recent confessions my, really... when and where can we talk about me now? Previous Previous
chasing ami...
confessions of a "Scarlett" woman
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With our first child, [info]shad7 and I took every class coming and going. How to breastfeed, what stuff you need, how the hospital stuff will go, etc.; including a neat class on how to choose a pediatrician. In that class, a former pediatrician walked us through everything with anecdotes about her own practice and her own experience as a mom. Not that we didn't get great info in it, but what stands out is her comments about her kids. Her first, as she put it, "came out eyes wide open and never closed them." Her very alert inquisitive kid. The second would've been content to sleep the first year.

On the way home from that class, Shad and I decided we wanted an alert inquisitive child. We got Tyson. And my family laughs and says we got what we asked for. There's no pity to be had.

This time around, I sarcastically made the , "yeah, well, this one can sleep" comment more than once. If anything, Peyton is more alert and inquisitive than Ty. Don't get me wrong, they're both great nighttime sleepers, Pey's even better than Ty was and he was good. All in all, he's been a pretty laid back kid, if a bit of a mischief maker. She's the epitome of laid back as far as her daily maintenance goes. She's a happy little soul, but she's starting far earlier with the mischief. She just gets into stuff. And she wants you to know she's into it. She pulls DVD’s off the bottom shelf of the rack. If you don't catch her, she giggles to get your attention. Then cackles when you scold. Same with electrical cords, chair legs and anything else on her level. Most importantly, she's discovered the glee in stealing big brother's toys. She's learned the cause and effect of steal, slobber, brother erupts. Not only does he erupt, but usually he doesn't want the toy back. Or if he does, Mommy gets involved to clean said toy, and that's even more fun. All the while, cackling with laughter. I am soooo doomed.
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General Randomness...
Since I was kinda on a roll with posting for content...okay, I was on a roll with posting without memes more than anything, but content was the goal. This isn't necessarily content - but it's not a meme either. So there.

Random things

We're half way through packing up this house to put it on the market. Which is has to be by week after next. We're also sans the shower in the master bedroom (sweet Mr. Davis removed that yesterday, with less new damage found than I was afraid would be. He did find more stuff than we expected, but apparently he had an inkling about how that would go.) Fernando of the lovely green eyes (who I've almost completely forgiven for missing two appointments to give us painting estimates) will have his crew here to paint on Tuesday. Hopefully we'll have a handyman get the outside utility door fixed one day next week. Then it's just left for Mr. Adams to do the carpet, and voila! good as new looking house. So there's that.

My parents are going to pitch a fit when I tell them I'm not coming down next week while this place is painted. It doesn't make sense. With gas prices, it costs a small fortune to make the drive right now and we were just told we'll have to fork over more on the shower. Skip that. Okay. Skip it unless they make me feel really guilty. Which they may. I'm not sure that they're completely thrilled we're building this house here and not in GA.

Did I mention that we're building a house here? Okay, in Apex. Which is kinda like Stepford-lite. Almost as many minivans and SUVs and stay-at-home-moms per capita, just not as much capita yet. I say yet because the outer beltline (I-540) will be running within a mile of our house in about 10 years. So yeah. It has great Stepford potential. I'll get around to posting links to the house plans and such eventually. For those of you I haven't tormented with that yet. I may even get around to posting pics of our dirt sooner or late. hehe.

Peyton. Crawling. Growing way too fast! I think I'm going to wean her to a bottle soon as well. A lot of factors going into that. Basically, I think it's right for us at this point. I've nursed her exclusively for 6 1/2 months. She's gotten the good stuff. I need my hormonal balance back now. Not to mention, as is, she steals her brothers sippy cup and knows how to use it. And like her brother, she could care less for nursing if it means sitting still for it.

Tyson. Still two. Some days, I think he may be two with all that entails forever. And then he has moments of absolute awesomeness. And when I step back from being his frustrated mommy, he's less two than he was 6 months ago. He's also more manipulative and sneaky and still no closer to being potty trained... What's even more fun, he doesn't look two. He's my tall, lanky little thing.

