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The World According to Stophe
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Stophe's LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, May 5th, 2004
    12:52 am

    (touch the stophe)

    Monday, May 3rd, 2004
    11:24 am
    a little car goodness
    well, its funny, my car looks like its new- its funyn what a good waxing and cleaning will do...

    Team saurkraut!

    turn on the lights...

    more really nice pics to come later.

    also, a documentation of what's been goin on lately...
    good and bad-
    we shall meet again!

    (touch the stophe)

    Thursday, April 29th, 2004
    9:24 pm
    Post a memory of me in the comments. It can be anything you want. Then, post this to your journal and see what people remember of you.

    (1 people have touched the stophe | touch the stophe)

    9:23 pm
    1. Go into your LJ's archives.
    2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
    3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
    4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.

    "Listen to me now, believe me later, and think about it five days from now, girly man. You better not take your shirt off or you might cause a flabberanche"

    that's just beautiful

    (touch the stophe)

    Monday, April 19th, 2004
    10:17 pm
    survey time
    a real update of this weekend to come soon.


    (9 people have touched the stophe | touch the stophe)

    Thursday, April 15th, 2004
    7:15 am
    the party
    i'm throwing a party w/ my friend rob- this is the flyer i made-
    if you're in the tulane area, you know you wanna go

    its gonna be epic.

    (3 people have touched the stophe | touch the stophe)

    Tuesday, April 6th, 2004
    8:48 pm
    here, finally got some real ones! hijacked these off the website without having ot pay for prints :)

    thats my favorite one

    yep, finally some good action shots- makes me happy :D

    (2 people have touched the stophe | touch the stophe)

    Thursday, April 1st, 2004
    6:45 pm
    home is where i sit down and fart.
    well, i'm completely moved in to my new place! its getting better and better!!!!!
    i'll post pictures soon.

    Current Mood: very happy

    (touch the stophe)

    Monday, March 29th, 2004
    10:54 am
    Well, here'sthe big news
    after all this stupid summer internship application process, i finally heard back from my first choice.

    Guess who's gonna be an Intern for UBS this summer!?!?!?!?

    YES! sweet victory!
    I work at UBS right now, but dont get paid. This job however, is pretty paid.
    $17.50 an hour? i can do that! plus overtime? sure!

    I'm going to be working on their Taxable Fixed Income Trading floor right across the river in NJ- its only a five minte ferry ride and you're there. what i gathered is that i'm doing trade support, working between the traders and the Portfolio managers. its gonna be an intersting learning experience to see stuff from thsi angle. I might live at the NYU dorms during the program, to play adult and live w/ some other Investment banking interns. I'll do this only if I can't get my own room at home. I'm super excited about this. i worked really hard, and got what i was aiming for. this is a good day.

    Current Mood: accomplished

    (2 people have touched the stophe | touch the stophe)

    Wednesday, March 24th, 2004
    12:54 am
    hey guys guess what
    its friends only time again. until some people stop reading this, thats how its gonna be.

    if you want in, ask me to add you

    (17 people have touched the stophe | touch the stophe)

    Sunday, March 21st, 2004
    8:55 pm


    my time on the bike was 33 min, whch wasnt too bad... next time will be better

    (2 people have touched the stophe | touch the stophe)

    8:48 pm
    well, i competed in my first event! i did the bike leg of the 1st abitaman triathalon, a 10 mile job. i was a great time! over 500 people competing. I think we might have actually placed for the mixed relay teams! We had my little frat bro's GF swimming for us (400M), she used to be a junior olympian, my friend richter running (2 mi), and me biking (10 mi). the bike part was good, but at one point i had to get off my bike and jump a curb to get on the right path, but i think i did it in under 30 min, which is what i was shootin for. there was a nasty headwind going in one direction, but it helped us really fly on the way back. what a great time!

    and now for some pics!

    in the transition area after the bike part:

