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User:libras (372600) libras
Name:The Libra Community
About:This is a community journal for those who were born under the sign of Libra.

The sign of the scales loves harmony and beauty above all things. Your airy sign rules civility, cooperation, and sharing, and is ruled in turn by Venus. Charming and romantic, you're a born peacemaker.

The Sun enters Libra approximately September 24, around the autumnal equinox (when day and night are of equal length) and departs around October 23. The equality that is present in the ratio of light and dark symbolizes the parity that Librans seek throughout their lives. Justice, fair play, and evenhandedness are important goals.

Off-topic posts will be deleted without warning (this is the warning).

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Interests:114: 3 libras, acting, aesthetics, air, animals, artistic people, arts, astrology, autumn, balance, beauty, birth signs, birth twins, birthday twins, birthdays, birthsigns, birthstones, blue, books, butterflies, chinese astrology, color blue, color pink, creativity, drama, empathy, fairness, fall, fine art, harmony, indecisiveness, indigo, ivy, justice, knowledge, law, libra, libra sun, libran, librans, libras, marigold, me, meeting fellow librans, meeting fellow libras, moon signs, my birthday, nature, numbers, numerology, occult, october, october 1, october 10, october 11, october 12, october 13, october 14, october 15, october 16, october 17, october 18, october 19, october 2, october 20, october 21, october 22, october 3, october 4, october 5, october 6, october 7, october 8, october 9, opal, opals, opinions, peace, persephone, personailty types, personality tests, personology, quizzes, sensitivity, september, september 23, september 24, september 25, september 26, september 27, september 28, september 29, september 30, signs, stars, sun signs, tarot, tarot cards, tests, the arts, the cat, the celtic zodiac, the hare, the moon, the rabbit, the scales, the stars, the sun, the zodiac, us, venus, you, your birthday, zodiac. [Modify yours]
Members:435: 2pacsdymeshorty, 2phresh2b4goten, _____brazen, __lacking, __nessa__, __planitbremix, _airf0rce0nes, _babyshambles_, _fierceinvalid, _firewater_, _nekromantic_, _saturdayschild, _skyfalling_, abix, absolutelynever, actingblood15, adammorgan, agentcabanas, akashawitch, alexus75, all_dolled_up18, ameya, amil, ange_du_matin, angel_electric, angel_of_harlem, angelrose0127, ardore, arikatt, ashevillain, ashley_spain, awaknr, babydolgrl, babygirl_crys, bajasauce, barristerminal, beaire, beepbeep, bellaqua, benclark, ber_michelle, bigjfan, bikinikilledme, black_sails21, bloodflowers6, bongviolator, bornabitch, brandstellar, brokeho, browneyedgirl_6, bubu_kittyfuck, burnttoastodoom, butterfly731, butterflybell, byrdie, cackiejackie, calzephyr77, camouflagekimmy, carly_took, carrielynn1002, casmonkey, catalyst_89, cchavez99, celtic4, celticdragon, ch3ls, cha0skittie, chelsy_lynn, cherrygoddess, chibi_kuri, chica_hermosa, chrisknight, christymau, cildrudyathe, clovernohime, co0kiepuss, composerntreble, concubine81, contentedbeing, crashingcleo, crazy_fool05, crazypixie1987, cruzangirlco04, curlyness, cutie365247, cycy, dark_gargoyle, darkenedmadness, darkjolt1, darkladyshadow, darksparkles, davereject, deannabannasc05, deceptiveeyes, dee_au, defile3, deliciousamami, delightful_rush, demilune, demonessofdream, devilsadvocate_, devilslilangels, dfi_media, dimana, dirtydina, dirtylilmedic, divineungod, dollyshoes, dragoondefender, dragynsidhe, drainyoutoo, dream_girl06, dreamerlost, dreaming_chaos, dreamingebony, dreamsrose, drknes_in_latin, dysta, eirbear, elle_giselle, elvenmagic88, emily_alyse, emmieakio, ericzlilmami23, estrangedsister, euro_in_america, ever_searching, evergrnterrace, evolve0jab, exmxs, eyesense, fallen_in_lies, fangedbutterfly, fdlflte, fembot, firestarter980, flourish_leslie, floydiankid, flygurl_69, flyinghorses__, foxgloves, gabriellea, genkigrrl, genoworld, gigglez311, girl_with_purse, girly28_145, giustizia4eva, glitt3rkitty, glowchild, gohei, greyhound75, grrtigger, hanksterz, harukakaze, heartflutters, heiregulus, heronnoire, hgbluesparkles, hheather, hillabee, hoin_it_up, honigtraeume, hotpinkshoelace, houseyou, howdoesittaste, i_like_cake, i_love_bois, iamthewitch, iceykissez, icshadowiclight, identityapex, iflookcouldkill, ikardiai, imgodsfavorite, impressionista, inchcafe, innamortata, intabooland, intenseblue, iolani, irishriddler, irregularbeauty, iseethestars, islandvixen82, itsalmostovanow, j0fo, jabberjenny, jack___, jearb, jennlynn434, jessemarie, jessiejlh, jismith, jo71, joy15, jpallan, judejogee, justfollow_beth, justright, jyangchareon, karmagini, karmicbliss, kastinkerbell, keemz, kelsnotchels, kibinki, killianhawk99, kissinintherain, kisssitup, kissynian, kokomo, kraziedanie87, kyooverse, lacheyluver, lady_daendre, ladyabhorsen, ladyenelya, ladymorgaine, laheie, laurapinkaura, left_unsaid, lemonpeppertony, lesoirlavende, libra_kat, libran24, librana, librandreemer, likeasuicide, lisabisa84, listless902, listo_chica, lonelymorbid, lost_in_a_maze, lostin_myself, love_rainonme, lptiffany, lucia22, lucknumber7, m_bovary, malevolent506, maniaca, marlb, marley_station, martin4u, mauliva, mekare_enra, mellie510, meryaten_ra, milkandcookies, mirisa_ardruna, miss101, missing_the_war, misstomkitten, mistressofsex, mmm_beer, monabutterfly, moonbunnie56, moonstorm13, moonyfairy, morbiddevalois, morgana869, morgwn, moulamein, moxi_713, murdoc_addams, mymindinyours, mystarflower, mysticnightsky, nadra, nazispleazdie, neraeya, newherebut_here, nicole_prn, nicolivalosavic, nilfalathiel, nivella, nix_101, no_hay_banda, nonexsistent, nosjavelin, nymphalidae, octaviomedina, octobers_child, oh_well_okay, orchidsdreaming, overflowinglove, oxladybugxo, palabrasverdad, pale_9, pandagirl1981, paranoidcity, pasta26mc, paulinahtoo, periwinkgal, phieryphoenix, pink_cup_cake, pinksoap, playher, pockettheroach, pointthree, pokerkitten, precioussoul, punkshoo, purfektlyflawd, purplequembel, pyro87, pyroska1, queenvi, random_sala, rapaciousdrew, raven_killer, ravenousnight, ravensedge, rawmantic, rehabilitating, rianessa, ridethesnake05, riotqueen, rosanna_al, rottenteenager, rozalin, rubarbaru, ryskia, sacre, sammy_gurl16, samram, sarcasticsusie, sassysweetheart, satanicmechanic, savemesomesushi, schoolyrdheros, scoffsatgravity, sea_vixen, sedatedmandrill, seek_n_destroy_, seminole, sevensleeps, sexbracelets, shakalaka929, shaynachan, shivanova, shotiegurl, sidhetragedy, sinistrous, skyhe, slynn, smandrova, snazzycassie, snow_mouse, sociofish, sonictwin, sorceressidhren, sortainsane, soulview, sparklez16, sparksxfly, stargazerlily44, starjasmine, starry_veil, steel_orb, stephienoodles, stitch21, strawberryfuu, sugarwithspice, sullenxshadow, summer_rain_66, super_bummer, supergato, sweetcalamity23, sweetcharity, sweetiepi2321, synthetikdreams, taffystar, tapewormsalad, tea_stain, telowin, tfapricot, the_creative_me, the_red_pandas, theurine, thewhitefirefly, tianna_ivymoon, tigerbaybee, tonic_star, tornbasilisk, totallyshinra, towering_blonde, toxic_erotic, tsarjames, tsuzuki26, turntodust77, ultratidesundae, unearthing_soul, unnrmlgirl, unopen_letter, unravel_inparis, utopiavista, vampirerascon, velveteyes, vetz, videokillsradio, vikala, vinokurov, virgolicious, vnlfrk319, wallmalker1, wayaway, waywardpixie, weezinreject, werecheetah, whenlovespeaks, whoisphillip, wickedshadow, wikkidraven, windyfurd, wingflutter, wingsinthewater, woefully, xcalixrosex, xchelsyx, xforsakenxstarx, xjanelliox77, xloser_childx, xo_lisa_ox, xoxfemmefatale, xpixiedrummerx, xxjackoffjillxx, xxmakemesmilexx, xxoe, xxxsweetmisery, yaymatt, yosi_, yustika, zoozyq
Watched by:347: 1dream_weaver, 2pacsdymeshorty, 2phresh2b4goten, ___killmenow, __planitbremix, _babyshambles_, _midnighttears, _sho0tingstar, _trellis_, a_child_ill_, abix, actingblood15, adammorgan, agentcabanas, akashawitch, altern_active, althera, ameya, amil, aneurin, ange_du_matin, antipeople, arikatt, ashirox, ashley_spain, askmat, awaknr, babygirl_crys, barristerminal, beckyc_924, beepbeep, bi_polaroid_kit, bigjfan, bikinikilledme, black_sails21, bloodflowers6, bluestarloser, bongviolator, bonniebiteme, brandstellar, browneyedgirl_6, bubu_kittyfuck, butterflybell, calzephyr77, camouflagekimmy, carly_took, carmental, carrielynn1002, casmonkey, catalyst_89, catch22, cchavez99, chemicalsilence, cherrygoddess, chibi_kuri, chrisknight, christymau, cildrudyathe, clovernohime, cmyk, co0kiepuss, coma_chrysalis, composerntreble, contentedbeing, cordelya, crashingcleo, crazypixie1987, cruzangirlco04, curlyness, cycy, cymine, dancingdreamer, dark_gargoyle, darkestlove, darkjolt1, darkladyshadow, darksparkles, darlingcruella, davereject, deannabannasc05, deceptiveeyes, dee_au, deebers83, defile3, demilune, devilslilangels, dimana, dragoondefender, dragynsidhe, drainyoutoo, dream_girl06, dreamerlost, dreaming_chaos, dreamingebony, dreamsrose, drknes_in_latin, dysta, eaglesfire, elvenmagic88, elyria, emily, emily_alyse, emmieakio, ericzlilmami23, estrangedsister, euro_in_america, ever_searching, evergrnterrace, evolve0jab, faeflieseternal, fdlflte, fembot, ffaddict, firestarter980, floydiankid, flyinghorses__, gabriellea, genkigrrl, gigglez311, girly28_145, giustizia4eva, glitt3rkitty, gloweracts, gohei, greyhound75, hanksterz, harukakaze, heartflutters, heiregulus, hgbluesparkles, hheather, hillabee, holomos, honigtraeume, houseyou, i_like_cake, iceykissez, icshadowiclight, identityapex, iflookcouldkill, ikardiai, imgodsfavorite, inchcafe, innamortata, intabooland, iolani, irishriddler, iseethestars, j0fo, jessemarie, ...
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