So. That's us. I know y'all wanted to know. There are more profound thoughts rattling around my brain, but they don't want to say hi yet. Most of is stuff that's been sliding farther back while I get this house stuff under control. Once that's done, there's Mothers and More stuff to be dealt with. And then, after all of that, I can think about Things I Want To Do. Like sell something I create. I got utterly creative a few weeks ago and made Something, finally. A friend of ours saw it and was impressed. Made me feel pretty good. Made me feel even better when her next comment was that I should try to sell them in local boutique. My muse and I need to get busy.

Current Mood: content

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And here I promised to stay away from the sheepdom...
but then I hit this one...

tallulah's LJ stalker is its_a_ghost!
its_a_ghost is stalking you because you said something bad about them on your LJ. They are also getting jiggy with your best friend!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder
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My day has just been made...
I just had a lovely conversation with my tile and plumbing contractor. Not that the conversation topic was that wonderful, it involved scheduling when he's coming to tear out our shower and replace it. His last few comments more than made up for that, however. He made a comment about my insurance agent being new and gung ho and sounded young, on the phone, at least. Mr. Davis hasn't met him in person. I have. So I stated that I assumed he was about my age and I'm 32. Mr. Davis (who is on the latter half of 50's, I'd say, if not more) tells me, and I quote: "You're 32? I wouldn't have pegged you at a day over 25." Mr. Will Davis just beat the painting contractor and his pretty green eyes all to hell, as far as my contractors go.

Current Mood: ecstatic

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Every once in a while, it hits me. My baby boy is growing up. Forget the fact that his sister (who is *really* supposed to still be a baby - yes, I is crawling now. Ty, who is still supposed to be toddling along, isn't a baby anymore. He' s my big boy. Not always completely in control of emotions and arms and legs (they flail on occassion), but he's my boy, not baby. He looks at me with that scary intelligence and tells me to talk to him. He works things out in his mind. He's a sneaky little planner. He's counting for me right now. With help, he can count to 34. By help, I mean you say every other number. But who the hell counts to 34, even with help, at 2 and 3/4??? At 34 he gets bored. Which is pretty much the story of my son. He's an angel, until he gets bored. And I have to admit, he gets that from me. We get bored, we make trouble. Shad will tell you he got his stubborness from me, but I think that comes from both of us. Shad and Ty both require making them think it's their idea before certain things happen. Between keeping him convinced behaving is his idea and trying to ward off boredom (the last three days have involved packing this house, boredom has been rampant.), that's my job. His sister gets the other moments, but then she's pretty content to play with her big brother. I can only hope she adores him this much 18 years from now. When they're really all grown up. *sighs*

Current Mood: wistful

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Since sheepdom is about all I seem to manage.
([info]calysto , it's because I'm too damn busy trying to post comments with content on the damn guild, I'm sure of it.)

I do like the cat however. I had a calico for ages.

tortoiseshell cat
You are a tortoiseshell or calico cat. Man, are you
nuts or what? You should try taking some
tranquilizers. Calm down, you hyper thing!
You've got a great personality though. You're
so lively and you are known for getting into

What color of cat are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Me? Get in to mischeif??? Surely you jest.

Current Mood: giddy

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tallulah is a restricted area. Authorised personel only


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i am sheep, hear me baaa...
I dunno about the Poland part.....but if I must.....

Your Husband Generator by Lady_Galadriel
Your Husband Is
You Metin the womens toilets
You Have6 children
You Livepoland
Ina normal semi-detached house
You And Your Partner Are Best Known Foryour wild sex romps anywhere and everywhere
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!
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That's it??? I'm plain old blue?
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Just so I get this in before it's not his birthday anymore....Happy Birfaday, Ghostiekins!
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I get my husband back today! Yay! (Yes, I know I *could* write something more profound, and I will soon, honest.)
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It's just not the same these days...
Yellow Jeep
Top down
Baseball cap
Jimmy Buffett blaring (Oh, and Jeep designer type people, the speaker system these days? It rocks. Thank you.)

