Galoshes of Wickedness [entries|friends|calendar]
Pyrefly shall call it Squishy and it shall be hers

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[24 Apr 2004|12:54pm]
[ mood | Mmm, headache ]
[ music | Mirai no Kakera, Asian Kung-Fu Generation ]

Just got back from doing community service hours picking up garbage for Earth Day. My day so far has gone something like this.

Me: *sleeping ever-so happily, because she loves her sleep*
Me: Gerhjgjdprssdshdsarug

Upon arriving at the community centre, signing up, and getting a meal ticket. Note that I was under the impression that my dad was staying with me.

Dad: Well, I have work to do. *drives off*
Me: ...

I started to pick stuff up around the school, because it's horribly filthy. A woman standing there with her two children starts discussing the disgusting amount of filth with me. I told her it was filthy inside too.

Woman: *looks surprised* Oh, did you start high school?
Me: Yes
Woman: What grade are you in?
Me: Twelve
Woman: *stunned silence*

If it were humanly possible to do the Edward Elric "Did you just call me short?!" face, I would've. Okay, so I don't look like I'm 18. Don't rub it in. D: The silence was broken when her children started picking up garbage and eating it.

In other news, I'm addicted to Fullmetal Alchemist. I adore Ed, he has the greatest facial expressions.

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[11 Apr 2004|03:02pm]
[ music | Angel Song, Daylight ]

Happy Easter from the Easter Poring~! )

My parental units used to be quite creative at hiding Easter eggs, but they appear to have lost their touch. All the eggs were in plain sight. ;__; Where's the challenge in that? Though I suppose it's probably for the best, seeing as one Easter me and my sister found eggs that had been hidden the previous year, or possibly the year before that. We're not really sure. Speaking of old and crusty food items, there was a can of soup that expired in 2001 behind the bar. It can't beat the eleven year old biscuit mix though.

I had another strange dream last night, involving Amanda owning a horse and me, her, and a toy dwarf hamster that could move like a real hamster going out for a ride, and suddenly the cast of Pirates of the Caribbean being in my house and Elizabeth committing harakiri. (Harakiri is ritualistic suicide. See Home English Home.) No worries though, Frankenstein brought her back to life. Oh, and there was a pirate hiding under my dining room table with a vicious-looking white rabbit covered in blood.

And so my crazy dreams continue...

[11 screams|Wanna scream?]     

[20 Mar 2004|12:34pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | Rain Knell, Hideki ]

I just had the strangest dream (okay, so it wasn't as strange as the Gackt in the Santa Claus parade one). I was walking with my sister (my sister lives in Ottawa, what was she doing here...?) and spotted a photo opportunity, because I'm a photography nerd. There was this tree covered in berries being reflected in a puddle on a car, and the sky behind it was completely cloudy except for this square-shaped patch where the sun was coming through. I simply had to get a picture. Except when I took my digital camera out, the batteries died before I could take a shot. Then a bunch of hot air balloons came out of nowhere, all attached to each other, and there were a large group of cosplayers hanging down from the balloons on ropes. There was a Sasuke cosplayer among them, and I was like, "great costume!!11!1! o.o-b" and he gave me a valentine. Then me and my sister drove off, hanging off the back of a truck. Whose truck? I wish I knew.

I think the cosplayer bit came from my subconscious complaining that I'm not at an anime con taking place downtown right now. I just have too much work to do, and if I go to the con I'll never finish it. x___x The Rock Lee paper bag just has to wait until May for his con debut. *sigh*

Not that she'll be reading this until after she gets home, good luck in Cosplay Idol, Rebecca!

In entirely unrelated news, it was my birthday last week (the 10th), and I acquired some tasty Asian snack food, Sam and Frodo action figures (<3), a shiny new computer that actually meets the requirements to run Ragnarok (*gasp*), a bunch of black clothing from my relatives (you'd think I was afraid of colours, like [info]rhiann) and my beloved Sasuke figurine. If I find my old pink plastic dollhouse furniture you can be sure Sasuke, Sam, Frodo, Pippin, and Ugluk will be holding a tea party in the near future. Complete with flowered bonnets. Gwahahahaaa.

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[14 Mar 2004|03:39pm]
[ music | Leaving Me Loving You - Opening ]

Dear Microsoft,

What the frock is up with your file transfering system? 14 hours for a 550 MB file? I've seen tectonic plates blaze along faster than that. Stop hating on me, kthxbai.

Love, Pyre

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[06 Mar 2004|10:31pm]
[ mood | *dansu* ]
[ music | Moonlight Shadow, Dance Dance Revolution ]

If you enjoyed the Rock Lee poring, I have more insanity for you to savour. *cackles with fiendish glee*

First, a Neji poring, as requested by Ron.

