? yupyup
124. Have a crush? yeahh
125. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope
126. Have a dream that keeps coming back? yeah...=/
127. Play an instrument? yeahh, the guitar<3
128. Read the newspaper? LOL, no..sorry.
129. Have any gay or lesbian friends? I think one of my friends might be..
130. Believe in miracles? yep! i hope i get one tomorrow...six's supposed to be cold..i want warm!
131. Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? yeah, i think so.
132. Consider yourself tolerant of others? sometimes=/
133. Consider police a friend or foe? friend
134. Like the taste of alcohol? some
135. Have a favourite Stooge? noo, i love them all..except for curly joe.
136. Believe in astrology? no
137. Believe in magic? well..magic is from the devil=/
138. Pray? yep
139. Go to church? yep
140. Have any secrets? yep
141. Have any pets? yep
142. Go to or plan to go to college? yep
143. Talk to strangers who instant message you? usually
144. Wear hats? not usually..only in the winter..i wear my beanie.
145. Have any piercings? 1 on both ears
146. Have any tattoos? nope
147. Hate yourself? nope
148. Wish on stars? nope
149. Like your handwriting? yeah, kinda..
150. Have any bad habits? yep
151. Have a second family? kinda
152. Trust others easily? kinda
153. Like sarcasm? ..i'm very sarcastic, but i can get pretty annoyed when other people are=P
154. Take walks in the rain? if i'm in the mood
155. Kiss with your eyes closed? never kissed before, but i'm sure i would
156. Sing in the shower? yeah!

current mood: annoyed
current music: weezer "dope nose"
[start the commotion.]
Saturday, April 27th, 2002
10:55 pm
UGH, my dad's an asshole. I've been trying SO friggin hard to be nice to him..but noo, for absolutely NO reason he has to get pissed at me. I don't know, he's just friggin mental.

current mood: frustrated
[1 commotioner]| [start the commotion.]
Thursday, April 25th, 2002
9:35 pm - Just a song..=P
Call on Jesus
by Nicole C. Mullen
from "Talk About It"

I'm so very ordinary
Nothing special on my own
I have never walked on water
I have never calmed a storm
Sometimes I'm hiding away from the madness around me
Like a child who's afraid of the dark

But when I call on Jesus
All things are possible
I can mount on wings like eagles and soar
When I call on Jesus
Mountains are gonna fall
'Cause He'll move heaven and earth to come rescue me when I call

Weary brother
Broken daughter
Widowed, widowed lover
You're not alone
If you're tired and scared of the madness around you
If you can't find the strength to carry on

repeat chorus

Call Him in the mornin'
In the afternoon time
Late in the evenin'
He'll be there
When your heart is broken
And you feel discouraged
You can just remember that He said
He'll be there

I dunno, I felt like posting those..just for whenever I start feeling bad about myself. The lyrics are so pretty.=)

current mood: peaceful
current music: "Call on Jesus" Nicole C. Mullen
[1 commotioner]| [start the commotion.]
6:09 pm - the baptism=)
Well, yeah...I got baptized last wasn't bad at all=) and now I'm happy!! LOL.

Kirstin and I are having a convo, which I must say, is quite lovely;]
Kmpj87(me): oooh what's that sweet sound that i hear
darrens GIRL 86(kirstin): CHEESE?!?!?
Kmpj87: ...i believe it's the ice cream truck!
darrens GIRL 86: OMFG!!!!!!!
Kmpj87: that's smell silly
Kmpj87: ah Im not going out ther's too late. We're both ever so unfortunate.
darrens GIRL 86: ooh poop
Kmpj87: I should chase after it!
darrens GIRL 86: i wish i owned an ice cream truck
darrens GIRL 86: i could drive it to youu!!
Kmpj87: SWEET!
darrens GIRL 86: OHH YES.
darrens GIRL 86: OMG I KNOW!
Kmpj87: I think I'm going to marry him.
darrens GIRL 86: OMG I KNOW! LOL. xo-Kels

current mood: giggly
current music: pax 217 'prizm'
[start the commotion.]
Wednesday, April 24th, 2002
5:11 pm
Hi, new colors=) I guess they're ok. Heh, ANYway I'm getting baptized tonight. I'm so nervous. ooh..and LoL, my last entry I was a total weirdo, and I just noticed it was on 4/20. Don't worry! LOL, I wasn't doing anything.

current mood: nervous
current music: Squad 5-0 "bombs over broadway"
[1 commotioner]| [start the commotion.]
Saturday, April 20th, 2002
12:07 am - =D
For some reason I'm in a VERY good mood. I have absolutely NOTHING to say, but since I'm super happy for once, I thought I'd share that. LMAO. I'm so lame=)!

current mood: cheerful
current music: Weezer "Dope Nose"
[1 commotioner]| [start the commotion.]
Tuesday, April 9th, 2002
5:20 pm - Surveys
I got these from the very rad Erica:D

Name: Kelsey
Birthdate: July 19th
Sex: F
Location: Ohio
What does your livejournal name mean: You should know what commotion means=D