It's such a short jump to smoking Macanudos on the dock and coffee 'n' American Spirits while I drive home from North Carolina at 2 am.

Yeah, the woman in the mirror this morning (the one with two kids and a minivan?) is really mocking my inner child these days.

Current Mood: nostalgic

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exchanges with my 2 yr old...
Ty: Mommy...what do I call my train?
Me: hmmmm?
Ty: I call him Toby. What do you call your shoe?
Me: I call it my shoe?
Ty: What do you call the TV?
Me: The TV?
Ty: No, you call it Daddy's. What do I call my TV?
Me: I don't know....what do you call it?
Ty: Just call it Tyty's.
Me: Oh.
Ty: (pointing to my TV in the nursery/craft room) And that's Mommy's TV. Mommy... Your's is little. Daddy's is bigger.

That is so the story of my life. *smirk* I'm just waiting on him to tell me Daddy's car is cooler. Which, I'm sure, is how the whole naming of objects started.
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Visiting with Toto and Dorothy...
Since I post so sparingly of late; I'm sure most of you didn't notice, but I've been gone for the last week or so. And yes, I know some of you did. I didn't fall off the plantet, I honestly thought I had told y'all. I went to Kansas. It was a planned trip, though that didn't stop a comedy of errors from occurring.

The errors... )

The man that was... )

The man that is... )

Glimpses of my past... )

Current Mood: reflective

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Phone Post
40K 0:11
(Help)(no transcription available)
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And in other news....
Now, that's just funny after that last entry...

Grammar God!
You are a GRAMMAR GOD!

If your mission in life is not already to
preserve the English tongue, it should be.
Congratulations and thank you!

How grammatically sound are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Current Mood: amused

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Wow...a real life, non-meme entry. Don't fall over in shock.
I recently added a young gentleman to my friends list. I'll say young not because of his age, I'm not actually certain what that is; but because he doesn't have the trappings of older adulthood that I seem to have accumulated - the spouse, the house, the kids and cars, etc. I didn't really think about WHY I added him at the time. He's in college (my alma mater) and has formed an LJ community for said school, but that wasn't why he was added. He seems to be pursuing a degree in English and has an interest in theatre, which I did as well. That wasn't the reason, either, though it accounts for the initial reading.

Wherein I realize why I added him to my list... )

Wherein I realize I'm not as young and idealistic as I once was... )

Wherein I realize there is hope... )

Current Mood: reflective...
Current Music: Earthbound, Rodney Crowell

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Weekly snarfage..since I can't seem to write much of my own...
from [info]calystoWhere was I when...

Well, you see, it's a long story... )

Current Mood: reminiscent
Current Music: watching fellowship of the ring

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Okay...for amusements sake....and only...

Just in case you always wanted to know just which political candidates your neighbors were donating to. It's also amusing to put in the names of famous celebrities. Sometimes it's fun just to see what they consider their job title to be. hehe.

Current Mood: amused

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Fun and Games from [info]greyyguy
A nice little name - letter - meaning thing. Not that I want to analyze too much....but:

Ami )

Tallulah )

Cassi )

The interesting thing to me - all three have their place in my persona. Cassi was the online name I used most prior to marriage and Tallulah after. Those very much represent my places in life at those times. And Ami(y) is pretty much me overall. Kinda cool.

The letters for those who want to play )

Go. Analyze. You know you wanna.

Current Mood: Sheepish
Current Music: sweet baby gurgles

one southern belle, complete with accent
Miz 'Lulah
User: [info]tallulah
Name: Miz 'Lulah
and on the fifth day of fifth grade...
Back June 2004
a few things to think about...
random things
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living,
My baby you'll be...