    A Really bad pic of me on the bike, but what can ya do... one of the pro photographers got a shot of me, so we'll see if i can nab a copy



    good times, good times
    i'll let yall know how we placed and all that once i find out

    (touch the stophe)

    Wednesday, March 17th, 2004
    7:17 pm
    i didnt think i'd ever do one of these...
    hey guys! well, i 2wanted to let yall know that i'm participating in a triathalon this sunday morning! i'm going to be part of a triathalon relay team, so i'll be doing the biing part. its my first competitive event ever, and its also my first triathalon ever! it should be a lot of fun, my part is only a 10 mile bikeride, but if anyone wants to come and show their support, check the website for when and where to meet!


    Current Mood: intense

    (5 people have touched the stophe | touch the stophe)

    5:51 pm
    can someone do me a favor...
    and check that my webcam is working?

    (touch the stophe)

    5:49 pm
    haven't posted lyrics in a while
    this is from one of my favorite artists- Zero 7. i dont know how popular they are, but there's some really mellow loungy type music. beautifully produced. good voies too.

    Spinning Zero 7

    Was it loneliness that brought you here
    Broken and weak
    Was it tiredness that made you sleep
    Have you lost your will to speak
    Was the earth spinning round
    Were you falling through the ground
    As the world came tumbling down
    You prayed to God what have we done

    Free me from these chains I need to change my way
    Heal these broken wings I need to fly far away, far away, far away

    Was it emptiness that made you weep
    No more secrets to keep
    Was it bitterness that gave you time
    To forgive your sins
    Was the earth spinning round
    Were you falling through the ground
    As the world came tumbling down
    You prayed to God what have we done

    Free me from these chains I need to change my way
    Heal these broken wings I need to fly far away
    Free me from these thoughts long forgotten down below
    Take these angel’s words give them life to carry on, carry on, carry on
    Free me from these chains…

    (touch the stophe)

    1:01 am
    for all you voyeurs out there...
    the Stophe Cam is back online!


    now come on, you know you missed it.

    (touch the stophe)

    Monday, March 15th, 2004
    11:30 pm
    here are the new toys!w
    im so happy!

    the new shoes are sweeeet

    here's a before and after shot of the shoes

    nice upgrade huh!

    and the new pedals

    and one of the bike for good measure!

    i'm as giddy as a schoolgirl. lets see how the equipment and i hold up against my first group ride tomorrow morning... its gonna be tough, and i'll probably get dropped behind, but thats just more incentive to train harder!

    (2 people have touched the stophe | touch the stophe)

    Sunday, March 14th, 2004
    8:38 pm
    bleh, real update to come soon
    never ever have i ever
    ( ) been drunk
    ( ) smoked pot
    ( ) kissed a member of the opposite sex
    ( ) kissed a member of the same sex
    ( ) crashed a friend's car
    (x) been to japan
    ( ) ridden in a taxi
    (x) had anal sex
    ( ) been in love
    ( ) had sex
    (x) had sex in public
    ( ) been dumped
    ( ) shoplifted
    (x) been fired
    ( ) been in a fist fight
    (x) had a threesome
    (x) snuck out of my parent's house
    ( ) been tied up (sexually)
    ( ) been caught masturbating
    ( ) pissed on myself
    (x) had sex with a member of the same sex
    ( ) been arrested
    ( ) made out with a stranger
    ( ) stole something from my job
    (x) celebrated new years in time square
    ( ) gone on a blind date
    ( ) lied to a friend
    ( ) had a crush on a teacher
    ( ) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
    ( ) been to europe
    ( ) skipped school
    (x) slept with a co-worker
    (x) cut myself on purpose
    (x) had sex at the office (their office)
    (x) been married
    (x) gotten divorced
    (x) had children

    (touch the stophe)

    Sunday, March 7th, 2004
    5:42 pm
    a little surveyage is in order.
    things are good. i'm moving into my new place at the end of the month. it shall be sweet. i'm going to partixcipate in a medical study, be a guinea pig, and get over $1000 out of it. $1600 with all my referrals, but we'll see. all that money will go towards my new bike that is being built up. like will be good. just went on a 30 mile ride. beautiful weather, its like 80 degrees and sunny out here. stopped by the levy after for a crawfish boil/ bbq that my friends were having, which made for the perfect post ride meal :P
    my fingers still smell like crawfish.
    My heart rate monitor is getting shipped tomorrow, as is my new shoes and pedals. i've super excited.