Seven things that scare you:
1. Being single the rest of my life:-(
2. Big groups
3. needles
4. thinking about how many people are going to hell each day...
5. when Christ returns/anti-Christ
6. meeting new people
7. loosing a close friend/family member

Seven things that make you laugh:
1. JKX, especially the Mexican bday party:D
2. Myself
3. Funny monkeys
4. Funny penguins...
5. Some family
6. Some friends
7. Basically, EVERYTHING!:D

Seven things you love:
1. Jesus<3<3
2. My family
3. My friends
4. music
5. monkeys
6. penguins
7. blue

Seven things *or people* you hate(dislike!):
1. the debil. LOL.
2. school
3. Tiffany
4. Britney Spears
5. Tomatoes
6. South Park
7. farts

Seven things you don't understand:
1. How people could think that there is no God
2. The human mind....
3. Why popularity matters SO MUCH. =/
4. How God was just ALWAYS here...there was no beginning for Him.
5. How God The Holy Spirit and Jesus are all one, yet Jesus doesn't even know when he's gonna come back...just God.
6. Why I'm sucha moron at times...

Seven things on your COMPUTER desk:
1. my purse
2. my computer
3. my keyboard
4. this thing I'm collecting all my change in to give to missions.
5. my saftey first CD case
6. computer discs
7. my cd burner..

Right now you are:
1. Bored
2. Tired
3. Discontent
4. Listening to Everybody Loves Raymond, while typing on here.
5. Thinking about what to put next...
6. Sad
7. Stuff.

Seven facts about you:
1. I'm very timid and shy.
3. I'm insecure.
4. I love cheese.
5. I love monkeys and penguins.
6. I have green eyes
7. I have blonde hair...

Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. Have Children
2. Witness to people
3. Go to Australia
4. Go to England
5. Go to Canada
6. Be a millionaire..then give a lot of the money to missions.
7. Meet Rivers Cuomo, and the Calibretto 13 guys..and Relient K=D

Seven things you can do:
1. not talk AT ALL in school. PURE skill, right there.
2. stare for long periods of time.
3. type really really fast.
4. make people (that I can be myself with) laugh, sometimes.
5. help people.
6. brush my teeth
7. play the guitar, KINDA.

Seven Things You Can't Do:
1. stand needles
2. speak my mind very well
3. play almost ANY sport.
4. get a boyfriend, LOL.
5. start conversations very well

Seven Famous People You Want (To Meet):
1. Relient K guys
2. Jesus=)
3. Rivers Cuomo
4. Calibretto 13 guys

Top 7 songs people should give a listen:
1. Calibretto 13 - High Five
2. The Juliana Theory - If I told You This Was Killing Me, Would You Stop?
3. Dogwood - Building A Better Me
4. Sqyad 5-0 - Bombs Over Broadway
5. Futher Seems Forever - Tge Vradket
6. Relient K - My Girlfriend
7. Project 86 - Chimes .....Yeah, a wide varity of music there:D

Top 5 things that turn you on about your sex of choice -
1. Him being a Christian....
2. Sweet...
3. I usually like brunettes, Asian guys are hott, too! :P
4. Emo or punk look...
5. Smart...

Top 5 movies you watch all the time -
1. Tommy Boy
2. Rush Hour 1
3. Emperors New Groove
4. Veggie Tales
5. Shrek

Top 5 things you say the most -
1. Marry me..
2. That's rad
3. I love Jesus
4. You little crackhead
5. I love monkeys...


Current Dress: My TinkerBell<3 shirt and jeans...
Current Makeup: eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, cover up, and lip gloss
Current Mood: indescribable...
Current Music: "Building A Better Me" by Dogwood
Current Taste: Mexican stuff...
Current Hair: down and curly...
Current Annoyance: erm, dad.
Current Smell: Notta thing.
Current thing I ought to be Doing: devotionals
Current Favorite Artist: I don't really listen to solo artists=/
Current Favorite Group: Just ONE? HAHA.
Current Book: None....
Current CD in Stereo: Safety First (various bands)
Current DVD In Player: Our DVD player is in the ps2, so, there's some game in there
Current Color Of Toenails: I don't really paint my toenails=/
Current Refreshment: Nothing, I want Kool aid tho<3<3
Current Worry: gym tomorrow..haha.
Current Crush: Jesse.
Current Favorite Celebrity: Jackie Chan, yes, he ROCKS, Mr T. is pretty sweet, too.


You Talked to: Mama
You Hugged: I haven't hugged someone for a while...I think Amber.
You Instant messaged: Geoff.....
You Yelled At: I'm not sure....
You Had A Crush On: Now it's Jesse...I can't remember who was last.
Who Broke Your Heart: not telling *cheesy grin*

Drink: pop.
Color: purple....
Album: don't really know..I think it's Safety First..=P yes, my $4 CD.
Shoes: my vans
Candy: all chocolate and jelly bellys..heh.
Animal: monkeys, penguins, and dogs.
TV Show: JKX and SpongeBob
Movie: Tommy Boy
Dance: I can't think of the name to it! DARNIT! The ELECTRIC SLIDE, BABY! LoL.
Vegetable: broccoli
Fruit : Watermelon and oranges.


