Starberst (aka Starbie)'s Journal I have a tummy-ache. :-( Current mood: sick. So today I got up early and went over to Brendan's. We just lounged around all day being bums and watched some tv. It was nice. :-) Then I went into work... Here is the shock of the day... Sarah quit. Wow. I wonder where that came from? Work was mostly a night of stock. I totally clutzed and cut myself with the box cutter -- I am ok. I am going to bed really soon since I have to work at 8am. I don't mind...especially since there is the get-together at Brendan's house tomorrow night (well...technically tonight, since it is after midnight.) Some of his friends are in from Boston for the holiday weekend. If anyone would like to come, you are welcome. The more people, the more fun! :-) I met a bunch of his friends last night, they are total chill. Oh...I wasn't going to mention this, and I probably shouldn't, but I wanted to stop and thank the person out there who informed my boss of the existence of this journal. I know who you are... not many people know about this journal to begin with. Anyways, I wanted you to know, it doesn't matter, I'm honestly not upset about it. Most of the time this journal is quite vague, because you never do know who is reading this. And on the occasion I do go more in depth, I am honest. And yes, I have mentioned in here that I had been quite unhappy at work, and it is good that that is out in the open now. As for the time being, things at work seem ok. School is great, I like design class, even if the prof is a total hippy-child. :-P And... well, just life in general has started looking up since I met Brendan. I do not know what he sees in me, I am not worthy or the pedestal he puts me upon, but it does feel good to be appreciated. I wonder how I became so lucky to find such a great guy. *huggies* and love.... -B Current mood: tired. Which Peanuts Character Are You Quiz Okay...so Brendan calls me from work at 7:00 (said he would call at 7:30 - *giggles*) and we decide to hang out later so I hop in the shower. When I am in the shower, Dale (guy from McMonkee's on Saturday night calls and leaves me a message!) When it rains, it pours! I swear, this is not how things usually are for me. This is so strange... anyways, I am looking forward to seeing Brendan again tonight. :-) Current mood: cheerful. Current music: SDF. Awwwww! Find out what anime character cliche you are. This is great....Now who is she?? What were you thinking!? Find out what anime girl you are. I think I messed this one up... The Original Animated Superman Take the Cartoon Hero Quiz?. Once again...I think I messed this one up... You're the smartass jerk of Tiny's World! What Tiny's World character are you?. *meow* What fuzzy creature are you? Geez...and this was a surprise? LOL Find out if you are gay, bi, or str8. Ooh...like Princess Toadstool or something? Adorable Find out what anime character cliche you are. Fudge itzakadoozies! Just kidding..but they taste good on a hot day like today. :-P I must say, I find this whole name thing amusing. Brenda and Brendan. *giggles* Anyways, he is a total gentlemen. Very sweet. :-) Who knows? BTW.. current conditions are: 87 with a heat index of 98 and humidity is slightly low at 68%. BTW...I think the A/C is going. It is barely kickin' out anything. :-( I have never been one to ask favors, but could everyone please do to this site and petition? Thank you. www.saveoursabres.com Am I a piggy-ho? I turned down someone's phone number on Saturday night, got another person's phone number Saturday night (well, technically Sunday morning) and got yet another phone number today. What has happened? Has the ugly duckling suddenly turned into a beautiful swan or whatever the duckling turns into? And...please don't think I am asking for numbers...they are being offered to me. It is a strange, strange thing... Current mood: amused. |