I'm not pleased with it, probably because I can't imagine Neji with that blissful poring smile on his face.

And now, for my crowning achievement- it started when I noticed Jenny was sleeping in history class, and that there was a paper bag on the floor. I decided to scare her when she woke up, so I drew Rock Lee's face on the bag. So the first thing she saw when she woke up was his face, staring back at her. Terrified, she nonetheless aided me in colouring my masterpiece, and added the inside of his mouth. And here it is. See him sparkle~!

And there's more! Alan took a video clip of Rock Lee the Paper Bag Puppet for all to enjoy! Witness it for yourself!

Yes, that's me making the strange noises.

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[03 Mar 2004|10:05pm]
Oi. Instead of doing my homework, I come up with this.

+ =

It's going to haunt me in my dreams.

This one I did a long time ago, another Ragnarok/Naruto hybrid. Except it isn't quite as creepy.
[7 screams|Wanna scream?]     

[01 Mar 2004|08:53pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Mineral, Sadder Star ]

The power decided to die on me just as I was washing some dishes. So I did the first thing that came to mind- toasted some garlic bread over a candle. My mom implied that I was insane, and then proceeded to pester me for a piece of garlic bread. Hmf. I was going to attempt ramen made over a candle, but then the power came back. I was sorely disappointed. I suppose I could've still tried, but the convenience of a working stove was too tempting.

I really have to scan this article Chris and Jenny found clipped out on my sister's placemat. It's about these high-tech toilets from Japan. They automatically raise the seat when you approach them, can play a variety of music (including the Japanese harp and soothing bird noises), and come with remote controls. Fraser was so inspired by it he wrote his writer's craft story from the perspective of the toilet. From what I saw of his rough copy it sounds very much like toilet porn. You heard me, toilet porn. Don't ask me how that works, it just does.

Rebecca~! I didn't know you had a LJ. I adore your Jack Sparrow icon.

[9 screams|Wanna scream?]     

\@w@/ [22 Feb 2004|10:22pm]
[ mood | Not productive in the least ]
[ music | fish, The Kaleidoscope ]

My family has had a box of biscuit mix sitting in the kitchen cupboard for as long as I can remember. So today I took a look at it and discovered that it is in fact 11 years old. I'm not even exaggerating, there's a date on the top of the box. Ewwwwwww. I'm afraid to open it, it might eat me.

I wanted a picture, but my dad disposed of the box before I had a chance to take one of it in all its 11 year old biscuit mix glory. *sad*

Try to find your way of out here and here. The first one is a lot easier than the second.

[Wanna scream?]     

Bacon buddies? [07 Feb 2004|01:12pm]
[ music | Kiseki no Kaori Dansu, Aya Matsuura ]

Just... wow. The drumstick and the steak look so happy. O___o

And these are certainly interesting.

[Wanna scream?]     

Hello, my flesh-lings [01 Feb 2004|11:03pm]
[ music | Something by BoA... haven't a clue what the name is ]

I took a picture of a portion of my Pocky box collection, simply because I could. Behold it. Embrace it. Love it.

I'm having far too much fun with my dad's digital camera.

Mmm, Pocky )

[2 screams|Wanna scream?]     

[31 Jan 2004|09:02pm]
[ music | My Will, dream ]

[info]meloise, you left before I could show you the first picture I took with my dad's digital camera. *sniffs* I'm actually pretty pleased with it.

Behold it, in all its pinecone glory. )

[info]drops_of_colour- I never knew Punjabi had an Indian restaurant. o___O;; (Note: Punjabi is my stuffed rabbit.)

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[28 Jan 2004|08:55pm]
[ mood | Badger badger badger... ]

This is so clever. I love it. I mean, who doesn't love a good Lord of the Rings/badger crossover?

[Wanna scream?]     

The flying hamster of doom rains coconuts on your pitiful city! [24 Jan 2004|10:35pm]
[ mood | OMG <3 ]
[ music | Only One, Yellowcard ]

I need this and this. Curse you Hot Topic and your distracting merchandise, I'm supposed to be studying for my history exam. D:

Look, [info]rhiann- Story of the Year!

[info]meloise wants the pirate underwear. *nods head sagely*

[2 screams|Wanna scream?]     

Random linkage, wheeee [22 Jan 2004|08:52pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | La Redecouverte, Yann Tiersen ]

Random hitting penguin with baseball bat game~!

And a slightly disturbing singing cat! (It's the lips...)


Deep fried bunny, anyone? Or bunny bento.

Watched the Wizard of Oz with [info]meloise today, for no real reason, and decided along with [info]silverwinged that Kakashi standing in the snow with a Tarepanda and a Totoro on his head surrounded by nin dogs would be overly magestic. We would most likely perish from the majesty overload.

[Wanna scream?]     

Brains for monster, MONSTER LIKE BRAINS. [19 Jan 2004|03:56pm]
[ mood | *beam* ]
[ music | Dreams in a Pie, Maaya Sakamoto ]

Fairyland has consumed my zesty brain. See? Spoony, my faithful slug, is absorbing brain matter through my skull. Yes, I'm perfectly normal. Except not.

Yesterday was [info]silverwinged's 18th bithday, so me, [info]meloise, [info]rhiann, and [info]drops_of_colour headed down with her to Pacific Mall for dim sum. I had been teasing [info]meloise about the kind of food we were going to eat the previous night (cow diaphragm, pig snouts, squid livers and assorted hoof jelly, to be precise. MMMMMmmmm, tangy.) because I'm an evil wench. It turned out to be normal food, though. *scowls* The gift Jenny received that really stood out had to be an Ayumi Hamasaki CD (Jenny claims she loathes her :D), the look on her face was simply priceless. I regret not having my camera out at the time. In the mall Jenny proceeded to crush my dreams. She flatly refused to go into a photo booth, and then wouldn't play DDR. I weep inwardly. ;___;

I'll get you to do both those things one day, Jenny, even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming. *smiles sunnily*

[Wanna scream?]     

[15 Dec 2003|04:07pm]
Swiped from [info]morlom

I adopted a cute lil' tempura fetus
from Fetusmart! mm..yummy.

Wow. Look at all its tempura majesty. o_o;
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[14 Dec 2003|10:16pm]
[ mood | Squishy! ]
[ music | Discovery, BoA ]

I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine. And he shall be my Squishy. Come here, Squishy. Come here, little Squishy! Bad Squishy! BAD SQUISHY!

*has been watching Finding Nemo*

Stolen from [info]isiliel

I know very little about some of the people on my friends' list. Some people I know relatively well. I read your fic, or we have something else in common and we chat occasionally. Some of you I hardly know at all. Perhaps you lurk, for whatever reason. But you friended me and that implies some kind of mutual connection.

But here's a thought: why not take this opportunity to tell me a little something about yourself. Any old thing at all. Just so the next time I see your name I can say: "Ah, there's so and so...she likes karaoke (or spinach, depending on who you gank from)."

I'd love it if every single person who friended me would do this. Yes, even you people whom I know really well. Then post this in your own journal.

[14 screams|Wanna scream?]     

[12 Nov 2003|04:26pm]
[ mood | very much amused ]

[info]silverwinged dearie, I said I'd send you Kakashi's Sexy no Jutsu from the PS2 game, but you don't appear to be on MSN. So... here it is~! Look at his majesty! I found it hilarious. X3

There's also a Sasuke one, but it isn't quite as good.

Birthday meme thing, cross out what doesn't apply to you, and put the ones that are especially true in bold.
Attractive Affectionate.Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves traveling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. (...) Loves home decors. Musically talented. Loves special things. Moody.

Meme continued )

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[09 Nov 2003|07:52pm]
[ mood | shiny ]
[ music | Tsumetai Hana, the Brilliant Green ]

Today was happy and shiny and bloody expensive. Me and [info]rhiann went to a mini anime con today, which wouldn't be worth the $10 admission if it didn't have the dealers room. And in there I happily threw away my money on Naruto merchandise. I got the first volume of the manga, but some of the translations really bother me. Take the translation of Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, for example. They call it "Art of the Doppelganger". And Sexy no Jutsu became "Ninja Centerfold". Little things like that are driving me slightly crazy.

What's amazing about today is that me and Amanda didn't get lost. It's sad, neither of us have any sense of direction. At least we had Rebecca and Kristen to guide us. It was nice to see you guys again. ^^

In Toys Toys Toys there was a Peter Pan doll placed next to a Barbie doll. He had his head tilted so he was looking right at her, his eyes were enormous, the expression of his face was one of pure bliss, and his lips were curved into the creepiest smile. It looked like he was checking her out, it was SCARY. I'll never look at Peter Pan the same way again.

Mark my words, I will go back to Kikiwai and buy that Sasuke figurine. And I'm getting [info]silverwinged the Kakashi figurine to go with it. Because he's magical.

Naruto quiz )

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[08 Nov 2003|12:38pm]
Here's something for [info]rhiann- I told you I had this saved somewhere.

Birthday thing )
[4 screams|Wanna scream?]     

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