Understanding: Usually
Open-minded: Usually
Arrogant: Sometimes
Insecure: Usually
Interesting: Sometimes
Hungry: Sometimes
Friendly: Usually
Smart: Usually
Moody: Sometimes
Childish: sometimes
Independent: Rarely
Hard working: Sometimes
Organized: Rarely
Healthy: Not really....
Emotionally Stable: Not at the moment.
Shy: Usually
Difficult: Rarely
Attractive: :-(
Bored Easily: Usually.
Messy: Usually
Thirsty: Sometimes.
Responsible: Sometimes
Obsessed: Sometimes
Angry: Sometimes
Sad: Sometimes
Happy: Usually
Trusting: Usually
Ill: Rarely
Talkative: Sometimes
Legal: Rarely
Original: Sometimes
Different: Usually
Unique: Sometimes
Ignored: Sometimes
Reliable: Usually
Content: Sometimes
Optimistic: Sometimes
Deep thinker: Sometimes
Self-disciplined: Usually
Sleepy: Sometimes
Lonely: Sometimes


Kill: Umm..*looks around the room* I'm not the violent type.
Get Really Wasted With: Kelsey Marie...get wasted? Heh, that'd be funny=/
Look Like: YOU.
Be Like: God


- Computer Wise

MSN Name: =w=Kelsey=w=
AIM name: EMO gurl 87
Buddy Icon: these two girls are standing next to each other..and the ones all like "he is so hott and OMG..." and the other one's like "shuttup" and hits her..and then it says "some girls talk a little TOO much" or something like that.
Livejournal: /~commotion

- Bedroom Wise

Quilt Cover: I don't have a quilt
Carpet: gray
Walls: blue
Posters: no posters, sorry.
Appliances/Furniture: Too many to name, sorry.

current mood: hungry
current music: Dogwood - Bulding A Better Me
[1 commotioner]| [start the commotion.]
Monday, April 8th, 2002
4:43 pm - *sighs* Life...
My life has been a total waste of time, or it seems as though it's been. I'm so timid and shy, so I rarely speak my mind, I'm just starting to get better about that. I'm also very Polyphobic, and it's been getting a lot worse lately, I've been finding out that I'm afraid of many things I never was before, so I just sit here, and let the internet be like my little shelter. I hide from reality, and I try incredibly hard to be as invisible as possible, at places like school, and wherever else large groups are at. I'm getting so sick of it, I want to change so badly, but I just can't. I've been to counseling before, but that was just for my shyness. It didn't help at all, but I really didn't give my counseler a chance. I think I've decided that I should go back. I want to be able to live my life to the fullest. Witness to people, help people. I know there has to be some lives out there that I could really touch, but I haven't. I don't think I've made anyones world a better place, and I hate that feeling, too. I haven't found myself yet, I want to so badly...the world today is so cold and cruel, it's so hard being lost in it. I am a Christian, I've been pretty much my whole life, but I'm not one that would stand out in a crowd. I want to be so badly, I gave my life to Jesus, well, for real last summer...and what have I done for him? Nothing. I want to be able to witness to people so much...because Christ has done so much for me, at times like these I'm still able to experience peace, often times I feel joy and happiness that is undescribable, all because of Him, but my fear of being rejected has kept me from telling people about Him. I could tell so much over the internet, but for listeners, it's definitely not as touching as it would be in person...and I don't want to sound like I'm cramming my religion down people's throat at all. Oh, well. I have to go.

take free enneagram test

current mood: discontent
current music: Counting Crows "Color Blind"
[2 commotioners]| [start the commotion.]
Sunday, April 7th, 2002
5:52 am
Ok, it's almost 6:00AM and I still haven't gotten to bed yet...I tried from like 11:30-5:30 then I came on here. I have ABSOLUTLEY nothing to say, but no one is I decided I'd write in here...maybe NOW would be a good time to take some tests...

What is your meaning of life?

which children's storybook character are you?

this quiz was made by colleen

I'm strange!

How much of a freak are you?

I love you man. You are probably the drink with the most fan clubs ever. A lot of people depend of you and your caffeine content to keep them up all night. Others are just addicted.
Find your inner cola.

I don't quite get it. I am smarter, fitter, and bolder than my potbellied brother ever could hope to be, yet he gets all the fame, fortune, and glory, not to mention Peach's heart. If only I was the first player in Super Mario Bros... things could have been different. Maybe I can make a comeback, now that I finally have my own game.. but probably not. After all, I'm just Luigi.

What Super Mario Bros character are you?

Which Rock Chick Are You?

I'm a Ska fangirl
Yeah yeah...most of the good bands either broke up or sold out, but I still enjoy SKAnkin' up a storm.

What kind of fangirl are you?

...yep it was a good time for them=) *sighs* I'm so pathetic, well I G2G get ready for church=D

current mood: awake
current music: Cadet "The Happy Song"
[start the commotion.]

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