    Survey time!

    Last cigarette: two sumemrs ago when i was so wasted that i could smoke one without coughing.
    Last car ride: 5 min ago to move my parkin spot.
    Last kiss: this morning
    Last good cry: few weeks ago
    Last library book checked out: about a year ago- some book about how salt was used for money...
    Last movie seen: Pirates of the Caribbean (ARRRR!)
    Last beverage drank: Water and Endura Recovery drink
    Last food consumed: Crawfish and a hot dog
    Last crush: Kate Adolf!!!!! ( that kate, SO hot right now...)
    Last phone call: parents
    Last time showered: yesterday. but i need to do my post ride shower. i smells.
    Last shoes worn: Ddiadora Geko MTB shoes. but not for long...
    Last cd played: My MP3 mix cd in my car- over 120 tracks... gotta love it.
    Last item bought: clothes. SIDI energy cycling shoes and Shimano PD-R600 ultegra pedals from a bikeshop in north ireland!!!!!
    Last annoyance: my swollen throat
    Last disappointment: over the break
    Last time wanting to die: never.
    Last time scolded: uh, i dont remember
    Last shirt worn: blue/yellow louis garneau "24 hrs of adrenaline" bike jersey
    Last website visited:
    Last word you said: nice!
    Last song you sang: dont remember.
    What is in your cd player?: my MP3 cd, idiot.
    What color socks are you wearing?: blue/orange/white cycling socks w/ kokopellies on bikes
    What Color of underwear are you wearing?: none right now/
    What's under your bed?: an extra mattress, and your mother.
    What time did you wake up today?: 10ish
    Where do you want to go?:new york.
    What is your career going to be?: Portfolio manager or investment banker, something money like that
    Where are you going to live?: New York City.
    How many kids do you want?: 2. when i'm in my 30's
    What kind of car(s): hmmm... maybe a BMW 330 CI or something sporty yet refined. Maybe an audi A4...
    Current mood: exhausted.
    Current music: the darkness- "i believe in a thing called love"
    Current taste: water.!
    Current hair: Short brown and thinning
    Current clothes: tulane trainers and a lucy's t-shirt
    Current annoyance(s): nothing
    Current longing: Sushi + sake and my new bike
    Current desktop picture: Lance Armstrong.
    Current favorite artist: Picasso and Magritte
    Current book(s): "the goal" for school, and "skinny legs and all By tom robbins for personal. I HIGHLY reccommend this book.
    Current color of toenails: skin colored
    Current time-wasting wish: i wish i were at the bikeshop
    Current hate: investments test on tueday that i should study for
    My name is: Christopeh. Chris. Stophe. you pick.
    I may seem: crazy and insane
    But I('m) really: nice!
    Sometimes I feel: like a nut.
    In the morning I eat cereal w/ soy milk
    I like to sleep: on my side.
    If I could be doing anything right now I would be: lubing my bike.
    Money is: something that you can buy new bikes with!
    One thing I wish I had is: my new bike!
    One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: thinning hair
    All I need is: a massage and some sushi.
    If I had one wish it would be: To lead an independent life, beign able to experience all i've ever wanted to experience. and to just experience life as a full adult.
    Love is: expensive

    Current Mood: my legs feel like jello
    Current Music: the darkness- I believe in a thing called love

    (touch the stophe)

    Monday, March 1st, 2004
    10:50 pm
    yay, more pics!
    finally got one of me on my trainer!

    and one of my baby w/ the new saddle and stem...

    (10 people have touched the stophe | touch the stophe)

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